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Latest revision as of 07:24, 17 May 2009


The kids start the expidition. Maloa gets poisoned.
CAST: Marisa, Maloa, Zorax, Yvonne
SETTING: The hotel room, an unknown forest


{cuts to the hotel room. marissa is on her bed, looking at the laptop}

MARISSA: Zorax is probably even dumber after yesterdays incident. {opens an email}


Dear MA.
You forgot to pay your taxes.
Taxleroy CO.

MARISSA: I payed my credit card bill, the electric, caple, internet, and water bills, and the rest of the bills that poured in during the money taking season. Well, exploring time!

{the screen zooms out, as marissa stands up. zorax, yvonne, and maloa walk in, and face marissa.}

MARISSA: Today, we're looking for two things: a white rabbit with black stripes, and a bright pink cyanide laced millipede. Any questions?

YVONNE: Isn't a cyanide dangerous?

MARISSA: That's why there are gloves next to the door.

ZORAX:Aren't rabbits dangerous?

MARISSA: Let's get going.

{the four leave the room. cuts to ourside of a forest. the four walk onscreen. everyone but maloa is wearing gloves.}

MARISSA: Okay, the teams are me and maloa, and zorax and yvonne.

YVONNE: I'm teamed up with the idiot?

ZORAX: Whats wrogn wiht idiocy?

YVONNE: With you, its bad.

{cuts to inside the forest. marissa and maloa are walking. maloa is looking around.}

MARISSA: Remember, look for a moving hot pink millipede.

MALOA: Found one! {tugs a bit of marissa's hair out}

MARISSA: Stop it!

MALOA: I just had to do that.

{cuts to yvonne and zorax walking along in the woods}

YVONNE: Do you see anything?

ZORAX: Just a little purple flower.

YVONNE: Isn't that one thing he's looking for?

ZORAX: No. {the two begin walking again.}

YVONNE: I still think we should ask them.

{cuts back to maloa and marissa.}

MALOA: Is that it?{points at a small white puff next to the bush}

MARISSA: {bends her knees, looks at it} It's a baby rabbit!

MALOA: Here, little bunny...

{cuts back to yvonne and zorax. zorax darts his head towards a bush}

ZORAX: I see the millipede! {reaches his hand into the bush. he pulls out something pink, after a scream is heard. cuts back to marissa, covering her head. maloa is now holding the baby bunny}

MARISSA: I told you to stop pulling out my hair!

MALOA: That wasn't me!

{zorax and yvonne walk through the bush}

ZORAX: That was your hair?

MARISSA: {sarcastically} No.

MALOA: I got a baby bunny!

YVONNE: He looks awesome!

MARISSA: Well, thanks to {holds her left hand towards zorax} the idiot and {holds her right hand, the one covering her hair, towards maloa} jock strap, I'm losing my hair. {stands up, begins walking off}

YVONNE: Jock strap?

ZORAX: How am I an idiot?

MALOA: So, why are we having trouble with finding the pink millipede?

YVONNE: Because it's the same color as marissa's hair.

MALOA: {lowers his hands so that his right hand is hidden from the camera by a bush.} So, we have more help on marissas journey with marissa gone?

YVONNE: Precisely. I wonder what she's doing now.

MALOA: Still, we have to find that millipede! {holds up his hands, revealing a pink millipeed on his right hand} Where will we find one!

{the three look at maloas hand}

YVONNE: Oh crap.


Click here to
Email Marissa
Or click here to order
the book of the day, I wanna be your shoebox

YVONNNE: This is not going as by the big plan.

Easter egg

Click the orange rectangle under "I wanna be your shoebox" to see a tan shoebox with a pink wig on top.

Fun Facts

  • Every plot started, created, and unfinished are all adding up to one big plan zoo's had in mind.
  • Maloa is going to occasionaly be refered to as jock strap.
  • While planning the big plan, zoo figured a baby rabbit was going to be neccisary, and chose the striped rabbit, because he thought it looked cool.