(even if you aren't vegan)
Discount flashback warehouse sells worthless stuff.
Lines: 23
Cast: Ekul, Homsar, Trebort
Ekul: Now it's
Dear E-Cool,
I have a theory that everyone has
had one day that pretty much sums up
their life so far. What's yours?
Ekul: (Types aloud) Sorry. I am disinclined to concur with the compository of that hypothetical petion. However, you had a nice name so I'll help you prove it anyway. Ready?
(Fuzzy flashback)
Ekul: GRRR! Stupid Dicount Flashback Warehouse... 500 dollars... down the drain... I'll kill that guy! (singsong voice) Oh dinglydude!
(Homsar wobbles on. He's wearing a turban, and workclothes.)
Homsar: Hi there tuxedo
Ekul: Eathstarday on the five, four, three. Phasmatically blackout on the cosine of X Y and A.
Homsar: Aaaah! I've seen Bach!!
(Homsar skitters away. He then comes back with a tape.)
Ekul: Beeds fall forever.
Homsar: I'm after myself.
(Ekul sets up the tape. It turns on. It goes fuzzy again.)
Ekul: I forgot! I bought the Flashback Shower at Discount Flashback warehouse! That scammer. He's going to be visited by Trebort this afternoon. There goes his Funmachine, and Superfunmachine!
(Ekul goes back to the screen and types in a screen name. Trebort pops up.)
Trebort: General ready for duty- Oh, it's just you. Hey!
Ekul: Yeah, we have a scam artist. It's Strong Bad.
Trebort: I'm on it. Hey guys-
(The video-instant-message shuts off.)
Ekul: Sorry. I can't show you. Strong Bad is such a con artist! Freakin' idiot!
(As a substitute for the paper for now, Homsar comes in with a shirt telling you to email Ekul.)
Easter Eggs
Fun facts