(even if you aren't vegan)
Cast (in order of appearance): Ekul, Tandy, C11, Coach Z, Homeschool, Loyalshot, Marty, Kyves, guards
{Ekul is at the Control Cylender, but instead of his trademark jacket, he is wearing Okul's. He gets up and walks into his room, and gets on his tandy}
EKUL: Tandy, nobody remebered it was my birthday today...
Hmm... I wouldn't worry about it too much, seeing as nobody celebrates my day of release.
EKUL: {Sighs} Oh well... I suppose I should answer an email...
Dear Ekul,
Why don't you take all your li'l pals on a snipe hunt?
EKUL: that is a good birthday idea. I think I know a bit about sni-
{Suddenly, he gets hit by a bullet. Kyves is in the upstairs of Ekul's room with a sniper rifle. He takes out a walkie talkie}
KYVES: This is Sunbird to the Green Rapping. Sunbird to Green Rapping. Target pwned and aloned. Commence plan "Omega-Epsilon-Delta-Theta-Gamma-Psi-Mu-Omnicron-Lambda-GoEkulIt'syourbirthday-Alpha-Pi-Xi-Eta-Nu-Zeta-Iota"
GREEN RAPPING: Rorger that. Uh, remind me not to let Loyalshot make the plan names againymoire.
KYVES: Yeah. F'real.
{Cut to Ekul laying down in a bed. He gets up to see he is in a strange room and he is wearing his Tux}
EKUL: Whoa! Where the crap am I?
{Ekul opens up the door and is surrounded by big buff guards. The first one that speaks sounds like Arnold Shwartzenegger}
GUARD: I am under strict orders not to let you go.
{A box below says}
- You'll have to fight me first!
- I'll pay you!
- {Turns around and goes back into cell}
- What's going on?
- What should I do?
{A cursor highlights "What should I do now?}
GUARD: Maybe there's a secret passage in your room?
{Ekul goes back inside. A certain ceiling tile glows}
EKUL: Ahah!
{Ekul climbs on top of his dresser and opens the tile, then slides through. He sees a light ahead and climbs to it. He seees a meeting, but the only people he can see in the meeting is a blue shirt and Kyves.}
VOICE: ...But what should I put in for him?
OTHER VOICE: It's your own fault you waited for the last minute. You take your money, and leave.
{Ekul falls out of the ceiling and lands on the table}
KYVES: NO! How much did you hear?
EKUL: Enough to know that you're up to no good!
{zoom out to see Loyalshot, Marty, Homeschool, C11 and Coach Z as well}
MARTY: Umm... you sure don't SOUND like you've heard us discussing our birthday plan-
{Several guards come in and start beating him over the head with a rubber hose.}
{Cut to his cell again. He is handcuffed to the wall. The door opens and the guard comes in}
GUARD: You're time has come. Get ready for the experience of your life...
{He takes Ekul and leads him into a dark room. The lights turn on. It's a restroom. The guard hand cuffs him to the towel rack.}
GUARD: I have to use the rest room really bad first.
{Ekul waits for a while. Eventually he yawns. Finnally, you hear a flushing and the guard comes back in view, washing his hands. Then they head back to the hall. They enter another hall, then go into a dark room. Then lights come on and it's very colorful with baloons and banners. Kyves, C11, Marty, Loyalshot, Homeschool and Coach Z are all there.}
EKUL: Oh man. This is so cliché. I mean... I can think of at least a few other incedences. I can't remember thet though.
MARTY: Then why do you care? COME ON! Let's have fun!
{Cut to a computer console. Everyone is standing around it.}
C11: Beep-
KYVES: Nobody can understand you except almost everyone here. Let me explain. C11 has gotten the cats in the Catrix to let us use a section of it for your birthday.
EKUL: Then, everyone, what are we waiting for? DIVE!
{Everyone holds their fists out an blue circles form at their feet. Cut to a field. Ekul appears, the Kyves appears. Then C11, Loyalshot, Homeschool and Coach Z appear. A strange message appears in the ground}
The Catrix has you.
EKUL: Cool! Did you do that for me?
KYVES: I sure did!
HOMESCHOOL: I arranged for a few activities for us to do. The first-
{Suddenly, the ground opens up, and they start falling. Cut to all the team laying on the floor. Ekul slowly gets up}
EKUL: Aahh... that was fun.
{Kyves gets up, too, followed by Homeschool. Marty gets up next, followed by Loyalshot, then Coach Z}
COACH Z: That was fun when I shouted "Xyzzy".
HOMESCHOOL: Yeah. But that wasn't on schedule.
MARTY: I think the Catrix recording system broke when the floor opened up.
{A bell rings}
LOYALSHOT: Ooh! That'll be the cake!
EKUL: Where did you order it from?
KYVES: We ordered it from the Haxron Teleron IV Universe, Cake-minato Hut.
EKUL: Excellent!
{Cut to a dining room, where remnants of cake is laying around. Kyves stands up}
KYVES: It's time for the presenting of our gifts!
EKUL: Sweet!
{Loyalshot comes to the front}
{Loyalshot hands Ekul a strange pair of lenzes.}
LOYALSHOT: These can peer through certain things.
{Ekul puts them on top of his own lenzes, and they merge}
EKUL: Cool! Thanks!
{Coach Z hands Ekul an MP3 player}
COACH Z: Here you gor!
EKUL: Fun!
C11: Dorp.
{C11 hands him a mechanical gaget}
EKUL: Thanks.
{Homeschool hands Ekul two strange gagets}
HOMESCHOOL: These are Tractor beams, but they act similar to grappeling hooks.
EKUL: Whoa! Cool!
{Kyves hands Ekul his normal robe}
EKUL: What the-?
KYVES: It can turn invisible among other things now!
EKUL: Ooh! Wow! I wondered why I was in a tuxedo!
MARTY: I got you this:
{Marty hands him an amulet}
MARTY: It can cause heightened psychic powers
EKUL: Oh wow. How-
MARTY: I stole it off the guy who killed you in my universe!
EKUL: Whoa... well, that's about it guys. Thank you so much...
{The classic paper comes down}
Easter Eggs
Fun facts