(even if you aren't vegan)
Lines: 136
Cast (in order of appearance): Ekul, C11, Kyves, Coach Z, Bubs, Strong Bad, The Cheat, Darlon, Homestar, Marzipan, Pom Pom, Homsar, King of Town, Poopsmith, Strong Mad, Strong Sad
{Cut to the control room, where everything is badly damaged and scaffold is all around. Ekul is working on C11. Coach Z and Kyves have face shields on, and is working on the Trash Can.}
EKUL: Kyves, how long until the computer systems on these ruins are online?
KYVES: A few seconds to a year.
EKUL: Dang it! Can't you narrow that time frame?
{Kyves knocks a box onto the floor and it breaks open.}
KYVES: Okay, since that happened, I can narrow the time frame.
EKUL: Oh, great. Coach, How's the time mechanism working?
COACH Z: Well, the fact that I norw have tor live here helps and will be dorne in a few weeks or so.
EKUL: Thanks Coach. And C11's AI systems are online, but that's about the only thing on him that works. I'm going to take a break and use Strong Bad's Lappy again.
{Ekul leaves the Trash Can. The Trash Can's exterior appearance is unchanged, but it's sitting in a crater. Ekul passes Bubs.}
BUBS: For all those supplies, you owe me fifty thousand dollars.
EKUL: Oh, don't worry about that. Let's just say that Strong Bad has way more money than he'll ever care to have. He won't notice it's gone.
BUBS: Oh. {Whispering} Gotcha!
{Ekul walks past him. He walks into Strong Bad's Computer Room. He is typing}
STRONG BAD: So, Chwoka, I wish I could shapeshift like you, but as you just saw-
EKUL: Strong Bad!
STRONG BAD: Augh. It's you again.
EKUL: C11, my robot computer, got caught in a explosion. Can I borrow yours?
STRONG BAD: No. I don't want mine to suffer the same fate.
EKUL: But it's only one email!
STRONG BAD: That's what those wiki users always say! Do you no how much money I spent on replacement computers?
{Strong Bad closes the Lappy and runs away. A thump is heard}
EKUL: Well that plan flew out the window, just like Strong Bad did. Maybe The Cheat'll be nicer.
{Ekul runs offscreen. The Cheat is making a toon}
EKUL: I'll give you a two thumbs up reveiw if you let me use your computer!
{The toon turns on. Everything from here is PTBC. Bolded syllables are incorrectly emphasized. Itallic syllables are underemphasised.}
{The ground is green, and Strong Bad comes out. The Cheat comes in, two}
STRONG BAD: Hey The Cheat. How are you doing?
THE CHEAT: {Angrilly} Meh neme teh!
STRONG BAD: Oh no. You are right. I have been evil. Homestar better beat me up.
{Homestar walks in.}
HOMESTAR: Oh The Cheat. B-man needs beating up.
{Homestar kicks Strong Bad into space. Cut to outer space}
STRONG BAD: I deserve this.
{Nebulon flies past. He holds up a sign that says "Get out of here, Strong Bad, nobody likes your style.}
{Things are back to normal}
EKUL: Let me guess... Strong Bad kicked you again?
THE CHEAT: Meh. nemma keh.
EKUL: Four star. Can I borrow your computer?
{The Cheat gets up and leaves. Ekul sits down.}
EKUL: A derdnuh daernu sliame no eht llaw, a derdnuh daernu sliame
hello ekul,
don't you think it would be funny if you glued
medford, nj
strong sad's hands to his face? I think it would be...
EKUL: CAPITALISE! GRRRR! This one has "Bad luck" written all over it. And besides, Strong Sad has enough gluing already without my help. So bother someone else.
EKUL:Ahh... just emptying out the bad ones. Next one.
Dear Ekul:
Why is it that your superhero name does not end
in "man" just like Superman, Spiderman. etc, etc...
Your friend
EKUL: Now this email is worth answering. It has punctuation... capitalization... spelling. {Starts typing}Well, Stiny, I haven't even become a vigilante, yet. But I should make one, like... Ekulman! Nah, that's too obvious. As is Marauderman and Maniacman. Errr... Tempman? Nah, as you can see, that could mean I was only a replacement. Karhkdman? That has too many consolents. The- Human- Torching- Iceberg..man? Too long. Err... What about... Fireiceman? Nah... I need a consultent or something. The Cheat? What should be my superhero name?
THE CHEAT: Nem keh nek.
EKUL: Bi polar? I'm not bipolar!!
THE CHEAT: keh meh sed steh.
EKUL: Oh. I mistranslated. PolarFlame? Awesome name! No "man" in it though. Who cares?
THE CHEAT: Stehneh.
EKUL: But ONLY Stiny. Now I need to have someone I care about kidnapped or something.
