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Difference between revisions of "Wiki User Email Zoo977/destroy"

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m (moved Marissa's mailbox/old/destroy to Wiki User Email Zoo977/destroy over redirect: Starting up again.)
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Latest revision as of 07:24, 17 May 2009


There is a tornado as zoo uses his new computer, the fancy 408!

CAST: Mandy, Andy, Albino, Larmey, Zoo, Ethan, Dot, Hammerhead Wannabe

SETTING: Zoo's living Room, Zoos basement, Zoo's pool room


{cuts to zoos living room. mandy and andy are working on a model of the solar system. albino and larmey are mezmorised by the TV. dot, zoo, and ethan are playing with action figures. suddenly, a siren is heard}

ETHAN: Since when did we have a siren?

LARMEY: I don't know.

DOT: {eye lids lower} May I see the remote?

ALBINO: Ok... {tosses dot the remote}

DOT: Thanks! {changes to the weather channel. the screen is blocked. suddenly, everyones eyes open wide}

EVERYONE: TORNADO IN THE AREA! TORNADO IN THE AREA! {everyone grabs a toy, a pillow, and a cooler, and run into the basement}

ZOO977: At least I installed the new computer in the other room! {walks into a pool room. in the corner is a desk with a dark red computer, and school supplies.} I present, THE FANCY 408! {turns on the computer}

Welcome, Zoo977!

What would you like to do?

  • Check Emails
  • Go to eBay
  • Go to Amazon
  • Play Games
  • Read book
  • Turn off

ZOO977: Thank you, Fancy! I'll check an email.

Yo, Zoo!

Have you ever destroyed anything? I mean, seriously!

A dude named Lazlo319

ZOO977: Well, as a construction worker, I need to destroy multiple things. I'll demon-

MANDY: Have you already forgotten about the tornado warning?!?

ZOO977: Then how am I supposed to show destruction?!?

{suddenl;y, a crash is heard outside}

ANDY: Zoo, You've lost your wrecking ball.

ZOO977: What? {looks out the window. a wrecking ball comes by,and obliterates a house} Thats my favorite way to destroy something. It gives a quick, exploding effect! If you want to talk to other people...

{albino and hammerhead walk in holding pool sticks}

ZOO977: Perfect timing! Do either of you like destroying stuff?

HAMMERHEAD: Why?!? Why?!? Do you want me to destroy something?!? WHYYYYYYYYY?!?

ZOO977: Calm down! All I'm wondering is if you like to destroy stuff!

ALBINO: I love to knock down circus tents!

ZOO977: Why?

ALBINO: Then you can watch all the little clown cars drive out in anger. So hilarious!

ZOO977: What about you, Hammerhead?

HAMMERHEAD: Well, I destroy something whenever I try and fix it!

ZOO977: Why do you think I don't want you "fixing" stuff?

HAMMERHEAD: Just let us continue our game.

ZOO977: Ok. May I play?


{the three begin to play pool.}

Click here to
Email Zoo

Easter egg

Click the eight ball for the player to knock over the table. zoo picks it up.

Fun Facts

This is the first preferences of hammerhead, andy, and mandy in an email.