(even if you aren't vegan)
RiffText/Wiki User Email Zoo977/fenri
CAST:' Marissa, Zoo977, Albino, Yvonne, Fenri, Dot
SETTING: Zoo's foyer, Albinos bedroom, fenri's front yard, Fenri's room
{cuts to the foyer of zos
house. marissa's there, with stacks of books next to her. zoo walks in}
MARISSA: Hey, zoo! Whats up?
ZOO977: Apparently, this pile of books! Look up!
{a pan up shows that books are falling onto mariisas book stack. cuts back}
REMADIN: I honestly can't tell if this was supposed to be a joke or not.
ZOO977: did you rig up some sort of book making machine?
MARISSA: You could say that.
{cuts to the room above. albino has a purple paint vile
REMADIN: That is some disgusting purple paint.
scruffed into his fur. hes pushing books through the hole. cuts back}
ZOO977: Anways, can you move these books? They'ra sort of blocking the way out.}
REMOLAY: It's a good thing accidentally doing that doesn't break anything anymore. Or else we'd have even more to make fun of... God damn you, wiki...
MARISSA: I guess I should have thought twice before sawing that hole.
ZOO977: By hand?
MARISSA: Again, you could say that.
{cuts to up stairs. yvonne walks in. a giant knife is attached to her head}
YVONNE: Hey, albino.
ALBINO: You working for marissa, too?
YVONNE: I got a glowing purple paint vile!
{cuts back down.}
ZOO977: What ever. I'mleaving. {pushes the pile asside. the tower of books falls, burying zoo and marissa. albino jumps down.}
ALBINO: WOOHOO! Freedome! {notices the packy in the pile} Hm... {takes the packy, opens it} {to the tune of the iCarly theme song} I know, you'll see, somehow you send emails to me! {opens an email}
Dear Zoo,
I walk a lonely road
The only one that I have ever known
Don't know where it goes
But it's home to me and I walk alone
I walk this empty street
On the Boulevard of broken dreams
Where the city sleeps
And I'm the only one and I walk alone
-Greenithan Day
ALBINO: Well, I gotta go walk a lonely road two, because i accidentaly knockedout marissa and zoo. We were supposed to interrogate Fenri together! {garbs his jacket, walks out.}
{cuts to outside of fenris house. Fenri is reading a book. he suddenly gets splattered with paint}
FENRI: What the crap?
{albino walks onscreen with a paintball gun}
ALBINO: Hi, fenri!
FENRI: Why did you just paintball me?
ALBINO: First off, i need to ask a few questions.
FENRI: No problem!
ALBINO: Do these {holds up a few pictures of the swirling holes} look familiar to you?
FENRI: I think I sawaw one ina kids dinky little dirt patch a while ago!
ALBINO: Was there, by chance, a barn swing set, and a medidtation mat?
FENRI: Yeah, why?
ALBINO: YOU DONT CALL ZALAND DINKY! {paint balls fenri some more}
FENRI: So, why are you here?
ALBINO: Let me finish the questions! Did you hear about the opening water park?
FENRI: Of ourse! Thats why I sent the email!
ALBINO: Yeah, thats all I need to know. Jury?
DOT: {stands up behind the bush, wearing a black dress} I have no clue whos guilty here.
FENRI: My front yard isn't court!
ALBINO: I need to know: did you open the holes?
FENRI: I'd have to know some sort of a genius to open dimensional portals?
DT: Wait, thoes are portals?
FENRI: I believe so! My watch fell down the one in the di-
{albino and dot stare angered at him}
FENRI: -zaland!
ALBINO: Okay... what gives you a hint its a porlat?
FENRI: It came back three days later with a return to sender notice.
DOT: I'm not mailing through those!
FENRI: No joke.
DOT: Do you have any clue about why their opening?
FENRI: I think they're a message. Look.
{cuts to fenri's room. he opens google maps. the green portals staand out, in the formation of a laptop}
ALBINO: So, an extra-terrestrial creature wants a laptop?
FENRI: Thats not all. {zooms in on where the middle of the screen would be. zoo is there, with the packy}
DOT: No...
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Easter eggs
Click on one book in the pile to see it close up. its orange, and has the title "The worlds worst insturments: From the Bagpipe to the Keyed trumpet"
Fun Facts
- This is the first email with someone other than zoo checking an email.
- The keyed trumpet was an old trumpet that had a wider range of notes. It was said to sound like a demented oboe.
The wierdo's revealed |