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Ekul describes Lukatia

Lines: 12

Cast (in order of appearance): Ekul, Penguin pirates


EKUL: !'M &0NN4 4N5W32 3M4!15 1!<3... Oh never mind...

EKUL:(pronounces "Hagurumon" like "HA! Gururumon") Er... I AM the admiral of Lukatia... But, beating around the bush, he would probably glare at me, and try to negotiate or something... seeing as Lukatia is a big pirate country. (clears screen)

EKUL: Anyway digital monster, Lukatia is a Arcticland of great magnitude with many Seal spies. General Trebort be the leader of those arctic troops

(cut to a Artic with pirates)

EKUL: (Voiceover) Seeing as I'm a pyro hippy penguin marauder, all pirates are.

(Scene cuts to the same pirates either hugging icebergs, or lighting things on fire, like Orcas)

EKUL: I will perpetually be... (wicked guitar solo, and trapset) EKUL THE MARAUDING MANIAC WHO LIVES IN A TRASH CAN! (Everything turns sketchy like it was in Japanese cartoon.)

(Green paper comes down)

Easter Eggs

  • Click on Perpetually to see a perpetual motion machine that says "TTM" and in small letters below says "The TTM Machine"

Commentary (Guest Star, Thatkidsam)

THATKIDSAM: Hey, guys! It's a me! Thatkid! ...Sam. Anyway, welcome to the commentary for the second email, called "President".

EKUL: This one was a little better than the last one. Lukatia wasn't in-depth, though. Oh, and there was a really bad pun about "Beating around the bush"

THATKIDSAM: Heh. Everybody has their own name for Hagurumon. I came up with "Hagrewthman" for some reason. And I should have read this email first to get a general idea of Lukatia and stuff. I didn't know much about it just by reading the ones around email 30.

EKUL: It used to be even more inaccurate, but I corrected it. But, yeah. This is the email about it.

THATKIDSAM: Oh, man! It was a woodland! Wow. Penguins in the woods. {Chuckles}

EKUL: {Laughs} Yeah. I was very ridiculous. The scariest thing is that I remember spending a long time one this...

THATKIDSAM: Well, I spent a freaking long time on a lot of my emails, and they didn't come out that spectacular. Oh well. Both of our email shows got a little bit better on the second email.

EKUL: If I had to rate this on your scale, I'd give it a two after being slightly moderenized. This was back when I used to make sure my emails scraped past the ten line minimum.