(even if you aren't vegan)
Text Fiction
From Wiki User Wiki
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Contents |
- 1-Up Emails - 1-Up's original email show, rebooted and ready for questions.
- 5 Cool Guys - Starring Chaos, Sylar, Lemon, Bell, and Sephiroth. Sometimes Ryan.
They call me Big T BLOOD
04:18, 12 November 2008 (UTC)
- Airstar Flyer Emails For Now - Miss a dose of Flyer? See more here, for now!
- A Super Cool Song - READ ME READ ME READ ME. Retrieved from 2 days of work in the sandbox, the lyrics remix every bit of text that was there.
They call me Big T BLOOD
05:57, 29 August 2008 (UTC)
- Adventures of Yobnaf - A video game? Holy Prac!
- The Age of Chaos - The strife before the peace...
- The Adventures of Domo and T Pedo
- Animadness - I actually DISLIKE some anime!? WHAT -- Badstar
- Being a Troll: The Guide for Idiots! - A Joke Manual on being a troll. Feel free to contribute!
- The Mansion Crew Reviews! - Badstar and friends review stuff! HOW EXCITING Badstar
- Bell Quest - Yes, I am transporting one of the worst adventure fanfics to this wiki, but the sequel will be purged and stay purged.
- Bell Quest: Live And Reloaded A remake of the peice of crap that was Bell Quest. -- Badstar and Im a bell.
- Bell Quest 3
- Biterphobia - A story of the idiot everyone knows and loves. -- Cluelesscat
- Bluebry Show, The - it's cool kind of Bluebry
- badstar can riff too or can he -- Badstar
- CC, LIVE!! - Taking song suggestions. I'm planning for 23 songs. Cluelesscat
- Christmas on a Cadillac - During one of his annual trips around the world, Santa is conned out of his trademarks by a clever salesman, and must figure out how to get them back in this exciting Christmas fiction parody.
- Con_email.wue - The classic WUE from the HRFWiki gone and did a U-Turn into the WUW.
Conshow - Conchris and Co. jump on the bandwagon for a rather random adventure. Also great writing practise.
- Coolness Chronicles - Watch cool people go on cool adventures! -pmelondemon43y 00:01, 16 October 2008 (UTC)
- Continue the story - What do you think?
- Cake - When Badstar volunteers at the Apeture Science Enrichment Center, he gets more then he bargains for. -- Badstar
- Crime Scene In-farce-tigation - Something I did for the Spongebob Fanon Wiki
- Dangerous Quest - Epic win. - Thus Spake Lilfut and Ben
- The Death of Bell - Guess.
- Death of Bell: Redux - Well, I'm (and Badstar is) doing it for the first thing of mine(and Badstar's) that got MST'd, so why not I do it for the first thing of mine that's getting ReffTexted? belstrnnmmvnmn 00:41, 27 November 2008 (UTC)
- Define Normal - Two friends and their robot journey through different dimension to find what "Normal" means. --
- Demented Detectives - Another Badstar and Bell production.
- DH - ???
- Doctor Wiki - A Wiki Version of Doctor Who.
- Doggie Emails - A dramatic telling of the life of young doggie.
- The Doll House - A new reallity TV show about 5 dolls living under one roof!
- Dominated! - What would the TF2 classes say if they killed you more then 3 or 4 times?
- Da n00by sho!!!111 - dis is may bezt wurk yet!!!!11
- Dynasty 7; The Clamburger - A tale of a man and his creation.
- Emerl's Blog - Emerl's Blog. Duh.
They call me Big T BLOOD
04:39, 16 July 2008 (UTC)
- Ethan & Dolan - Tonight at 12. -
- Estate Of Panic: Badstar Edition - Can Badstar and friends survive this frightening reality/game show? -- Badstar
- Exodus: The Power Of 3 - A new adventure fic starring new characters.
- Exoforce
- Eureka! - No, your eka. ...Okay, kidding. A spinoff of Objection. Investigate crime scenes, use logic, and find the truth!
- Facing the Past - A Fanfiction brought to you by the Tommyspud, maybe I can reveal some history for my character, lol.
- Fuji Hachi:What The Frag - Some crap you'd find weird. Im a bell
- Fighting Like a Pickle - The title is just random
- Forsythe And Friends - Forsythe makes a show about him and his friends! WARNING: It's zomg so random! ~Empress Sinta-tan
- The Free Country USA Breakfast Massacre - a Halloween toon coming early for 2012.TVB
- GDDTV Good Deal Dan TV. Seriously. Good Deal Dan
- Gilligan 'n' Tracy - This story takes place several years from now. This story is about Gilligan Strunner, son of Badstar, and his best friend Tracey Bellstrom, son of Im a bell. By Badstar and Im a bell
- Guilty until proven innocent - Homestar tiger doesn't belong in a courtroom. But he has to be for this story. By Homestar tiger.
