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Latest revision as of 07:24, 17 May 2009


CAST: Marissa, Zoo977, Maloa, unknown kids, Zorax, Nicholas, Yvonne, the blob pet
SETTING: The space ships lab, the fencing studio


{cuts to a lab on the ship. marissa and zoo are apparently working on a computer. it has a yellow-pale case with a white screen. zoo is just working on a circut board}

MARISSA: You know, you can change your setting on the computer. Changing the default font and font color is easy.

ZOO977: Oh. {looks at the board} Too late now! {puts the circut board into the computer. zoo sits down, and types in zoo mail.exe}

MARISSA: You honestly think that you can check an email in space?

ZOO977: Yep!

MARISSA: Its impossible.

ZOO977: Then I'll wait until we land.

{cuts to a fencing studio. maloa is on a bench, in fencing ear. his mask is off. a group of kids are trying to hit him. maloa's doging and hitting them without a problem}

MALOA: Is that really the bet you can do> I could beet you guys blindfolded, the saber in my left foot!

ONE KID: That can be arranged.

{a heavy rumble is heard. the kids and maloa stop fencing. suddenly, the space ship crashes through the cieling, and causes a ton of sabers to go flying oward the kids. maloa catches a quarter of them on his saber. the other kids have then through their chests now, attached to the wall}

MALOA: Woah. Talk about a bad landing!

{nnicholas, yvonne, and zorax come out of the ship. they notice maloa}


YVONNE: Hello!


MALOA: Um... who are you?

ZORAX: Nicholas.

YVONNE: Zorax.


MALOA: It takes quite some weirdness to confuse your names. I'm pretty sure you {points at yvonne} are Yvonne, not Zorax.

ZORAX: What? I said my names Marissa!

NICHOLAS: One second. {goes back into the ship. a bunch of crashes are heard. nicholas comes out with half of a recorder} Thats better.

MALOA: What was it?

NICHOLAS: MY friend, zoo, was messing with a tape recorder next to his computer.

ZORAX: He got a new computer?

NICHOLAS: Got it? He built it!

{cuts to inside. zoo is sitting at his new computer}

ZOO977: {to the tune of home} I am surrounded by, a million forewards I, still feel alone, and I'm gonna email home! {opens an email}

Dear Zoo,

I got a pocket, got a pocketful of sunshine
I got a love and I know that it's all mine, oh, oh oh oh
Do what you want but you're never gonna break me
Sticks and stones are never gonna shake me, oh, oh oh oh

Natasha Bedingfield

ZOO977: Wait, how do you capture a packet full of sunshine?

MALOA: {not seen} Oh, thats easy!

{a zoom out shows maloa next to the desk}

ZOO977: {turns his head} Woah! {jumps off the seat} Who are you?

MALOA: Maloa, top fencer in the Lotara reigon of Oralina. {notices the evil pastryman blob pet on his shoulder} You like IMVU?

ZOO977: Yep! But, how did you get into this space ship?

MALOA: It just about crushed me.

ZOO977: What do you mean? {looks out the widno. he see's one of the kids attached to the wall. from the saber down is blood} Arent the fencing sabers curved?

MALOA: Not if the top comes off, revealing a sharp end.

ZOO977: If I caused that, and they're dead, how are you not killed?

MALOA: Because of this. {holds up his saber covered saber}

ZOO977: Woah.

MARISSA: {walking in} Whos the guy with the covered saber?

ZOO977: {sighs}

MALOA: I'm maloa.

MARISSA: {looking at the saber} Dare I ask?

ZOO977 AND MALOA: {quickly} No.

MARISSA: Anyways, how's the new computer?

ZOO977: Better than a sprinkle stuffed bagle sandwich!

MALOA: I don't even want to know.

Click here to
Email Zoo

Easter eggs

Click on maloa at the end.

MALOA: Do either of you feel a poking feeling?
ZOO977: No, why?
MALOA: I don't know.

Fun Facts

The blob pet and space ship refer to the last email.
The blob pet is from IMVU.
This is the first email with Maloa.