(even if you aren't vegan)
Ekul: Ew lliw ew lliw kcor uoy!
Dear Ekul, Ever since your 50th E-mail, you've been getting alot of new messages. Good luck handling them, Chwoka
Ekul: Um, thank you. Now that I know that, what do I do. Answer two of them? Fine.
Dear Sir: I was once the president of the United States. Richard M. Nixon
Ekul: Ah! I remember you! You were raided by Okul when he was only thirteen! 1973! yep, yep. Awesome. you died awhile ago. I'll foreward this to Okul, back in time!
(Ekul types "Fwd to 1976" Cut to Okul on C10 in the drainpipe)
Okul: Yes! It's from that guy I invaded! From that United States place! JYVES?
(Pan out. Jyves comes up)
Jyves: Honk honk?
Okul: It's Nixon!
Jyves: Klonk...
Okul: Yep. What should we do? A: Whomp the U.S. Army again, B: Be nice, C: Ignore it or D: take it as an invitation to hunt gangs?
Jyves: Donk!
C10: Doop.
Okul: Ok! D it is! Let's goooooo!
(Okul presses a few buttons on the Drainpipe's controls. The Drainpipe shakes suddenly.)
Okul: Zounds! Not again.
Drainpipe: Would you like your meal cooked, fried, marianated, baked or scrambled?
Okul: None, please
Drainpipe: All of the above chosen
Okul: Oh, blast.
(The room starts to glow red.)
Okul: I got'n idea!
(Okul stabs his sword into a power node on the wall and turns his sword on. The lights turn off and the heating stops. They walk out of the Drainpipe. They are in an ally.)
Okul: That was a close call.
(The three walk along. There are three gangsters.)
Gangster one: Lo'k! Th're's a lit'le birdie, a rub'er duck and a toy!
Gangster two: Let's rough 'em up.
Gangster three: Yes! Fin'lly som'thin' to attack oth'r th'n walls 'nd trainin' matches!
(Okul engages with Gangster one, Jyves with Gangster two and C10 against Gangster three. Okul, Jyves and C10 come out with ease.)
Gangster one: Whoa! We gots t' g't outta here!
(Thirty one gangsters walk up.)
Gangster: W' outn'mb'r you twelv' t' 'ne!
Other Gangster: Ugh, you guys know nothing about math! I know I just joined, but you told me you were math wizes!
(That gangster leaves. The three begin fighting off them, though they are outnumbered. They still win.)
Random Gangster: W' gots t' split! They strong!
(They all run. A massive horde walks up)
C10: Boop doop.
Okul: One thousand five hundred? Yikes.
(Cut to Okul at C10 in the Drainpipe)
Okul: (Typing) So there you have it, James Monroe, there were to many to count by four calculators by the end. That was pretty tiring. Anyway...
(C10 projects a thing that says "EMAIL OKUL Ekul!" the wall.)
Okul: Hey! Don't email him! EMAIL ME!
Easter Eggs
Fun facts