(even if you aren't vegan)
User:Good Deal Dan
Greetings! So for the first time in... 3 or 4 years I am making an update. My brother mentioned the Wiki to me the other day and I realized how much I missed writing. I just got home from my second year in college and I figured what better way to spend my summer but by doing what I love? I'm excited to start fresh (again) and this time I hope I can make it consistent. I spent last night developing some new ideas and characters and so I'm going to be cleaning up around my page. First I just have to remember the text commands hahaha.
--Good Deal Dan 21:24, 11 May 2012 (UTC)
In the Works...
This is what I'm currently working on for the Wiki...
- Archiving my old stuff
- Developing ideas
- First New Project: GDDTV+ - Rehash of an old concept!
Current Fanstuff
- GDDTV+ - Follow the adventures of Rob and his friends!
Old Stuff
These are my pages from a few years back. I will no longer be updating these. Check em out! You may see some familiar characters as I will reuse some of these guys in my new stuff.
- GDDTV - The main Fanstuff containing the whacky adventures of Dan and friends!
- The Zombie Uprising - Action! Dead things! What do you get when you put them together? This!
- Ert Plus Emails - Oh Em Gee! Ert and the gang are back and better than ever!
- The Adventures of Mac and Badstar!- Watch as your favorite couple of silly heads get into mischief and stuff.
- My twisted creations! - These are my own original characters.
- Locations! - These are the places featured in my toons.
- Requests -
Want me to design a character for you, or even give one of yours a new look? Tell me here!Taking a break from this for a while. Sorry if I never got to anybody's