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Badstar Arc
- Turnabout Trials
- Turnabout Brothers
- Deception and Turnabout
- Turnabout Over Coffee
- Murder, She Wrote
- Bittersweet Turnabout
Rift Arc
Chwoka Arc
- U-Turnabout - Takes place before the Badstar Arc
- Deception and Turnabout
- Turnabout, Your Honor - Takes place between the Badstar Arc and Rift Arc
Raiku Arc
Official Cases
High Judge The Noid will solve real, actual disputes between real, actual Wiki Users.
Badstar Arc
- Badstar Strunner - Head defense attorney of the Badstar Arc. Tends to be impulsive, with a stron belief in the innocence of his clients.
- Stan - Former mentor to Badstar Strunner. Formerly a prosecutor.
- Jon - Head detective of the precinct. Tends to say "pal" a lot for some reason.
- Raggon Blade - Was attacked by his brother, according to him.
- Raggonix Blade - Defendant of case two. Suspected of attacking his brother, Raggon.
- Raiku Devil - Prosecutor in charge of the second case. Apparently demon-born.
- Meg Angel - Witnessed the attack on Raggon.
- Jak White - Attacked Raggon. Found guilty.
- Chwoka - Prosecutor in charge of the third case. Fairly nice guy.
- Phil - The "killer" of Stan in case three. Found guilty.
- Warren Holland - Victim of case four. Shot in a coffee shop.
- Nicholas Beatty - Defendant of case four.
- Joe - Witnessed Holland's death. Tends bar at the coffee shop.
- Yog Bellstrom - Prosecutor in charge of the fourth case. Is made of pure cosmic horror.
- Mira DeSilva - Apparently witnessed the murder of Warren Holland.
Rift Arc
- Rift Katana - Head defense attorney of the Rift Arc. Very witty.
- Jon - It's that guy with a shirt!
- TheStick Lapcing - Prosecutor in charge of the first case.
- Badstar Strunner - Defendant of case one. Since his last case, he has become much more serious in demeanor.
- Shadi Smith - The victim of the first case. Killed by Homestrong Strunner.
- Marissa - The victim of the second case.
- Maloa - The defendant of case 2.
- Chwoka - The veteran prosecutor returns in case two.
- Nurse Buxomly - A minor witness who is very hot
Chwoka Arc
- Chwoka (past) - A bright-eyed hotshot prosecutor who nonetheless is very thorough.
- Jon - Detective and assistant to Chwoka.
- Mercedes Bends - Client of the first case. She's kind of dumpy.
- Sebastian Prinz - Though seemingly pretentious, this man strives for truth.
- Mechanic Jack - Worked on Mrs. Bends' car.
- Manny Gruber - CEO of Land Future, Inc. Sweaty.
- Secretary Buxomly - Secretary for Land Future, Inc.
- One Pablo Montoya - Worked for Land Future before being laid off. Made tons of money.