{A brick goes through the window with the sycamore. Ekul runs over and picks it up. A note is attached to it. Ekul picks it up}
EKUL: {Reading aloud} If you ever wish to see Coach Z again, give me all of Bubs' money in my secret lair at the wharf.
EKUL: Well, I guess there's only one thing to do. Get out a horrible-looking makeshift costume, and save Coach Z.
{Cut to Ekul with a ridiculous looking costume. He has a red version of his robe and has a blue Speedo-type hat. He has a black mask. He also has a crimson cape}
POLARFLAME: I need a better costume. This thing is awful! The Cheat, promise me you'll have a better one later.
{PolarFlame leaves. Cut to the wharf. Darlon is there}
DARLON: Who is this this weirdo?
POLARFLAME: I know this costume is horrible, but I have to save the world.
DARLON: The world? I just wanted Bubs' money.
POLARFLAME: Oh. Sorry. I'm here to save Coach Z. Ready to duke it out?
DARLON: Duke it out with my minion. KYVES?
POLARFLAME: NO! Kyves is good!
KYVES: That's what I'd like my friend Ekul to think!
{PolarFlame freezes Kyves' hands.}
KYVES: Dang. How'd you know I have swords under there? Oh well. I always have my plane!
{A plane swoops out from the sky. It shoots a machine gun at him. Kyves jumps into it}
POLARFLAME: I guess I'll have to fight fire with fire, so that when you play with it you'll get burned.
DARLON: Are you primarily Japanese?
DARLON: Then are you primarily chinese and secondarily Japanese and Free Country USAan?
POLARFLAME: Shut up, Darlon. I have a plane to fight.
{PolarFlame heats the winsheild of the plane, so that it gets fogged.}
DARLON: You've won this time. Have Coach Z.
{They leave. Coach Z runs past PolarFlame}
POLARFLAME: Dang. They got away. I'd better get back to the Flaming Ice cavern.
{PolarFlame flies away. He lands next to a cavern, and walks in. Reynold and the Cheat are in there.}
REYNOLD: I finished your costume.
{A costume is pinned onto the wall. It is all green, and has PF in fancy letters on the chest. The cape has a blue triangle on it. An ice-blue helmet with a flame coming out on the top sits on the costume.}
POLARFLAME: Now THAT'S a costume.
{Cut to Ekul at Bubs'}
EKUL: HEre's the money, right there. And intrest, too since I took so long.
{Ekul hands Bubs the money. Strong Bad in a mask comes up and aims a gun at Bubs}
MASKED STRONG BAD: All your money. Now.
{Ekul slips away, then PolarFlame enters. He freezes Strong Bad, except his head}
MASKED STRONG BAD: Shoot. Heroes are getting better all the time.
{Pom Pom comes up and takes him away. HOmestar comes up.}
HOMESTAR: The Police don't like you anymore. You're under arrest.
POLARFLAME: Surely you can't be serious.
HOMESTAR: Nah, just kidding.
{PolarFlame and Homestar start laughing hystarically.}
BUBS: ...What???
{PolarFlame leaves. As Ekul, returns to the the Trash Can to see C11 stolen.}
{PolarFlame tries to fly, but he hits the ceiling.}
POLARFLAME: Oops. I forgot.
{PolarFlame climbs out. Polar Flame flies to the wharf to see Darlon at the top of a tower. He is holding onto C11, ready to drop him off one side, and is holding the car with the entire Homestar cast in it.}
DARLON: This is why one only idiots are heroes. Because some lunatic will come along with a sadistic choice. Let destroy your robot friend, or suffer the cast of Homestar runner. Now CHOOSE!
{Darlon drops both. Dramatic music plays. Then zoom out to see that both the car, and C11 are sitting on ice platforms.}
POLARFLAME: You see, this is why only losers are bad guys. Because they neglect the hero's intelligence.
{Kyves steps out, and starts fist fighting with PolarFlame.}
POLARFLAME: Don't do this!
KYVES: Why not?
POLARFLAME: You used to be my best friend!
KYVES: You're Ekul? Whoa. So?
POLARFLAME: There's no reason for you to just switch to the bad side.
KYVES: Good point. And I realize that if I have a last minute revelation, I'll probably die.
{Kyves and PolarFlame walk over to the tower. PolarFlame burns the bottom.}
DARLON: I gotta get out of here. Next time, PolarFlame. Next TIIIIIIME!
{Darlon flies away. Ekul extiguishes the fire by freezing it. The Homestar Runner cast carry C11, and climb down.}
KYVES: Now I wish I could be a hero...
POLARFLAME: Where ever evil-doers are, they will freeze at my command and get burned by playing with fire!
{C11 projecter puts up "Email Ekul"}
Easter Eggs
Fun facts
- Chwoka is a member of the Wiki who can Sjhapeshift, and has all psychic powers.
- Darlon is his Evil twin. "Evil" used to mean playing pranks, but now he's constantly trying to rule the universe.