(even if you aren't vegan)
Fight scene?
Lines: 69
Cast (in order of appearance): Ekul, C11, EC11, Kyves, Nived, Kyved, Tiger
Ekul: I dessim na liame.
I think your e-mail show is boring,
can you make it cooler?
Obliously you could have a fight scene,
but that would be a cliche.
Crapfully yours,
Ekul: WHAT?! I have TONS of fight scenes, action scenes... Shut up. Well, it didn't have my name on it, so... FWD'D! That was rather unfurfilling. Maybe another one. C11? Doit. Err.. Do it.
Microsoft(R) Windows 98
(C)Copyright Microsoft Corp 1981-1999.
Ekul: Crap! Now look! C11! TURN OFF THE EMAIL!
C11: ( on the scree) MANILETED!
Ekul: Wierd... that doesn't happen often...
C11: (Microsoft Sam voice) Ha ha ha... Now we have taken over C11!
(Kyves runs in)
Kyves: What's wrong with C11?
C11: I'm not C11... I'm EC11.
Kyves: This evil... it's too great for Microsoft...
Ekul: There's only one thing to do...
('Ekul and Kyves get blue cirlces around their feet)
Ekul: Dive Kyves: (in unison) Dive!
(Ekul and Kyves hold up their fists and begin staring at C11. Cut to a green room, with numbers on the walls that contiually change.)
C11: Welcome... to the Nivetrix....
Ekul: Nived! It's you!
Nived's voice: Yes... I am superior in this world... And all of your lives shall belong to me, Ekul.
Kyves: Err... Of course, he means me and him...
Ekul: (Quickly) Yes yes. Shut up Nived.
(Nived appears)
Nived: NOBODY says "Shut up" To me and lives!
(Nived changes his arm into a gun)
Nived: This is my world! I stole it from the cats!
Ekul: Wait... You mean this is the Catrix?
Nived: Yes, but it's mine now! After this world, the Earth is next then-
(Kyves shoots a bolt of electricty at him and he dives out of the way)
Nived: Hey! No fair! You aren't supposed to interupt people when they monologe.
(Ekul draws his lightsaber, and Nived shoots a red saber out of his arm cannon, Kyves hots his two electrical swords out. At this, he takes out another red ligtsaber, ubut it's double bladed. Ekul takes out his blue lightsaber as well.)
Nived: I am outnumbered... Kyes!
(Another duck comes out.)
Nived: I have a duck like Kyves. Kyved, you will fight Kyves.
Kyved: As you wish.
(He shoots out two swords and the two begin start fighting.)
Nived: Our names were similer,so we're good partners.
(Ekul and Nived begin fighting. Nived cheats by altering the environment, but he still does well. Eventually, Nived and Kyved get the upper hand. By some dumb coincidence, Kyves and Ekul get thrown back to back.)
Ekul: Kyves! I know how to gain some alteration powers!
Kyves: How?
Ekul: By getting something. Can you hold them off?
Kyves: Alright, but don't take too long.
Ekul: Fight defensively!
(Ekul dashes off. Kyves fights Nived and Kyved at the same time. Meaning five blades versus two! He fights defensively. Cut to Ekul, running across the landscape. Kyved notices.)
Kyved: MAster, may I have permission to chase him?
Nived: Fine, but try to lure him o'er here.
(Kyved breaks off and gets out a gun, and aims it at Ekul, who is running towards a cave. He jumps, ducks, and dodges every blast, which are pretty big. He finally makes it into the cave. He jumps over the shots, but they provide him light. He makes it into a chamber and grabs a crystal. He stops the blast by putting his hand up.)
Ekul: Hah!
(Ekul turns his arm into a beam cannon. He shoots it at Kyved)
(Kyved falls out of the Catrix/Nivetrix/Ekultrix. Ekul runsout of the cave. Kyves is exausted. Ekul shoots the lightsaber out of Nived's hand. Nived picks it back up and looks at Ekul)
Nived: I see you have a crystal! So do I!
(Nived and Ekul shoot at eachother. The terrain changes so much, that it turns into a vector graphic background that ripples. They blow up certain tiles, and the ground continues to shrink, until they have to use lightsabers again. The fight pursues until they are standing on one tile. Ekul sees the crystal in his pocket. HE grabs it, then his own, puts them together, then throws them into the sky. Ekul and Kyves wake up out of the Catrix. Ekul has the crystal. C11 is beside them)
C11: Korp! Docolock!
Ekul: We did it! Now we need to return this to the cats.
(Ekul runs out of the Trash Can to reveal they are in the jungle. A tiger is in the trees and hands it the crystal.)
Tiger: Hey thanks!
(Ekul walks back in)
Ekul: Set a new course!
(C11:"Email Ekul")
Easter Eggs
Fun facts