(even if you aren't vegan)
Ekul: Yllanif, YLLANIF.
Dearest Ekul, It is I, the Black Penguin. Have a black CURSED DAGGER OF EVILNESS. Hope something bad happens to you. MELTING ALL DA ICE, Black Penguin
Ekul: Oh no. It's you. The dreaded son of Larrad. AKA The Raiding Radical who slinks in the shadows... You... You have an empire now, don't you? I thought you'd given up after your relaytive killed Okul! No! I must resist!
(Pan out.)
(Kyves runs in)
Kyves: Squeak?
Ekul: It's Nived!
Kyves: Squeak?
Ekul: He's related to the guy I told you about that killed Okul!
Kyves: YEAK!!!
C11: (On the wall) Who blew most of C10 into smithereens!
Ekul: Jyves barely got out. He died very soon after. Back in 1990...
(Okul, C10 and Jyves are standing in a wasteland. They are very badly torn up. A penguin with robes similer to Okul's is standing there)
Figure: Muahahahaha...
Okul: You... you can't win Larrad...
Larrad:Ha ha ha...
(Larrad takes out a large gun and aims it at Jyves)
Larrad: Now it is fully charged! DIE!
(C10 rockets in the way, and is blasted mostly into smitherines, but his memory part and camera part are mostly intact)
Okul: NO! C10!
Larrad: That is but a taste of my power!
(Jyves realeases his swords and fights with his battered body against the fully healthy Larrad. Larrad puls out a sword similer to Okul's, except instead of being a blue shaft of electricity, it's yellow.)
Larrad: Fool.
(Larrad fights with Jyves for a while. After getting damaged a bit, he stabs Jyves in the side, and jyves is electricuted a lot. He falls over, clutching his side.)
Larrad: Your attacks on me were like the stings of a bee.
(Okul runs over)
Larrad: Okul, you have not won last time
Okul: Maybe not, but you had about infinnity soldiers with you!
Larrad: Please; 9572364
Okul: 9572363, since one tripped and broke his neck, but you had the upper hand!
Larrad: Yes, and your broken body is a sign that I still do!
(Okul runs over to Larrad, and the two fight with amazing results. It's a very cool battle scene. Larrad finally sticks his sword through Okul's chest. The scarred Larrad laughs evilly.)
Larrad: Ha ha ha... I am victorious! And my weapon is charged again!
(Larrad takes his gun out and aims it at Jyves.)
Okul: NO!
(Okul throws his sword at him. It pierces his back. He surges with electricity. Okul slumps down and discontiues moving.)
Larrad: It's all the same! The bomb... will.. drop.. any m..i..n..u..t..e...
(Larrad falls down Jyves grabs the intact part of C10,he tries to get to Okul, but suddenly an explosion occurs. Jyves is forced to flee. Cut to the Ekul, Kyves and C11)
Ekul: So that's how it all went down. The intact camera of C10 prooves it.
C11: Boop bleep.
Ekul: Good. Trash Can, you search for his whereabouts too. Last time it was in greenland, so search around there. In the mean time, people, email me!
(C11 projects "EMAIL EKUL!")
Easter Eggs
Fun facts