(even if you aren't vegan)
Ekul goes through the King of town to get stuck?
Lines: 118
Cast (in order of appearance): Ekul, C11, Coach Z, Kyves, Tandy, King of Town, Female penguin, Poopsmith, chef, blacksmith, Thatkidsam, Icreature, Lirkachu, Kyves, homsar, canine colony, news cast,
{Ekul is fixing C11. Coach Z has a hammok installed and is sleeping in it. Kyves is hitting the wall with a wrench repetadly}
EKUL: C11, I think your projecter is glitchy. I still can't trust you, but I don't really need to use you anymore.
{C11's visor turns red.}
C11: Dorp doorp droo...
EKUL: 'Smatter? Jealous? Well well well... You'd do the same in my position.
C11: Dorlorp dree.
EKUL: Hah. That attempt to make fun of me failed. Kyves, how it going?
KYVES: I'm almost done calibrating the ethernet spectrum. I only have to hit this wall with this size 31.415 wrench parentheses twelve plus or minus the square root of bracket one forty four minus four times eight times negative three bracket parentheses divided by two times eight more times
EKUL: Good good. I'm going to go now.
{Ekul climbs out of the trash can.}
KYVES: I'm going to kill the guy who wrote the manual for this.
C11: Dorp korp
KYVES: It was Ekul? No freakin way!
{Cut to The King of Town's Castle. The Tandy uncloaks and Ekul sits down.}
I've been waiting for you!
EKUL: Yeah, yeah. I knows it. Sorry about that.
The King of town suspects something. Be wary.
EKUL: Yeah, yeah. Don't worry
{Ekul types "Ekulmail.exe Pass: ***********************"}
Dear Luke Skywalker, er... Ekul,
What would you do if you were stuck on a desert planet
with Kyves, Icreature, Lirkachu, and Homsar?
Your cow puncher,
EKUL: {Reads the first line} LUKE SKYWALKER? Grr... You wouldn't believe how often I get "Luke, I am your father!" WHY MUST PEOPLE CALL ME LUKE? I mean... Oh look... Luke is Ekul backwards. I never noticed that before... Ahh well. {Ekul resumes reading, taking no notice at all of "Cow puncher} Well, you see-
Dah! You said it!!
EKUL: Said what?
A punch a cow type-
EKUL: {Angrily} ARGH! I told you not to say it!!! Bad computer!
But you said it fir-
EKUL: No excuses! You said it! You shall be reprimanded! By tomarrow type a thousand lines of "I will not say 'Punch a cow'"
That's not fair!
EKUL: It most certainly is fair! I told you not to say it!
You said it fir-
EKUL: No excuses!
Danger! The King is home!
EKUL: Augh! The return of the king! I got to get put of here!
{Ekul runs into the hall. The King of Town's shadow is on the wall. The screen zooms dramatically on it.}
KING OF TOWN: {Offscreen} Maybe I should...
EKUL: Augh!
{Ekul runs away, and puts an old helmet on that looks like Nekul's. The King of Town comes onscreen}
KING OF TOWN: What the... come back, Arson! Er... Loiterer! Burgeler!
{Ekul goes up one parapet, and The King of Town goes up another. Ekul races up the steps, and gets to the top. The King of Town is already up at the top, and has a cannon}
EKUL: What? How'd you beat me? I'm way more in shape!
KING OF TOWN: We were both on escalators. I was going up the up one, and you were going up the down one.
EKUL: Oops.
KING OF TOWN: But now the two towers face each other! And mine has a cannon!
EKUL: Crap.
{The King fires and Ekul jumps off, holding onto a rope. The tower top explodes. Ekul ends up dangling upside-down. A female penguin walks up and opens his mouth up. It starts raining}
EKUL: Wait... This is suggesting... romance scene... AAAAAAAAUUUUGGGGHH!
{Ekul jumps off and runs away.}
PENGUIN: What? I was just checking to see if he suffered any jaw injuries...
{Ekul runs through the feild. He sees a motercycle on the ground, and starts driving away. He rides into a Death Star-like trench. Suddenly a gigantic truck drives up beside him. The Chef is driving, the Blacksmith is in the passenger seat, The Poopsmith sits in the back and the King of Town is on a cabin on top with a cannon.}
KING OF TOWN: Muahwaha! I have you now! Surrender and you might live!
