(even if you aren't vegan)
User talk:Good Deal Dan
Hello GDD!--Kirbychu 16:39, 25 June 2008 (UTC)
Hello KCHRD! Good Deal Dan
- Um...Kirbychu's Summer Resort!?!--Kirbychu 13:31, 26 June 2008 (UTC)
- Hey, bro! Can I be in the movie?
- REDIRECT User:Lucian Summers/sig 15:00, 26 June 2008 (UTC)
[hide]Dan the Man!
Hey! I just saw your Youtube account, and the Mario Games That Should Never Happen pwned all!!!!! Make more please! Here are some ideas I had for games:
- Super Mario Rock Band (Okay, kind of cool, but, serioulsy, MARIO? Sonic would be WAY better with this concept!)
- Star Mario (Do a barrel roll!)
- Grand Theft Mario (Oh GOD no!!!)
- Mario meets The Simpsons (AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!)
What do you thinks?
--ALXXMaXX 17:39, 29 June 2008 (UTC)
Those are like the greatest ideas since sliced bread, sir. Thanks! And I'm glad you liked it! I may just have to make another! Ironically, I won a Homer Simpson down the shore last year. Good Deal Dan
- Can you credit me in the credits? Thanks! --ALXXMaXX 11:48, 30 June 2008 (UTC)
Of course I will! =] Good Deal Dan
- Oh! Man! I have one! Super Mario Survivor!!! --ALXXMaXX 20:37, 3 July 2008 (UTC)
Now that would be interesting... Good Deal Dan
- And just because: Super Mario Katamari Damacy!!!!! --ALXXMaXX 11:36, 6 July 2008 (UTC)
Hey, do something like More stupid deaths in super mario 64 (by Fleskjerta, a legend there and Roblox!). NinjaP
19:04, 2 January 2009 (UTC)
The Legend Of Mario. Mario The Plumber. Mario Portal. Mario Whirled. Mario: Ultimate Alliance. Brerose 01:43, 23 January 2009 (UTC)
Legend of Mario and Mario the Plumber (which I'm assuming is a Sonic the Hedgehog parody) have already been done. Nice other ideas, though! --ALXXMaXX 22:51, 23 January 2009 (UTC)
ALXX: Hey Dan. Wanna see something cool I can do?
{ALXX raises his arms at right angles, and electricity makes a bridge above his head. An electronic buzz is heard.}
ALXX: Pretty cool, huh? Check this out!
{ALXX plays the opening riff from Jump by Van Halen on the electrical buzz. He lowers his hands.}
ALXX: So, uh, if you ever need a Tessla coil player, let me know.
Fun Facts:
- ALXX's hands are Stinkohands, just in case you didn't see his picture on the HRFwiki. They do look a lot like tessla coils.
- The playing songs on the electric buzz is a referance to YouTube videos such as this, where people hack Tessla coils to produce music.
--ALXXMaXX 11:45, 6 July 2008 (UTC)
So...your name is Pete?
Milhouse is not a meme! --ALXXMaXX 19:51, 7 July 2008 (UTC)
- Oh. Since you, bill, and Chris were in the movie, I figured that Pete was your real name because of the first part. So your name is not pete. NOW I KNOW!!! --ALXXMaXX 19:54, 7 July 2008 (UTC)
Hahaha no I'm Rob. I was filming my feet, then I started filming my friend Pete's feet....and hindquarters hahaha. He's the blonde kid with the long hair in my videos. The other blonde kid, not Chris. Good Deal Dan
- Well that is where I got the character Pete from. Just like Billiam is based off of Bill, the guy in the red shirt in Donations. Good Deal Dan
Where have you been lately? Also, when will you make videos for the rest of your characters?--Kirbychu 18:18, 3 August 2008 (UTC)
Dude I have been so busy lately. Today is the first day I've been home the entire day in about 3 weeks. I'm trying to make time for the Wiki, but it's tough. I barely have time for Youtube. Um...I'll work on them soon. They will definitely be up by the end of the month. Also, today I just started writing the transcript for the next GDDTV toon. Good Deal Dan
Mac And Badstar
After reading the newest Ertmail... I got an idea. Maybe... we should try and revive the Mac and Badstar series. It would actually be a pretty good idea seeing as how this is the WUW and we don't have to try and clutter it with Homestar characters. Well? What do you think? It all really matters what you think. -- Badstar
Totally! I figured as soon as I wrote this email that it would lead to the return of the dumbnamic duo! :D I'd love to revive that series. I'll go make a page for it now. Good Deal Dan 15:05, 16 February 2009 (UTC)
- Yay! The dumbnamic duo shall take over the WUW! -- Badstar
I'm making a cool, fresh youtube video done using linear animation, and I'd like to be able to use one of your characters as a representation of the word "casual" (as in "casual gamer"). If I don't get permission, I'll be able to ask someone else I guess. FloppyDongHersh
who are you again
arent you related to like badstar or some other douche -pmelondemon43y
Um no actually Badstar was just a friend of mine that I worked with in the past. I'm related to Lucian Summers though. I'm his older brother. Good Deal Dan
- oh yeah furry dude okay -pmelondemon43y
- Hey now, MeronDemon, there's no need to be rude. Lex 16:42, 12 May 2012 (UTC)