(even if you aren't vegan)
Ekul saves nebulon... without C11's help
Lines: 104
Cast (in order of appearance): Ekul, C11, Kyves, Nebulon, Aliens, Coach Z
EKUL: Hgis... rehtona liame... rehtona yad...
KUL``*^(*&^ DID MES^^*GA MY D"``STO*&)RYT WEHA&^(TE ID RGA Nebulon (distortion filter: name only)
EKUL: Hmm... it looks like gibberish, but it seems to be a distress call... C11, run it through the filter.
C11: Beep.
EKUL: This should do it...
Help, Ekul! I'm being chased by evil aliens trying to kill me! I hope this message didn't get scrambled,
EKUL: Ah! Poor Nebulon! We GOTTA save that guy! Quick! Kyves! You know what to do!
{Pan out. Kyves runs in.}
KYVES: Ok.. Setting a course! Tracking nebulon...
{The Trash Can appears in space. A Flying Saucer is chasing Nebulon.}
EKUL: Quick! They'll kill him! C11, remeber your penalty. You can't go with us today.
{The Trash can beams onto the Saucer.Ekul and Kyves dash out.}
KYVES: Here we are. Now, all we need to do, is find the self destruct button!
EKUL: Yeah, but this class of flying saucer has no self destruct button.
KYVES: Shoot. Well, the we have to go to the main control room, then shut off the shields. Then, we return to the Trash Can. That's when I will jump into my ship and destroy the Saucer with missiles!!
EKUL: Good idea! Let's go!
{Ekul and Kyves duck out, and sneak their way to a wall. Then, Ekul begins hacking into a console on the wall}
{Footsteps can be heard}
KYVES: (whispering} Hurry up! I hear footsteps!
EKUL: (whispering} Hang on...
{A map of the saucer flickers on screen. The footsteps are getting louder.}
KYVES: (whispering} We don't have time to print it!
{Ekul takes out a camera and takes a picture. He shuts it off, then ducks out of sight, Kyves right behind him. An alien passes them.}
ALIEN: I coulda sworn I heard something. Whoa! My English is really good now! Hmm.. I wonder why I'm speaking it right now...
{The alien leaves. and they get back out. Ekul looks at the picture.}
EKUL: The control room is in the middle. I never would have guessed. Why would they put it in the middle?
KYVES: The middle? Wierd.
{Ekul and Kyves walk into another room. A guard is in the middle, looking at a cofee stain on the ground}
ALIEN: Awww... Dernit! Now I have to clean it up. Wait... Why am I speaking English? I guess I panicked and used a secondary language. I didn't know I could speak it this well though...
{The alien starts cleaning up the floor.}
ALIEN: Stupid... coffee... Why did I have to stain it so bad?
{Ekul and Kyves slip past him quite easily. They step into another room, filled with guards. One is on the floor screeching in pain. everyone (Including Ekul and Kyves) seems to be straining to stay up}
EKUL: (whispering} Why is everything feel so weighted in here?
ALIEN: I TOLD you we shouldn't have played dodgeball with bowling balls in 5 Gs!
KYVES: (whispering} Five gravities... no wonder...
{Once again, they slip by very easily.They then run through a hallway.}
EKUL: Why is everything so easy?
{Kyves just smiles. Then they get to the bridge door. Ekul opens it then steps inside. Kyves drops something. then picks it back up. He looks down at it. The smile vanishes.}
KYVES: Oh no...
EKUL: What?
KYVES: Nothing, nothing. Quick! Find the shield button!
{Kyves looks very frantic.}
EKUL: I found it!
{Ekul throws the switch down}
VOICE: Acess granted. Please put your acess card in or alarm will sound.
KYVES: Oh no!C11 has the acess card emulator! We're doomed! Quick! Look like you did something else!
{Ekul runs over to the gun on maximum and fires. Alarm sounds. A guard bursts in}
GUARD: Hah! Caught you in the act!
{More guards run in and grab them. One guy puts scanner on them}
GUARD: Let's see... There's two lightswords on the penguin, two electrical swords on the duck, not to mention an assortment of other stuff... Good work, men! We're gonna have to block the sword passageways on the duck...
{They are led through the ship down to the brig. Kyves looks at his watch and smirks. They are thrown into a cell. Their weapons are placed on a table. The key is way out of their reach.}
EKUL: Well that's too bad. Oh well. I guess we have at least a LITTLE time to break out before they execute us.
KYVES:C11, do you read me?
C11: {voice coing from a thing in Kyves hand} Dorp. Borp. BEEP DOP BORP!!
{Ekul and Kyves dive to the ground as a meteor, seeing as there's no shield, crashes through the hull and breaks a hole in their cell. The air sucks the meteor and the wall of their cell back onto the wall, and Ekul's lightsabers get sucked to the wall as well, fusing the meteor to the wall.}
EKUL: WOW! Why are we so lucky all the sudden?
{Ekul grabs a pouch conaining all the stuff they stole from him and grabs his lightsabers.They run back out in the hall, as a "Meteor alarm" goes off. Ekul cuts the "Sword blockers" off of Kyves hands. A guard sees them. Ekul throws a saber at him. He grabs his saber from the guard, then the two run into the Trash Can. Kyves gets out his remote control. Ekul beams the Trash Can out, and Kyves shoots the missiles into the helpless Saucer. Nebulon lands on the moon.}
KYVES: I'll tell you later.
EKUL: What?
EKUL: Well done. We did it. And without C11 too...
C11: BORP! beep borp!
EKUL: What? The missiles we launched went towards Free Country USA? Oh no! Where?
C11: Corp zorp beep
EKUL: Coach Z's new house he bought yesterday? That's not a good thing! Quickly! Beam there!
KYVES: Coach Z's not gonna like this...
{Ekul types frantically. The Trash Can beams next to Coach Z's house. Coach Z is standing near where the Trash Can beams.}
COACH Z: Gonna have a good time tonight! Hey, it's Ekul!
{Ekul and Kyves jump out}
KYVES: A missile is headed for your house! Jump in!
{The three jump into the Trash Can just as the missle hits. Unfortunately, they don't have time to close the lid. The blast comes into the control room, and fade to white.}
{Fade back to the scene. Ekul gets up, hurt. The control room is badly damaged. The screen on the wall is cracked, sparks are coming form all over the room. C11 is broken, but not destroyed. Coach Z is on the ground. Kyves is against the wall.}
EKUL: Everyone... okay?
KYVES: I'm alive...
C11: {Staticky} borp...
COACH Z: I'm alright...
EKUL: Trash Can... diagnostics...
TRASH CAN: {Somewhat distorted} Time traveling... offline... Space traveling... offline... Main power silo... offline. Auxillary power... online... AI system... online.
KYVES: It looks like we're using my ship to travel... And we'll need a temporary computer...
EKUL: I guess... these... are the consequences... of not allowing... C11 on our trip...
{C11 puts a somewhat distorted "Email Ekul" up}
Easter Eggs
Fun facts