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Latest revision as of 07:24, 17 May 2009


Zorrax needs stitches.
CAST: Maloa, Marissa, Yvonne, Zorax
SETTINGS: The air port, a hall way in blue harbour, the room in blue harbour


{cuts to an airport lobby. maloa, marissa, yvonne, and zorax walk in.}

MARISSA: So, we will go to the hotel, unpack our things, and we'll start the expidition.

MALOA: I think we should just relax for a day.

YVONNE: Yeah, that flight was a huge back pain.


MARISSA: Fine. Lets just get some of the local currency first.

{the kids walk offscreen. cuts to a money exchanging machine. the four walk onscreen. marissa takes an orange paint vile out of her wallet, and puts it in the machine. it reads "invalid currency"}

MALOA: How can it not read paint?

MARISSA: Time for step two. {squirts the orange paint into the machine. some currency comes out of a slot}

MALOA: Son of a gun.

{a black screen with one taxi ride lates on it appears. it fades off to a hallway in blue harbour. the four are walking along the way.}

MARISSA: So, who gets the couch bed?

YVONNE: I'll take it.

MALOA: Why? It's hard, and springey, and uncomfortable.

YVONNE: Because it's away from the idiot!

ZORAX: Aw...

{cuts to inside of a room. maloa, marissa, and zorax go into a small er room. the camera pans to show the room. there is a bed in a frame that looks like a boat, which marissa lies on. there is also a bunk bed. maloa takes the bottom bunk, zorax takes the top bunk. marissa turns on a small tv.}

MARISSA: You know, this is kind of nice.

ZORAX: Although the screen is kind of small. {leans foreward to see the screen better}

MARISSA: Good thing I brought my laptop! {plugs a charger into the wall, and plugs the other end into the laptop. she opens it up, and types something in}


Dear Marissa,
Raiphin, Raggtle, Raggoneal, and Megphin.

MARISSA: I don't care! I might help when I go home, but I have no way of going to atlantis now! I would need to buy three more sets of plane tickets!

{zorax falls off the bed, and hits marissa's bed hard, fallin got the ground, unconsious. a bit of blood comes from behind his head}

MARISSA: Holy crap, that's a large cut! And that's saying something fo rsomeone who works at a hospital!

MALOA: What does it look like?

MARISSA: {looks at the cut for a few seconds} It looks like it requires stitches.

YVONNE: How many would you say?

MARISSA: I'm not sure. You two just... get your swim sits on, and go to the water park.

MALOA: Why can't we leave him out cold with a hole in his head?

MARISSA: Even disasters like him deserve a sealed head.

YVONNE: Whatever.

{yvonne walks by, as marissa opens her suitcase, and pulls out a small box. seh takes out another small box, which she pulls something that looks like string out of}

MARISSA: I haven't doen this in a while, so...

{cuts to outside of the hotel room. maloa is now standing in orange swim trunks.}

MALOA: You should have worn your swimsuit under your clothes like I did.

YVONNE: {not seen} Well, I more think of the uncomfortably long plane ride than the water park.

MALOA: There's a reason I brought that huge pillow on board.

YVONNE: Whatever. I almost have my swimsuit on.

MALOA: Hey, since when have you had a swimsuit?

YVONNE: I bought one two days ago, when xaviar turned up the thermostat extrobiently high, and I needed something to cool down in.

MALOA: Extrobiently. I have to remember that.

{yvonne walks out of the room, wearing a blue one pioece swim suit. the two walk off.}

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Email Marissa
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the book of the day, Al capone does my shirts

Easter eggs

Click the door to see a bonus clip.

{cuts to inside the bunkbed area. marissa is now looking at zorax's head}
MARISSA: That's the best smiley face I've ever sewn.

Fun facts

  • "Aw..." was considered a running gag of zoo's after this email.
  • The reason marissa plugged in the laptop was because the laptop ran out of power in the last email.
  • Extrobiently is a word zoo uses in real life.