(even if you aren't vegan)
Guy misspells Antarctica=Ekul mad
Lines: 59
Cast: Ekul, C11, Kyves, Strong Mad, Strong Bad, The Cheat, Blacksmith, Coach Z
Ekul: Kool tuo! M'I KCAB!
Dear Ekul,
If you're a penguin,
-grape leon
Do you have friends
back in Antartica?
Ekul: Yeah buddy; LUKATIA IS IN ANTARCTICA! Sheesh... A guy comes in and spells the continent name wrong and things he knows all about it...
C11: Krrr koclocko der berp
Ekul: Yeah, you're right. Hey Kyves!
(Kyves walks in)
Kyves: Squeako squeaken?
Ekul: Let's go and make a raisen out of the grape lion.
C11: Krock derr berr dep.
Ekul: Oh. I forgot about that. And you don't have an IP tracer, do you?
C11: Bop.
Ekul: Well, then...
Kyves: Squeak! Sqeakon Squeakin!
Ekul: Ok! Let's go raid Strong Mad's room!
(The three run out. Cut to them running to Strong Mad's room)
Ekul: Now we can just walk right into the door.
(Ekul smashes right into the door.)
Ekul: Ok, bad choice of wording. We'll open the door and walk inside the room.
(The three walk in. Strong Mad ahas several Wrestling belts made of solid gold. There is a bookshelf on the wall, and there's three treasure chests in the back. Two are regular and one has a terminal on it. One has a plug without an outlet, and one has a keyhole. The trio walks toward it, but a cage falls and suroounds it. The three shrug, and start searching the room. Kyves flies up and circles the room for a better view, Ekul heads for the closets, and C11 is towing all the championship belts out. They empty the roomfor awhile, even taking the bookshelf. The trio of friends try to open up the gate, but the door opes up and Strong Mad, The Cheat and Strong Bad walk in.)
The Cheat: Meh hen.
Strong Bad: Whahala? You're not taking sides? THEY INVADED OUR HOUSE!
(A voice booms)
Voice: It's no matter...
(The blacksmith walks up)
Blacksmith: You let me be a substitute for you or Strong Mad in wrestling. I'll help. The Cheat won't be of any help anyway.
(The Cheat runs out crying at those words.)
Ekul: Ok, guys. I'll take Strong Mad. Kyves, you take the Blacksmith. C11, you take that guy with the wrestling mask on.
Kyves: Squeakon Squeak Squeaken Squeaky Squeak.
Ekul: Good plan!
C11: Beep bop derrberr krocolok cok!
Ekul: Good idea.
(Kyves draws his electric swords and runs, swords ready, at the Blacksmith. C11's speaking device pulls out a magnet, shoots something out of his head and onto his mouth. It appears to be a disabler. He circles Strong Bad, who gives his Nunchuck gun some air. Ekul starts his lightsaber. It doesn't turn on. He shakes it.)
Strong Mad: HA HA HA!
(Ekul throws it at Strong Mad, and it lights up, hitting him, but not cutting anything off. It rolls back to Ekul, who, astonished, picks it up. Strong Mad picks up his pipe.)
Stong Mad: YOU PAY!
(The Battle starts. Ekul and Strong Mad fight it out. Strong Bad eventually shoots C11 after a grueling fight, and C11 falls to the floor. Likewise, Kyves slices the Blacksmith in a frenzy, who falls to the floor, twitching with electricity.)
Kyves: Squeak squeak squeako.
Blacksmith: NO! (sadly mutters)"Quite a shocking expierience..." I'll get you for that!
(Strong Mad and Ekul duke it out for longer and longer. Strong Mad throws a chair, and Ekul dodges, but the Chair flies over the camera, which quickly swivels over to see a crushed Coach Z, with a camera crew and a knocked over directors chair.)
Coach Z: (Weakly) Cut...
(C11 beeps. He puts a projection on the wall that says "Email Ekul".)
Easter Eggs
Fun facts