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Wiki User Email Zoo977/potion
In the GRAND finale, Marissa receives a potion allowing her to bring Hardhat back to life.
CAST: Marissa, Dot, Hardhat, Albino
SCENE: Marissa’s bedroom, Graveyard hill, Visiting room, Break room
{Close up of Marissa’s desk. Her laptop is left closed. A lone cobweb has been woven, connecting the top of the laptop to the back wall. After a couple of seconds, Marissa bolts onscreen, hurridly opening the laptop and clumsily opening her emails.}
MARISSA: {singing off key, rushing} Oh, if I had an email, I’d punch it in the face!
Subject: Once in a lifetime offerI have sent you a special potion in the mail.
This potion should bring anyone dead back to life.
Pour this on Zoo’s grave, it will bring him back to life in less than a day.
- Mystery Man
{As she gets further into the email, Marissa’s voice gets more wary. She begins pronouncing the words slower and slower as she goes.}
MARISSA: Uh… hey, I’m not too sure about taking mysterious potions from strangers. Wait, how do you know our address? Only the email is public, right-
DOT: {offscreen} Marissa! You have a package! {walks through the door, holding a padded envelope. Marissa swivels around to face her} From… oh boy, “Manny Mystique?” That’s a horrible Pseudonym.
MARISSA: Eeeeeeh…
{Marissa cautiously begins to open the envelope. She pulls out a heart-shaped bottle, barely the size of a pendant. Inside is a shimmering, glistening fluid, a violet so deep it is almost black. Zoom in on it – Marissa moves the vial back in forth. The glittering powder flows with the erratic movements, creating grand spirals which fade as soon as they appear. Zoom out. Marissa cups it in both of her hands. Dot leans towards her slightly, curious.}
DOT: Are you gonna explain what it is?
MARISSA: Nosy! {tilts her head towards her computer} I got this creepy e-mail earlier from a “Mystery man…”
DOT: I’ll check it out. {Leans into the computer a bit, mumbles for a couple of seconds.}
MARISSA: See what I mean? A ‘magic potion’ that’ll bring him back to life? It even sounds like a weak plot twist! {sighs} I mean, what are we supposed to do with this?
{brief pause}
DOT: I mean… It can’t make him any more dead, right?
{Cut to a hill in a nondescript cemetary. A white tombstone whose top tapers into a pointed arch sits near the top of the hill. The tombstone bears the simple inscription ‘Hardhat’, as well as a carving of a lion’s head with closed eyes. The background shows three or four distant rows of tombstones.}
{Marissa and Dot walk up the hill from the left side of the screen. Dot is wearing a black cardigan over her usual clothes. Marissa is crossing her arms and shivering. They both stop in front of the grave; Marissa kneels down.}
MARISSA: Let’s pray for the best. {Uncorks the bottle. She gulps, before slowly beginning to pour the contents on the empty plot. The soils begins to brighten and glisten.}
UNKNOWN MALE VOICE: {offscreen} No, no, NO!
{A peach fist slams down, covering the entire scene. Zooming out, three people can be sitting around a circular, industrial table in a plain beige room, only decorated with an industrial set of double doors and tubular incandescent lights. A young boy, no older than ten or eleven with blond hair, is seen shaking his whole upper body back and forth. A nurse in her mid-twenties stares back at the boy. Her hair is a deeper shade of blonde than his, and is worn back in a ponytail bound in a dark pink hair tie. She glances over at the woman next to her – a doctor in her fifties, her skin tanned and wrinkling prematurely. Her black hair is dyed bright pink, although in such a slapdash way that only about half of each hair is actually colored. A male nurse stands by the double doors.}
DOCTOR: Something wrong, Harmon?
HARMON: {In the middle of a tantrum} NO! No, no, NO! He’s at sea! At sea!
FEMALE NURSE: At sea…? {gasps quietly, leans in closer to the doctor. Whispers to her} He said Hardhat was buried at sea, Margaret.
MARGARET: {reaching out towards Harmon} I’m sure Nurse Dottie didn’t-
HARMON: {Attempts to bite Doctor Margaret on the arm. She pulls her arm away quickly.} NO! She SAID it, so it HAPPENED!
{Margaret begins to back away from the boy. Dottie stands up quickly, and rushes towards Harmon, who is still trying to bite Margaret. She restrains his arms behind his back. The male nurse, a man with blanche white skin and hair but clear African-American features, runs up to Dottie, and helps her walk Harmon into the hallway. Margaret pulls a walkie-talkie out of her pocket.}
{Margaret closes the doors behind them, and the screen goes black. When the screen fades back in, the two nurses are seen sitting in a break room. The male nurse is cupping a foam cup of coffee. His eyes are now visibly a deep crimson red}
DOTTIE: {uncomfortably} What kind of person kills themselves off in their own story?
MALE NURSE: It’s a mental hospital, Dottie.
DOTTIE: But he isn’t suicidal! He’s… he’s very, very violent, but he’s not suicidal. But he doesn’t want us to bring him back in this warped world of his! {turns her head away from the nurse} And it isn’t just him. Did you hear about his ‘vacation’ story, Allan?
ALLAN: {curious} Vacation story?
DOTTIE: He killed off… {softly} He killed off eleven people, Allan. His insert characters for Doctor Adessi and Doctor Zoric… Even other patients! ‘Dot’ was electrocuted to death!
ALLAN: {takes a deep breath} Until we can do anything, we need to keep the other patients safe from him. If playing this game makes him happy, then we’ll play along.
DOTTIE: But you aren’t his fake girlfriend! {crosses her arms} He’s only a kid.
ALLAN: {walks over to Dottie, puts his arms around her} We’re going to be find, Dots. Someday, we won’t have to be in his stories any more. ‘Albino’ and ‘Dot’ will stop existing, and we won’t have to worry about him. Alright?
{Dottie stares into space. She eventually closes her eyes and puts her arms around Allan gently. Allan kisses her on the forehead}
Easter Eggs
Fun Facts
- Those who have crossed
- With direct eyes, to death's other Kingdom
- Remember us—if at all—not as lost
- Violent souls, but only
- As the hollow men
- The stuffed men. ~T.S. Eliot
- But seriously, I view the source of a random email to get the formatting in my head again, and what do I see? "Zoo and Dot get stuck in the Creamy?" The hell is that about? That's the plot to a horrible porno, that's what that is. There's absolutely no other way to read that. What the fuck? What the fuck was I doing? How was that not supposed to be sexual? Every other thing I type here is another ridiculous euphemism I was too ignorant to notice. How? Where did that sentence come from? Why am I allowed to continue to bear these hands after writing such sinful sentences? Why did any of you put up with me for so long? "Stuck in the creamy." The fuck? The fuck is that? I cannot possibly attempt to describe how horrified I am to know that no matter what I do, where I go, I will be forced to live with the knowledge I brought this into existence. That I can never use the name Zoo977 again without being reminded of this pit of despair I have dug this website into. May God have mercy on my soul.
The wierdo's revealed |