(even if you aren't vegan)
Ekul: S'ti emit rof rehtona liame, gnidrocca ot eht knil!
Yo, Ekul, Chwoka again. Just warning you about Darlon trying to take over Lukitia, or however it's spelt. Warning you (again), Chwoka (As if you didn't know that already)
Ekul: Nope. You spelled it right. Lukitia... Is a really boring place. Let me tell ya! I was exiled there for one hundred years, but managed to escape on year twenty seven! It looks exactly like Lukatia. He won't want that place.
(Cut a grey-lenze border, and him at his C11 in a room. Ekul talks amazingly slow)
Ekul: 11C... akcehc... ym... liame...
C11: (On screen) No (Pause, then the message deltetes itself.) new (Pause, Delete) Emails (Pause, Delete)
Ekul: Oh... No. I... need... emails. Maybe... there's soooooooooomething... else... to... do.
(Pan out. Long Pause.)
Ekul: I... bet... Kyves... Is... somewhere... else... doing... stuff...
(Pause. He gets up and walks annoyingly slow towards the exit. Fuzzy screen. Back to the present)
Ekul: No no no. That was Borkatia. I was wrong. Lukitia is a really lame-o place. It's so trashy and junky type... Well you should just see...
(Grey-lenze border. Ekul is in a room. Ekul talks in a very creepy voice, and monotone)
Ekul: Hi C11, Wha teh kinda emailz todayay?!1?!
C11: (On screen) HEyze! I'ma gonna chanegse mse slf so tjat o'm difflent. nahz lolz!!1!1 you'xe haev one memail!
Dar eklr! what you do talkz? you frien s buddt boy!
Ekul:Hah ha aha! thaz funny! I talkz lotz! I lak to saya "Yeah!" "Is" "The" "Now"! get it?! ghahahahjaa
(C11 beams the thing on the screen that says "Ahaha! emaia;s12 EKi;!" Cut back)
Ekul: Look, I don't like badguys, but even I would stop you from taking that place over! You'd die, Darlon!
Kyves: (Offscreen) Ceaki neakum squeak?
Ekul: Point taken. If he does mean Lukatia, then we are in trouble.
(Ekul puts a disc in C11)
Doctor Eccleson at ya service. Scanning for Darlon...
Ekul: This shouldn't take long!
Doctor Eccleson at ya service. Scanning for Darlon... Darlon found! He is in a ship coming south
Ekul: There we go!
(Ekul goes to the Trash Can's controls a thing appears on the screen.)
Who in Lukatia are you trying to contact?
Ekul: (Typing silently) Nearest ship to Darlon
Who in Lukatia are you trying to contact? Nearest ship to Darlon Ship found. You may start you message now.
(A captain comes on screen)
Ekul: I need you to blow up that ship over there.
Captain: Consider it done.
(A screen comes up)
Darlon fleeing. Good job.
(Cut back to C11, who projects "Email Ekul")
Easter Eggs
Fun facts