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Strong Bad let's Ekul use the lappy, but it looks like the compy for some reason

Lines: 41

Cast: Strong Bad, Ekul, Homsar


(Ekul walks into the Strong Hold, and right into Strong Bad, who, you guessed it, is answering an email.)

Strong you see, Heraldman, it turns out I don't have many money reserves so I-

Ekul: Hey Strong Bad,

Strong Bad: Gah! What're YOU doing here?

Ekul: I need to use your computer.

Strong Bad: Tough. Oh Strong Ma-

Ekul: AND I'll give you 100$ after the email's done!

Strong Bad: Whoa! Why do you have so much money?

Ekul: Let's just say that some rich guy is going to be hungry.

(Ekul sits on the chair and types on the lappy "Ekul_Mail.exe Password:*****************************)

Ekul: Siht emit M'i gniog ot rewsna no Gnorts S'Dab Yppal.

Ekul: Whoa! (Talking without taking a breath) This guy thought I was going to give advice, but guess what

Ekul: Won, otno eht txen eno!

Ekul: Good for you, roy!

Ekul: Uoy nac pots em!

Ekul: I consider this spam. I keep spam right?

Ekul: Dear Nicolas! My brother and I say that you and your brothers are morons!

Ekul: Gnihton nac pots em! GNIHTON!

Ekul: You think I hate Homestar? Well I hate to do this,

Ekul: Not really, flamer!

Ekul: Well...(Looks up, as if in though, staring into space. Then he snaps back down right as he says the next word.)

Ekul: Dear Mike! How do you type since you're yodeling upside down all the time?

Ekul: Apparently you know nothing about origins of stuff! Where do you live, a hole?

Ekul: Oh! So now I'm losing my touch! My last email is better than you!

Ekul: That happened once, but apparently you are serious because of the quality of the email. You're just asking for it.

Ekul That about does it. No more stinkin' emails that put a bad name to the internet. No more spring break slackers. Ahhh....

(Homsar comes in.)

Strong Bad: Hey! What happened to your the paper?

Ekul: My computer fired it.

Strong Bad: Oh. (Turns to the Lappy.) Don't YOU do that, now.

Easter Eggs

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