The wierdo's revealed
Anime, Crazy train, Challange, Elephant, Dot, Diet, Money, Larry, A or B, Cereal, Grammer, Transform, Bicee, Cry
The anger in the nutshell
Destruction, Name, Jungle, Conondrum, The baloney man, Blast from the Past 1, 2, 3, Beach, Superhero, Zaland, Current Events, Meat, Adult, Revenge, Hack
Hidden talents
Hatred, Cream, Allergies, Some fame, Cooking, Burfday, Sacrifice, Atlantis, Programs, Music, Hell, Water park, Fenri, Dancing, Energy
The maloa cronicles
Happy, Suzuki, Counterfiet, Magic, Favorites, Rumors, Extreme, Chris, Izzy, Attempt, Directions, Soap, Reality, Kaboom, Strong Intelligent
Marissa takes over
Taste, Zoo, Funeral, The island, Disaster, Kalt, New, Plans, Not goodnessosity, Last chance, Arrival, What's christmas?, Neglect, Planning, Packing
A vacation to remember
Planeport, Ouch, Animals, At home, Plants, Fourth class
La Grande Finale