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F.C. Makes a terrible mistake

Lines: 20

Cast (in order of appearance: Me, F.C.


Ekul: He mail, she mail, we all mail, for email!

Ekul: (Stops reading at stupid) Um... What do I do with this? (contiues reading) Weird. Is it just me, or is this guy obscene?

Fourth in command: It's just you. HAHAHAHAH GET IT? OH MAN! When are we gonna attack next "Admiral"? At all? At least I have a life and a job,

Ekul: Not anymore. FIRED!(Computer screen flashes.) You're not allowed in here anyway.

F.C.: I'll just join the police and arrest you! Now! I... Don't have my key...

Ekul: Oh! Well... I guess you never passed advanced pickpocketing....

Ex-F.C.: Gimme That!


(The computer says tartis scrambled. Ekul runs off, the F.C. on his tail. They run through a swimming pool, dock (complete with the enterprise), Eiffel tower, rome, planet Pestulon, sweet cuppin cakes, and Brinstar.)

Ekul: What is it with the realism in the rooms of this place? it's like we're actually there!

(Ekul appaers at the pit of carcoon and throws the key into the sarlacc. The F.C. dives for it.)

Ekul:Dangit! I was just getting rid of your key! NOOOO!! Oh well... now he can't join the police...

(cut back to the main room. Ekul types unscramble)

Ekul:So there you have it Tyler. That guy always was a moron, but I feel bad for him. Now... Trash Can... You do a good job at emulating the actual places!

(The screen flashes "Thank you)

(The paper comes down)

Easter Eggs