(even if you aren't vegan)
Ekul: Ood ood ood ood ood... Rehtona eno si derewsna
Dear Ekul, ,lukE raeD What would dluow tahW happen if you uoy fi neppah went into the eht otni tnew mirror zone? ?enoz rorrim
Ekul: Oh great; now I don't know what your name is. Your name is Sammy Kid...(Types it below the message. Types in response) let's see! Now it depends on what kind you mean, Jack! There's The negative world, the Shadow world, the left to right reverse... twisted reality... I dunno. I'll go to the one where it's an alternate reality.
(Ekul walks out of the room. Cut to a giant mirror in a totally unfarmiliar area)
Ekul: Let's see if Color Printer was a reliable guy...
Kyves: Geak sqeaken!
(A gun pops out of the top of C11's head.)
Kyves: Reaky, eam, FEAKI!
(C11 shoots at the mirror. It bounces off and hits the ceiling)
Ekul: This doesn't bode well.
(The ceiling starts shredding. The walls' matter is shred apart into vapor. Kyves slides the mirror out of a vaporized wall. The floor starts to vanish. The vanishing spreads past the floor, and keeps on going down)
Ekul: I know what happened! We shot it out at an angle! Now it shreds the matter! This is a perfect cahnce to try my first sucessful invention, the GRAVITY GUN!
(Ekul shoots it at the vanishing ground. It bounces off and stops suddenly in the center of the roomall the vanishing matter suddenly starts circling the gravity point.)
Ekul: That might have been worst, in retrospect.
(Kyves gets out a device that turns out to be a gravity shield. Everything starts getting sucked in. The hole begins to turn into a Neutron Star)
Ekul: There are several wrong things to do here! I've got to use another invention! Like this fusion gun!
C11: DORP!!!
(Ekul shoots it, to C11's dismay. It begins turns from a Neutron star into a Black Hole!)
Ekul: ...And That was probably a bad idea, too. How about my fission gun?
(Ekul presses a switch on his fusion gun)
(Ekul fires the gun at the Black Hole. The gravity shield breaks then)
Ekul: That was the very worst thing I could have done!!!
(The Black Hole suddenly instantly sucks in everything in the universe. Then cut to at a different universe. A boom occurs from a black hole. It explodes, but instead of plooming in a Omninova, another universe spits out. Zoom in on earth.)
Ekul, C11 and Zyves: (Offscreen) AAAARRRRRGGGLLBLBLBLBL!!!
(Cut to the three on an island, with much of the ground the way it weas just before the black hole exploded.)
Ekul: I should have realized something when I was leaving to go to this island, to test the mirror zone.
Kyves: Queak?
Ekul: I'm not in Lukatia anymore. Let's go back.
(C11 projects a thing that say "What will happen since the universe collided with another? Find out if you EMAIL EKUL!" on a remaining wall.)
Easter Eggs
Fun facts
- "Twisted Reality" is a world in Homestar Runner Strategy Guide.