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Latest revision as of 07:24, 17 May 2009


Zoo gets a new toy.
CAST:Zoo977, Maloa, Vinera, Dot, Marissa, Albino, Zorax
SETTING: The pool room, a sidewalk, a toy store, Zoo's living room


{cuts to the pool room. zoo is sitting at the creamy.}

ZOO977: {singign to the tune of riiverbank} I wish this was an email instead of an IM. {opens an email}

Buy it!

Dear Paying Costomer,
You may want to know about this
new product of ours. It's called
"The Lazorfist.R" You can
zap your not friends, your friends and
your pets with this new product!
Think about it,
Trilliom INC.

ZOO977: A trilliom as the number or the weird company that sold maloa that grizlish saber shine? {squints, looks at the email for a bit more} Oh! Yeah, being able to zap some of the people here would be great!

MALOA: {walks in. a bit of goo is dripping of his saber} Why would you zap people?

ZOO977: SO that grizlish goo wouldn't ever cover my room again.

MALOA: Technacially, the lamps lightbulb was only seven eigths covered.

ZOO977: The lightbulb exploded, the room caught fire, and the firemen were burnt to death!

MALOA: I hate you sometimes, you know that?

ZOO977: Good. Hey, would you mind if I borrowed your scooter?


ZOO977: Because my bike fell into a manhole, and wendy got an air freshener for her car.

MALOA: What kind?

ZOO977: Yankee candles christmas cookies.

MALOA: {gets a face of sad surprise} Ride it all you want.

{cuts to the sidewalk in downtown western oralina. zoo is there, riding a yellow scooter. he's riding by many smoothie stores}

ZOO977: I still question why he chose neon yellow.

{cuts to inside of a toy store. vinera is at a checkout lane. zoo walks up to it with a bowing glove toy, shot out by springs. he puts it on the chekcout counter}

VINERA: Hello.

ZOO977: Hey.

VINERA: I see you'rea fan of hurting people.

ZOO977: Why wouldn't I be?

VINERA: Good point. {begins putting the toy in a bag}

ZOO977: Hey, aren't you, like, Xaviars long lost girlfriend?

VINERA: Precisely. {hands zoo the bag} Have a nice day!

ZOO977: Will do! {walks out.}

{cuts back to the same sidewalk. zoo is riding his scooter. he just stops in front of Smoove n' frosty}

ZOO977: Wait, did I just- {shakes his head} Nah. Might as well get a round of smoothies.

{cuts back at zoo's house. dot, alibno, maloa, and marissa are in the living room, playing uno. zoo walks in, with a bag and five smoothies}

ZOO977: Hey guys! I got smoothies! {puts the tray down, grabs a red orange one. maloa immediatly grabs a yellow green smoothie}

MALOA: {sips it} What flavor is this? {dot grabs a red smoothie when he's talking, and marissa grabs a pure white one}

ZOO977: Celery. {albino grabs a purple one}

MALOA: Thanks?

MARISSA AND DOT: {in unison} Thanks!

ALBINO: What flavor is this?

ZOO977: Plastic.

DOT: {plays down a black card} Yellow!

ZOO977: Whatever. {takes out the boxing glove toy}

MARISSA: What does that do?

ZOO977: This. {pulls a trigger on it. it hits marissa on the head}

MARISSA: Ow! {coveres where the glove hit}

MALOA: I've got the ice pack. {walks out}

MARISSA: How does a toy both hit and zap?

ZOO977: Like this. {uses the boxing glove on albino. he jumps briefly, and lands, slightly burnt}

ALBINO: Good demonstration.

ZOO977: Anyways, I'm off to hurt zorax before he destroys the toaster. {walks off}

MARISSA: The toaster?

DOT: He uses it for frosting and spice mixes.

MARISSA: Couldn't he just mix them by hand?

DOT: He likes it melted.

ALBINO: I don't even know.

{cuts to the pool room. zorax is there, tinkering with the creamy. zoo walks in}

ZOO977: You killed the toaster! {uses the boxing glove tool on zorax, who narrowly avoids it}

ZORAX: {holding the motherboard of the creamy} What do you want?

ZOO977: A living toaster!

ZORAX: Get away from me!

ZOO977: No! {uses the boxing glove tool. it crushes the mother board} You... you...

ZORAX: Crushed your computer so you wouldn't hurt me.

ZOO977: Oh, you're getting hurt, alright! {holds up the empty creamy}

ZORAX: That's not good, is it?

{cuts back to the living room. dot and marissa are now playing badmitten with alibno as the birdie. zoo walks in}

DOT: Hey, zoo. Where's zorax?

ZOO977: Getting my computer out of his head.

DOT: Do I wan't to know?

ZOO977: Nope. {walks off}

Click here to
Email Zoo

{the two continue playing, and occasionally drop albino.}

Easter Eggs

Click albino the first time he crashes into the ground to turn red the next time he's hit.

Fun Facts

  • This is the first case of vinera being spotted and ignored.
  • Zoo's brother likes buying those candles just to annoy him.
  • In real life, zoo's favorite kitchen insturment is the toaster.