(even if you aren't vegan)
Ekul breaks another computer
Lines: 22
Cast: Ekul, Virus-Computer
(A deserted office with a night sky fills the view. Suddenly a ceiling vent opens.)
Ekul: (Whispering) I need to use a computer... Aha! my Second in command's computer again!
(Ekul sits down. A side view as he types. The screen changes color. Now cut to behind Ekul. The screen flashes "One unread email")
Ekul: Ereht! Tahw Ll'i od rof na liame...
Dear Ekul,
Your friend,
Ekul: (This is how he reads the numbers:) Is be.. What is this? This isn't binary... It has too high of base numbers. It's not octal, it has nine and eight... (Types "9 & 8" instead of "nine and eight") Maybe it's hex!(Spells "hexadecimal" out) Fah percentage- no, not hex...(Spells "hexadecimal" out again) Ah! I know! The oldest trick in the book! Um... "A" "E" No... oh! CD ri... No... This is another virus maybe! NO!
(The computer starts to spark. It begins to grow. Ekul is fried by a big bolt that comes out. He hits the wall. The computer shoots wires out of itself and wraps it arount the desk. The desk legs bein to flex. It begins to adapt it's drawers as arms. Ekul stands up.)
Ekul: I won't let you. You WON'T take the computer over.
(Ekul tries to cut one of the legs off, but it shoots a ray of electricity that blocks his lightsaber.)
Ekul: Augh! What ca I do?
(Ekul notices the drawers are not yet taken over.)
Ekul: That's IT!
(Ekul cuts the drawers off. The tabel shakes and everything on it except the metal objects fly off. The computer breaks a piece off the window and puts the shard in front of a loose wire. It shoots a concentrate beam at Ekul, who flies out the window. He lands in a pond)
Ekul: I make too many action scenes... So there you have it. I broke another computer...
(The exterior of the Trash Can beams in with the "Email Ekul" sign on it.)
Easter Eggs
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