(even if you aren't vegan)
Ekul goes into the fundamentals of the universe and other stuff! Like his computer!
Cast: C11, Ekul, Kyves,
{The background is not the Control Room of the Trash Can this time. He is now outside in the snow. The projection is on a giant bolder}
EKUL: Ereh semoc eht liame par!
Dear Ekul, how ever did you get get C11? He is like, my idol(Not really, I usually have trouble acting like a character represented by a text description). By any chance did you get him at "Wal-Mart"? A cool thing is C11 reminds me of CE1 for some cosmic reason.
Not a fan of "Wal-Mart",
EKUL: {Reads aloud then types aloud} It's a good thing you told me you weren't a fan of Wall-mart. That might be catestrophic for some cosmic reason. Whoa! Cosmic Reason! Sounds like some sort of scientific theorum! It'd be all like:
{A blue backgrounded screen appears.}
EKUL: {Voiceover Words appear when he says them. The first sentence is a big header, and the second is small and in quotes} Cosmic reason. "Not the meaning of the universe, but close"
{Words stop appearing}
EKUL: Anyway, Cosmic Reason would be like, the fundimentals of galaxies and maybe some other stuff on the electromagnetic spectrum. Maybe it show some of the some new elements on the Periodic table! Like, Ganaxitribium(GAN), Conductibium(CE1), Noktite(NK), Kyrite(KR), Binetite(BE), Christophite(CT), Ekulyte(EK), Stuff like that.
{A really shiny piece of metal is very bright and sits on a stand}
EKUL: {Voiceover} Ganaxitribium is shiny and really bright, and is extremely reflective...
{Cut to a green metal on a stand. Lasers shoot at it, but it does not crack}
EKUL: {Voiceover} Noktite is like, the strongest metal ever.
{Cut to a piece of a purplish metal. It just sits on the stand, but a rocket ship and a speedometer are in the background.}
EKUL: {Voiceover} Kyrite is a microscopic fuel that is safe, nonpollutant energy and easily renewable.
{The speedometer neetle suddenly spins around the dial several times. Cut to a bright beautiful bluegreen metal that glistens very bright}
EKUL: {Voiceover} Binetite is worth a lot because of it's extreme beauty.
{A sword made of a silvery metal lays on the stand}
EKUL: {Voiceover} Christophite is sharp, and really good with war.
{Cut back to C11 and Ekul.}
EKUL: Ekulyte, I haven't figured out what it does yet. Neither have I cracked on Conductibium, but I'll leave that with you. Alright, onto C11's elaboration.
C11: Beep borp boop bipe.
EKUL: Ok, ok. I'll let you answer you're fan mail.
{Pan out. Ekul walks over to Kyves, and sits next to him.}
EKUL: Hey Kyves. Do you know the times?
KYVES: Deak Squeakem heak.
{Cut to C11, He beeps as the words appear on the screen.}
C11: Well, close-to-my-name, you want to know where I came from? Well, I'm about one month old, but my developer creator was my predecessor, C10. Although Okul and Jyves played some part too.
{Cut to Okul and C10}
C10: Doop doorp.
OKUL: Radical! So you're saying that we could like, link the Y96 to the X147? I'm not sure it'll work, but we could actually be more efficient if we linked the Z59 to the X147 !
JYVES: Honk, konkhornk donk lonk konklonk dock?
{Cut back to C11. He's still beeping as he puts words on the screen.}
C11: Then it took a while between emails that Ekul could finish my hardware. Finnally, here I am now. See you later, CE1 the awesome!
{C11 beeps. He puts a projection on the bolder that says "Email Ekul".}
Easter Eggs
Fun facts