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Latest revision as of 07:24, 17 May 2009


CAST: Zoo977, Yvonne
SETTING: Zoo's suite room, the suite kitchen


{cuts to zoo's suite room}

ZOO977: {singing to the tune of bidi bom} E-e-e-mail e-e-e-e-e-e-ma-ail! {opens an email.}


Do you like waffles?
I sure do!


ZOO977: Ah, waffles. To me, its the funnel that parents feed the brocolli through. Truthfully, I HATE waffles, lardy. But, Yvonne can fill you in with a great cookie recipe that will wash out the nasty flavor of waffles!

{cuts to the kitchen. yvonne is there in a chefs hat}

YVONNE: Hi, folks! I have a few recipes here to show you. First off, theres the-

{there is a zoom in on a tray. all of these swirly ccookies are on it, with red seperating the swirls}

YVONNE: -cinnamon pinwheel cookies.

{zooms back out}

YVONNE: first off, combind 1 cup of butter with 1 1/2 cups of flour with a blender. stir this in 1/2 a cup of sourcream. fridgify this for 8 hours. {puts the mixture in a fridge} Lucky for you, zorax hacked into the camera system. Now, you don't have to watch me stand here for 8 hours!

{the screen fades to black for a second. it then unfades}

YVONNE: You will need plenty of butter, all purpous flour, sour cream,, sugar, cinnamon, and water. First off, mix 3 tablespoons of sugar and and one table spoon of ground cinnamon. {puts some sugar and less cinnamon into a bag. she shakes it vigorously.} You can also make buttered toast and sprinkle this mixture on it!

{the screen shifts to zoo holding a plate with toast. it has some tan stuff on it. pans back}

YVONNE: Sprinkle some flour onto your counter or cutting board. Like other cook show host, I already have done that. now, take half of the mixture, and flatten it into about a 20 by 7 inch rectangle. pour on half of the cinnamon sugar. {puts a rectangle of dough on the floured counter, begins putting on some of the cinnamon mixture.} Now, marissa and nicholas devised this recipe, so don't ask why we dont use it all at once. Now, you roll it up. Because I get rally aggrivated when doing this, we will skip some more.

{the screen fades to a new view. yvonne is in front of an uncooked roll, the swirls seperated by red}

YVONNE: Now, before rolling, I forgot to mention you roll frok mthe 7 inch end instead of the 20 inch end. Now, do the exact sme thing!

{it fades to the same view, but with two rolls}

YVONNE: Wrap these up tightly in plastic wrap, and fridgitize them. {wraps up the rolls, puts them in the fridge.} Now, while you are not watching. I will be doing this. {begins bouncing in the air, with her elbows at ninety degree angles. she raises one as she lowers the other, does the opposite, and repeats} Do-sha do-sha do-sha do-sha!

{it fades again to the kitchen. the rolls are on the table. yvonne is behind the rolls.}

YVONNE: Chop these into 1/4 inch slices. {begins chopping the rolls quickly} While you do this, pre set the oven to 350 degrees fahrenheit. {begins pressing buttons on the stove with her shoes. by now, the rolls are completely chopped up.} Put them about two inches apart on a cookie tray with parchment paper, and put them in the oven. bake them until they are golden brown. this is normally 20-25 minutes.

{cuts back to the suite room}

ZOO977: Isn't that a good recipe? Or were you too busy torchering your taste buds with waffles to make the recipe. Now, I need to make some finishing plans for dots birthday.

Click here to
Email Zoo

Easter Eggs

Click on the rolls at any point in the email to change them to purple. This applies for the cinnamon toast, too.

Fun Facts

  • this recipe is from the 1984 Betty Crocker cookie book.
  • Zoo has made this recipe in real life. He approves of this.
  • Zoo also enjoys some cinnamon toast. Make that, too.