(even if you aren't vegan)
Ekul: Siht si tey rehtona liame par.
Dear E to the K to the U to the L, What would happen if you were stranded on a tropical island right next to the sun? --your heat-loving fan, --thatkidsam
Ekul: The TERRAN SUN!? Brr... No way. I can't stand the heat. Go into a round room and sit in the coroner.(Actually spoken that way.) Oh well. I'd better doit(Pronouces as "Doyt"), but I'll go to a deserted island in the equator. However, the Terran Sun is still colder, since that one email. Kyves! C11!
(Pan out. Kyves is standing there.)
Ekul: We have to go to some disastrous ship other-continetal ship, then do something to make it sink.
Kyves: Seakaleak?
Ekul: Only if you insist.
C11: (Poutish) Doroooo... DorOOOooo.
Ekul: I'm not in the mood, but it'll be kinda fun. I thought you LIKED the "Runaway Robot"!
C11: Beep borp.
Ekul: Well then think of it like that.
C11: Beep. (Sighing type noises)
(Cut to a ship that says "The LKS Unsafe13!" The trio board it.)
Captain: Welcome aboard! This ship is nuclear, but has not been checked in any way, so it could be leaking, but we don't care!
Ekul: Lead us to the equator.
Captain: Ok. I'm warning you though. We only have a thirty percent chance of making it that far.
(The ship takes off, but runs into a pier, then scrapes against another ship.)
Ekul: Can I wear a Nuclear Suit, since I'm the admiral?
Captain: Oh. I knew I was forgetting something.
Ekul: Oh, great. Now I'll have to take medicine every time I go near the reactor.
Captain: Ooh.. I thought I was forgetting something else.
Ekul: Fine then. I'll stay outside.
Captain: Ok. Be careful with the masts. They aren't very stable, and they splinter a lot.
Mate: Captain! Our reactor is acting up, and our engines are very unstable right now!
Ekul: So now we can't stop unless we release all anchors.
Captain: Yeah. It's a shame.
(The steering wheel on it breaks off ahead of them.)
Pilot: Sir! We have to have someone hang off the back of the ship to control the rudder!
(They hear a loud "SNAP")
Pilot: Never mind.
(A mate walks up.)
Mate: Our left engine is on fire.
Ekul: Maybe I should have picked a safer ship...
Kyves: Eaki TEAK yeaki.
Ekul: I know. We should have stowed away on a ship. Hey captain! Could you make sure the life boats are ready in case the ship blows?
Captain: Oh. We were suposed to have lifeboats?
(The captain leans on a tower.)
Ekul: It's part of our safety codes! We need to contact someone!
(The tower the Captain was leaning on tips over and falls on someone who's pushing a guy who has a gaget in his hands on a gurney.)
Captain: Well, we can't contact anyone, and that was our medical officer pushing the guy with the backup radio.
Lookout:(Offscreen) HEADS UP!
(Cut to a giant piece of sharp steel is floating in the water. Cut back to Ekul and the captain.)
Captain: It's a shame we lost our steering.
(The ship hits it. A loud "SCREECH! CRAAAAAAAASH!" is heard)
Ekul: Oh blast-
(A piece splinters into the ship, and another is sucked into the working engine.)
Mate: (Offscreen, heard on radio) A piece hit the main core.
Ekul: Kyves! C11! RUN FOR THE CARGO HOLD! I brought the Trash Can so we could escape the island.
(The trio run inside the ship. The Trash Can teleports into the water. The Can floats in the water, looking like your average floating trash can. The Trash can floats away, leaving the doomed ship's fate unknown. Cut to an island. The Trash Can drifts onto the land. Ekul, Kyves and C11 get out)
Ekul: Well, here we are. Let's go gather some materials to start a fire, a home, and some food, seeing as it's cheating to go inside Trashy.
(The trio split, and a montage begins. Kyves draws his swords and cuts down many trees. Then he drags them to an area, and electrifies his swords as he sparks them across each other. A fire begins. Kyves digs into the ground to find some kind of fossilized remains of another human who came here back in medieval times. He tosses him int the fire, and it churns black smoke. Cut to C11, who rams a tree, and several coconuts fall out. HE saws them into pieces, and pours them all into portable vials. Ekul is cutting down a few trees, then makes a log cabin somewhat quickly. Then he takes the leaves, and weaves them to make three beds. The trio admire their work.)
Ekul: Now let's wait while a plane notices us, and drink our smoothies.
(They fall asleep. They wake up as a guy comes and wakes them up)
Guy: Hey! I noticed your flame. Got a way home?
Ekul: Yeah, this was an experiment to see how long we would be rescued. We came here yesterday afternoon.
Guy: Oh. Well then...
Kyves: Squeak squeakin!
Guy: Oh! Take your possesions and load 'em into my plane.
(The three of them load the Trash Can into the plane. C11 projects the "Email Ekul" thing again.)
Easter Eggs
Fun facts