(even if you aren't vegan)
Ekul writes a comic
Lines: 71
Cast: Ekul, C11, Kyves, Team Coed Squad Team Boy team, Team Girl Squad, Senior Citizen Squad, Thatkidsam, Color Printer, Strong BAd
Ekul: D'ouy retteb emoc revo ereh! S'TI EMIT ROF SIHT!
Dear Ekul,
Write a comic about something.
Ekul: Um... Ok...
(A comic appears. it is labled "Something". The page turns. There is a person with a shirt that says "Something")
Ekul: (Voiceover) One day there was something.
Kyves: (Voiceover Squeaks as the below is written) some·thing (sUm'thIng) pron.
- An undetermined or unspecified thing: “We're all recalling something, furtively seeking something” (Virginia Woolf).
- An unspecified or undetermined amount or extent: We know something about the early settlers in this area.
- One having some or many of the same attributes, character, or essence as another: Trying to fix the computer myself was something of a mistake.
- A remarkable or important thing or person: He thinks he is something in that uniform.
- One who falls into a specified age range. Often used in combination: fortysomethings who attended their class reunion.
- Of, relating to, or being a member of a specified age range. Often used in combination: “the lives and loves of hip, twentysomething city dwellers” (Joseph P. Kahn).
- A little; somewhat: She looks something like her mother.
- Informal. To an extreme degree: He drinks something fierce.
something else Informal
- One that is very special or quite remarkable: Her new film is something else.
Ekul: Oh. I see. In that case it will be:
(A comic page pulls up that says: TEEN COED SQUAD. As Ekul says a name, a picture and the name pop up. The prarethesies are the quotes near the name)
LINEBACKER(friends with coach!!)
SKIT WRITER(school club dominator!!)
SUPERNERD(thinks he can skateboard!!)
BACKGROUND(pretends to be popular!!)
(A voice bubble pops up. A strange voice "reads" it)
Linebacker: I need my friends!
(The other three people walk up.)
Skit acter: Hey, guys! I've got play coming up! Who wants in?!
All: LET'S DO IT!!
Narrorator: AT PRACTICE!
(The robot is on the stage.)
Robot: This play stars Linebacker, Skitwriter, Supernerd, background, Football Player, Cool Dude, What's His Face, The Geeky One, Cheerleader, So and So, What's Her Face and The Ugly One.
(Senior Citizen Squad walks in. The Youngster runs over to the football players.)
Linebacker: Hey, Football payer, we're missing Football practice.
Football Player: You copied my name.
Linebacker: My name is more specific than yours, and no I didn't. C'mon.
Football Player: Ok.
Youngster: Hey! Let me watch! I used to play!
Cheerleader: Wait! I'll come! I totally want a date!
Cool Dude: So will I! I want to hang out with the guys who go to every sport team!
(They start walking off the stage, then they fall off.)
Narrorators Ekul, Strong Bad, Thatkidsam and Color Printer: OFF THE STAGE'D!
(In the corner The Geeky One and Supernerd are doing homework.)
Supernerd: I like homework!
The Geeky One: I like it too!
(So and So and Skitwriter walks over to them.)
So and So: Hey guys! Would you like to do my homework with me after school?
Skit Writer: I'll come too! I like homework too!
Both boys: Ok!
(Crustyskins walks over to them.)
Crustykin: What are you guys doing? Wheres your slide rulers?
Supernerd: I took apart my calculator for fun!
Narrators Ekul, Color Printer, Thatkisam and Strong Bad: CALCULATOR MALFUNCTION'd!
The Geeky one: We got killed by Ohms law.
(The fattest one walks over to the Ugly One and Backgound)
The Ugly One: We should get those geeks and nerds to hack in and put us on the Cheerleading team!
The Fattest One: Hey little girls. I think I related to one of you.
Background: Oh no! Your cholesterol level! IT'S GONNA BLOW!
Ekul, Thatkidsam, and Strong Bad: EXPLOSION!
(What's Her Face and What's his face are still practicing unlike everyone else)
What's Her Face: We'll be the only ones ready!
What's His Face: Then, we'll be as popular as the others!
Georgia hick: You guy's aren't good at this, Hyuck. In my day....
Thatkidsam, Color Printer, and Strong Bad: LECTURE'D! OUT OF BREATH'D!
All Four: IT'S OVER?
Ekul: Is that what you desired?
(C11 beeps. He puts a projection on the wall that says "Email Ekul".)
Easter Eggs
Fun facts