(even if you aren't vegan)
Ekul: Hteitfif liame! YAY!!!!
Congratulations on your 50th E-mail Ekul, You should have a party or something. Maybe invite all your alter egos and friends, and then go wild. What do you do, that's up to you. Congrats again, Chwoka
Ekul: Hmm... That's a rockin' idea! Kyves!
(Pan out. Kyves runs in.)
Kyves: Weaki neak geakin neak treak, reaka?
Ekul: No, we aren't. This is my fiftieth email! Celebrations ensue.
Kyves: Squeak!
Ekul: C11! Send messages to all my forms, your forms, Kyves' forms, and Trash Can's different time period.
C11: Berp berp-
Ekul: There's room for improvement. Put this CD player inside yourself, and turn it on when you want to say "Affimitive".
(C11 puts it inside him)
C11: boop bop- (Nasal, metalic voice) "Affirmitive"
Ekul: There!
C11: "Affirmitive"
(Suddenly all the Trash Cans land in one spot, but all we see is they come out in a cold area. The forms of everyone come out.)
Ekul and his forms: Trash Can!(Varyable; the spectrum of Trash Cans are all heard at once) You didn't malfunction!
Haystack: Well,
Dumpster: we...
Drainpipe: ...did...
Trash Can: ...try...
Disposal: ...extra...
Jettison: ...hard!
All Ekuls: HOW'D YOU DO THAT? (Yeah! How? is heard from one)
All time Machines: We're all the same thing!
Kyves: Squeak!
Zyves: (Whistly sounds) Tweet, sheet teet?
Ryves: Hernk, dernk!
Jyves: Ronkin!
YVS: Hrd plr dorr. (All nasal tyoe sound.)
Yives: Clock. Dock...
Okul: DUDE! Why does he make those sounds?
Sacul: I was pondering that too. Why is that?
Nekul: He's made of wood. When his mouth opens and closes, he makes those sounds.
Okul: Oh! It all makes sense now! He's made out of wood, so when he makes those sounds, it's because he's made of wood!
Sacul: What?
(Cut to the other three Ekuls, who are sitting, watching the Cs.)
Ekul: IT's my fiftieth Email!
Cul: No kidding? I answered fifty, too!
Ul: But... I had the fiftieth!
All three: Whoa...
(Cut to All the Cs. C is made of iron, but he seems to have some kind of creature in him. The rest look a lot alike. C10 looks more like K9 than any other one. C9 and C19 look like R2. The most)
All Cs: (Various untranscribable chatter.)
(They all start laughing. One accedentally shoots a taser. Then they all start zapping each other. Then they stop.)
Ul: They are inviting us to play laser-tag.
Cul: Awesome! I'm the best at this game!
Ekul: How should we divide the teams?
Sacul: I've got it! Six per team! Two Saculs per team, two C10s per team ans two Jyves per team!
Okul: Sounds fair. Anyone disagree?
(The Nekul time ones team up with Ul's time, Cul with Sacul, and Ekul with Okul. Cut to a clock. Four hours go by. Cut to Nekul.)
Nekul: Four hours, and no score! We must be really good with dodging.
Ekul: ('Offscreen) IT's a tie. Everyone, let's go eat ice cream!
(All the Cs show up, and project the "Email Ekul" thing again.)
Easter Eggs
Fun facts
This is the first fiftieth email on the site!