Green Grass and High Tides Forever! - A transcript toon series that takes place in YouTube Poop. Summary: In YouTube Poop, everything's all fun and games, until wiki users and other people make the scene!
- The Reality Show - 20 people are divided into 2 teams and are forced to do unbelievable stunts.
- The Great Wiki User Wiki Multiverse Barrier Collapse Crisis - WEHEHEHE (Shortcut: MBCC)
- Gavin Price's Flaming Circus Tent - Oh yes. (Shortcut: GPFCT)
- Half Life, Full Life Consequennces: Wiki User Edition - the most epic fanfic ever reanacted by wiki peoples.
- Harbor Fun - Pirate-timed theme adventure in the small port town of Shennelburg. --
19:45, 28 March 2009 (UTC)
- Homestrong Emails - Homestrong, Badstar's brother and "number one villain" starts an email show!Badstar
The Idiot's Keeper-Shwoo rools and Homestar tiger takes over. -By Homestar tiger
- Chaos Teaches Typing - Don't believe everything you see. It may too, be a lie.
They call me Big T BLOOD
- i can make poems - i can d00d its possible.
JCMovies - Short films about a blue kid's canny life.
- The Journey Rascals - a brad new series from Wiki User Wiki featuring the kids that go on journeys in their elementary school, and yes, this is considered to be a dream project from TVB.TVB
- K-Chu's Show-Kirbychu has a show!Kirbychu
- liamemail.omelet - Some E-mail show. By -pmelondemon43y
- Liame THE MAXX - NO WAI Liame 01:32, 3 August 2008 (UTC)
- Lilfut Emails - Things are gonna get weird.
- Limited Obligations-The story of tomorrow, today.
They call me Big T BLOOD
- Lemon Demon43 reviews (blank) - -pmelondemon43y review anything!
- Luigi Emails.mushroom - Everyone's favorite Green Mario gets his own Email Show--Counting Blue Cars 03:13, 19 September 2008 (UTC)Counting Blue Cars
- The last straw --Everyone has a breaking point. By Homestar tiger
- Lemon Tells Stories - Just like grandma used to tell... -pmelondemon43y 03:23, 26 October 2008 (UTC)
- Lemon's Blog -Ahahahahahaha
- Man-o-mail Watch as Man-o-man checks the emails you send him!
- Me, Myself, and I Show- The show to continue all shows.
- Mista Mono, LIVE - I rule you. Mista Mono
- Mono-mails - Mr. One has an e-mail show! By Mista Mono
Mystery Fanstuff Theater 3000 - Chwoka and others tear all types of fanstuff apart. What are you going to do about it?
- Monty Python: Wiki Edition - You are an idiot if you do not know what this is.
- mariofan1000 emails - I answer emails I hopefully get.
- Next Gen(der) - Everybody in the WUW are the opposite gender!
- Ninja Pom Pom Dictionary
- NPP's Reviews
- One of my TF things that probably won't survive - Just as I said.
- Poetry Jam! - Have some poetry? Share it!
They call me Big T BLOOD
15:56, 10 May 2008 (UTC)
CBC (talk · Miis)
- POPSTAR 5: The Series - wait what belstrnnmmvnmn
- Puffbat Emails - A fat, flying beast from far-off lands buys a computer and pretty much nothing breaks loose. By --
- Plankton: Across the Seven Seas - Something else I did for the Spongebob Fanon Wiki.
- Quark: The Musical - Subatomic particles and stuff. Whoo. --
01:48, 28 March 2009 (UTC)
- Raiku Email My Email!
- Recolection of the Lost Wikihood-The Wikihood that gave a crap of BEATING Super Sam and all the evil, not just randomly avoiding it with stupidity.
- Records Of Bell-Ancient Stories Of The One Called Bell.
- The RemolayRemadin Projects - Two very different shows about The same two characters.
- RiffText - Sign up to help Lightning Guy tear all types of fanstuff apart!
- Ritual - A young student becomes the assistant to an eccentric doctor.
- Robmails.exe - its back, but in its new series.TVB
- The Raikhroncicles - PERSONAL ATTACK -- Badstar
- Sarette Emails - Whee. Newbie emails rock. - Sarette 15:28, 20 August 2008 (UTC)
- Siege of Fire - A Fanfic/Story/Blog fanstuff, revolving around the fake characters made by Chaosvii7.
- Sinta-tan Emails - Oh hai. Am I late? :D User:Eyriesink/sig
The SkullB Show - Skullbuggy and friends in a show for all to enjoy!
- Styx Fan's Super Crazy Show!!! - If everyone else gets a show why can't I? - Styx Fan
- Super Luigi - Princess Peach has been kidnapped again, by someone other that Bowser, however, Mario can't really bother saving her this time. So Luigi sets off to save her himself.
