(even if you aren't vegan)
Ekul looks at a future Trash Can
Lines: 47
Cast: Ekul, C11, jettison, C91
(Ekul walks into the Trash Can with a Dual Screen.)
Ekul: Now I can email people on this bad boy!
(The screen reads: Come on, dork! Fifteen other people are using DSes! Try something else.)
Ekul: Why can't I get away with anything! I freakin' STARTED the idea of have a game system! Oh well. I'll do something else.
(Ekul walks off. He comes back. The camera screen says "completely unused idea".)
Ekul: I got a compaq-
("Just kidding! Here's what really happened" Ekul walks in. A green R2 unit that is a bit shaped like The Cheat, but shaped more like a robot dog rolls in with him. It beeps.)
Ekul: Okey! Put 'er up, C11-L9
C11: Beep berderpber.
(C11 projects the image on the wall.)
Dear Ekul,
Nice name! I like how you can change it to E-cool.
in 5005.
Like you're cool on the internet, or something.
Anyway, what would the Trash Canbe like in th future?
Please don't make fun of my name,
Chwoka (Chuh-woah-kuh) and Chwokal (Chuh-woah-kal)
who toatally can't use this info because Chwokal is
Ekul: (Reading. A keypad pops out of C11.) Whoa! About the name... I takes a person to with a good name to know a good name! Chwoka... Awesome... Now, you want to know about the "Disposal", eh? Well, I don't know much about it to say the truth, so I'll email him! (Not typing)C11! Transition to emailing Cul! (The projection changes to an email sender. He starts typing aloud again.) Hey, Cul! Can I take a tour of th(Pronounces "th-") Future Trash Canbe, I mean the Disposal? Your past, Ekul.
C11: Dor bor DEEP. {(Brackets mean on the projection) Email sent.} DOC OLOC KOCK! {Tienes one message.}
Ekul: Onscreen. (Hits "Enter")
Hey, Ekul!
Can I take a tour of th Future Drainpipebe,
I mean the Trash Can?
Your past,
Ekul: (Typing) Oh, sure! I won't be here anyway. I'ma take a tour of th(Pronounces the same way) awesome Disposal! Your future, Ekul
C11: Dor bor DEEP. {Email sent.} DOC OLOC OR-R-R KOCK! {Tienes another message.}
Ekul: Well, bring 'er up!
Oh, sure! I won't be here anyway. I'ma take
a tour of th awesome Jettison!!
Your future, Cul
Ekul: Oh, what a tangled (Pronounced "Tanglade") web we weave... C11, you can takes an break.
(C11 shuts his projector off. Ekul types some stuff into his console. Things seem calm for a second, but then the place starts shaking)
(Everything starts to shake, then the lights starts to flicker. The lights turn off. Then they turn back on. Ekul is on the ground. He stays motionless, his eyes close. The camera starts to zoom in slowly. Suddenly he sits back up and the camera jerks into former position)
Ekul: (Cheery) That was fun. Now...
(Ekul walks out of the Trash Can to find out where he is. He is in a deserted ice filled land. He can just see another tartis. It isn't the Disposal, but it is a future machine!)
(Zoom in on it. Ekul runs into it. He walks inside. It looks very simaler. There is an C91 in there. It looks very simaler to C11, but different. Ekul walks into the place.)
Ekul: I guess it's basically my Trash Can, but with a different look. In fact...
(Ekul types "Ekul" into the console. The Jettison sounds vaguely simaler to Trash Can)
Jettison: EKUL! 'Sup, yo? I missed you!
Ekul: Not much, man! I don't see why you have to miss me.
Jettison: No?
Ekul: You can visit me!
Jettison: Oh! Okay! I will!
Ekul: Well, I'll take a tour. Guide me on, C91.
(C91 beeps. He puts a projection on the wall that says "Email Ekul".)
Easter Eggs
Fun facts