EKUL: Why the CRAP would I surrender?
KING OF TOWN: Oh! Er... um... I... um... Because I'll kill you!
EKUL: Not likely!
{Ekul speeds up. The truck attempts to run him over and smash him. The King of Town fires a cannon at him continuously, causing Ekul to go into evasive action, sweving left and right. Ekul roots around in the bag, finding a butterfly net. He uses his left wing to scoop a piece of a cannonball up. He throws it into the cannon, as it fires, causing it to explode.}
KING OF TOWN: Aww... Doohoo... my life is a joke... Get him, Blacksmith!
{The vehicle drives up beside him. The Blacksmith tries to hit him with his shovel. Ekul ducks. He tries to cut it off with his lightsaber, but it doesn't have a far enough reach. He puts it into his pocket again and takes a pole out of the pouch and attaches it to the net. He holds it by the net's side and has a sword fight with the net and shovel. A gigantic jump can be seen ahead. Ekul turns it around, nets the Blacksmith's head, and smashes it against the dashboard. The Blacksmith is unconsious immideatly. Cut then to Thatkidsam, sitting out by the Stick.}
THATKIDSAM: Thanks to that old man by the steet lamp, I now have a new blimp!
{In the background, a blimp can be seen in the background, lifting off.}
KYVES: {Offscreen and distant} Icreature, you said Thatkidsam approved!
ICREATURE: {Offscreen and distant} Hey, is that my fault?
LIRKACHU: {Offscreen and distant} Yes. Yes it is.
ICREATURE: {Offscreen and distant} Well, we'll return it without a dent. After we pick up Ekul...
{Cut back to Ekul, racing along. The blimp flies right over the ramp just as Ekul goes flying over it. The King of Town's truck fails the jump and goes carreening into the ground. The bike goes right into the the back of the blimp's hull, puncturing it}
{The blimp's back side blows, and it propells forward. It goes over the ocean, at a very fast speed}
KYVES: {Offscreen and distant} Onto the island over there!
LIRKACHU: {Offscreen and distant} But it's probably deserted!
HOMSAR:{Offscreen and distant} Objective cleared! Nobody can stand the might of Kanbei...
ICREATURE: {Offscreen and distant} IT's our only chance!
{Cut to the island. The blimp can be seen in the distance. There is a camera crew, and an extrodinary monkey colony is on the edge. Cut to a camera view, and it shows a news person, profile style, overlooking the monkey colony. The blimp can still be seen, just behind the canine colony}
NEWS CASTER: And here is the only colony of an extremely rare dogs...
{The Blimp starts getting closer rapidly}
NEWS CASTER: The only colony left, in fact!
{The blimp is very close now}
NEWSCASTER: These canines have high intellegence, and are-
{The blimp dramatically crashes into the island, right on top of the colony, destroying it and annilating all the canines. Cut to a bird's eye view. The camera crew and news caster go sailing into the helicopter. The helicopter takes off. Suddenly, there is a disturbance, and The blimp is sucked off the island. Cut to a deserted planet. The blimp materializes}
LIRKACHU:{Offscreen and distant} Ow. My head...
{Cut to a campfire, where a big hut is. Ekul, Kyves, Lirkachu, Icreature and Homsar are sitting around it. None of them looks remotly hurt}
EKUL: When do you suppose they'll find us?
LIRKACHU: You picked the right people to be stranded with.
EKUL: What?
KYVES: I have a ship, remember?
EKUL: The radio control doesn't work on this planet...
ICREATURE: Well, Lirkachu happens to be an expert electrician and I have an eye laser which could power a city.
LIRKACHU: And I have just the thing!
{Lirkachu takes some metal-like rocks, and Icreature zaps it into strands. An antena and wires are created and Lirkachu puts it on Kyves' remote control. Kyves types into it as Icreature zaps the antenna and Kyves' ship comes. But the atmoshere is too think. The ship can't get though.}
LIRKACHU: We've hit a snag.
EKUL: Homsar! Take us to space!
{Homsar's hat grows to the size of a car and all of them get in. The Hat zooms into the ship.}
EKUL: Wow! Can you believe our luck?
LIRKCHU: Actually I can.
KYVES: Yeah. Just take us home.
{The classic Strong Bad paper comes down, saying "Email Ekul!}
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