- Styx Fan, ALXXMaXX, and Kirbychu's Supre Show! - A hillarious comedy show by ALXMaXX, Kirbychu, and Styx Fan.
- Song Parodies - Parody a song everybody likes, get five bucks! by -pmelondemon43y
- Supreme Internet Geeks - a Parody of Super Smash Bros. Brawl--Counting Blue Cars 02:01, 10 September 2008 (UTC)Counting Blue Cars
- Supreme Internet Geeks: The Remake - A remake of the original --Counting Blue Cars 22:41, 28 July 2011 (UTC)
- Stronghood - Homestrong, unable to take over the world, goes afterr the next best thing... Wikihood. But first... he'lll need some help.
- Tahu Emails Randomness abounds!
- Tahu's Reviews - Okay, okay...
- Tales From The Flipped - A series of short stories by
- The Team Badstar Show! - When crime strikes, only 3 detectives can put an end to it...
- Time's Up - A fanfic when "time's up". Full description TBA.
- The Adventures of SCOTSMAN - The title says everything.
- The Not So Real World Adventures of Joseph Mazzella - Joseph's life, featuring his friends!
They call me Big T BLOOD
06:44, 10 July 2008 (UTC)
- The Box - What happens to brawl characters before you unlock them? Tahu
- The life of people who aren't NPP - NPP lives with others for a whole week!
- The Sad Life of a Doll - Welcome to the main problem of Whirled, only made possible by hopeless losers. - Lucian Summers
- The Wiki User Wiki Roast of - Wiki Users Get taken down a peg for the sake of comedy.
They call me Big T BLOOD
00:45, 24 August 2008 (UTC)
- TheCheese's Stories - Because I tell better stories than your grandmother. - TheCheese
- TKS - Because I'm just too lazy to type 'The Kricitt Show'. A bunch of random short skits. Starring characters made by Kricitt.
- Total Drama Island: Bluefox Productions Edition - The cast of Bluefox Productions, old and new, meet at Wawanaka for the epic TV challenge! Lucian Summers
02:54, 12 November 2008 (UTC)
- Total Drama Island: Raiku Edition
- That Thang - Read the title.
- That Music Show - CC and friends talk all things music. - Cluelesscat/CC
- The Ninja Pom Pom Show! - Title tells all!
- Through Time And Space But Mostly Time - An interactive Text Fic. ABOUT TIME TRAVEL -- Badstar
- The Homestrong Who Stole Halloween - Homestrong puts his newest plan to the test on all Hallow's Eve, and its up for Badstar and friends to stop him. Can they? ...99% chance, yes. -- Badstar
- Unbridled Rage - ... I don't even know.
- Untitled Document - The incredible adventures of Chwoka and his brothers.
- The Untitled Wiki User Brawl Scenario - See here.
- Unholy Parenthood - A spinoff of Gilligan 'n' Tracy. When Future Gilligan goes missing, A 6 year old Estelle is put under the care of her godfather... Unholy Tracy.
- VG After Night - WHAT? I have a T.V show? Vince Gagoman
- vincet.crayon- The Gago dude checks the emails now! - Vince Gagoman 23:06, 1 July 2008 (UTC)
- Video Game Reviews - I review video games.
- WUW Smash Brothers: BRAWL! - THIS IS NOT A COPY BY -pmelondemon43y 02:29, 21 September 2008 (UTC)
- Will Mails - Will The Ball gets his own email show? NO WAY! -
- Wiki Network Challenge - Make cakes by a deadline!
- Wiki User Email Bluebry
- Wiki User Email Zoo977 - Watch as some immortal hyperactive weirdo checks his emails!
Miss Peach
- Wiki War II: The Fanfic — By Shwoo. A not entirely serious prediction of Wiki War II.
- Wikily World News - Al the news that's fit to crap out. As created by
- Wipeout: WUW Edition - I can't beleive no one thought of this.
- What a Terrible Whirled - i mock your idol
They call me Big T BLOOD
21:13, 16 November 2008 (UTC)
- Wiki Invaders - a super duper movie
- WUWTV - A collab between SR and NPP.
Strong Rad
- Whistle In The Wind A story of two cats, and their journey to a new place, which has already been populated by other cats...
- Xenon Unleashed - Sci-Fi Comedy!
- X-mail.exe - Mail madness of the E kind! X-caliberFanstuff!
- YouTube Poop Ideas - You ever had an idea for a YouTube Poop, but can't make it? PUT IT HERE! belstrnnmmvnmn 20:20, 5 August 2008 (UTC)
- (Z)The repetitive RP - This Story is only called "The Repetetivve RP." Chaos just wanted to make a fanstuff with Z in the beginning.
They call me Big T BLOOD
05:16, 28 June 2008 (UTC)
- Zippy Emails - WHAT IS THIS MADNESS by Skullbuggy