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Latest revision as of 07:24, 17 May 2009


Zoo gets an email talking about a battle, and battles two strange ninjas.

CHARACTERS: Zoo, Albino, Marzipan, Homestar, Bubs, The Modo Brothers

SETTING: Zoo's room, The Grocery store, Bub's Concession Stand


ZOO977: {is walking by, playing his flute} I should answer my email now. {types in zoomail.exe}

Dear Zoo977,

We will challenge you! Meet us at Bub's At 4:00.

The Modo Brothers

ZOO977: Who are you, moody brothers? are you from a video game? I need to get some supplies for the battle!

{cuts to Zoo at Price Style, with a cart filled with a shield, a wooden pole, a lighter, light fluid, a blank banner, and a super soaker}

ZOO977: Albino, can you help me reach the top shelf?

ALBINO: Sure! {climbs up the shelves}

ZOO977: Can you toss me some chips, salsa, and a grill?


MARZIPAN: Can you toss me a guitar amplifier? The one for cool tapes broke.

ALBINO: Okay? {tosses those things into the carts. There is a top view, and the things are from tetris. They fit in perfetly, then flips back to reality}

ZOO977: Why aren't you coming back down?

ALBINO: I'm afraid of heights!

{Homestar pops out of the cart Marzipans pushing}

ZOO977: Ill be back in a while! {leaves. in the background, you can see Homestar throwing marshmelows at Albino, trying to get him down}

{cuts to zoo at bubs consession stand}

ZOO977: Bubs, I need some snow cones to get ready for a fight. I would like three lime flavored, two magazines from 1935, 47 CD's of different artists singing the sames songs, a box of bubble gum, and need to pay with a hundred dollar bill, and want my change in yen.

{Bubs faints}

ZOO977: That was too easy! {goes in, and steals 6 purple snow cones}

BUBS: That'll be 10 dollars.

ZOO977: What the-

{that cowboy dramatic scene music begins to play}

BUBS: Oh no! That song! RUN! {goes to the basement, after taking 10 dollars from zoo}

ZOO977: This is strange...

{a few shadowy figures appear}

ZOO977: The Modo Brothers? Its only 2 pm!

SHADOW: Who are the Modo Brothers? now... {steps out of the shadows, revealing its Homestar} Gimme all your marshmellows!

ZOO977: You are a dolt, Homestar.

HOMESTAR: You don't like my person impression?

ZOO977: I'm leaving. {leaves}

{Zoo sits back down on his bed}

ZOO977: So, as you can see, You were too chicken to show up.

VOICE: What?!?

ZOO977: Modo Brothers, aren't you supposed to fight me by Bubs Concession Stand?

LORENZO/NINJA 1: Oh, right.

{cuts to Zoo standing at Bubs Concession Stand, the Modo Brothers on the opposite sides.}

JANGO/NINJA 2: Are you prepared to be embarrassed?

ZOO977: {making omelette's} What? {turns around. He lets go of the frying pan, hitting the red belt} Great self defense!

LORENZO: You call that an attack?

ZOO977: No, I call that a mistake! This Is an attack! HOMESTAR!

{Homestar walks in, in the jolly dumple costume}

ZOO977: Lets go camping right here!

HOMESTAR: I've got the wood!

Click here to
Email Zoo

Easter eggs

You can click on Jango at the end to see the twos belts change colors. they can be:

blue with yellow dots/orange with purple dots

If you wait 10 seconds, the jolly dumple explodes. the screen fades, and the paper reprints, saying "I told you!"

During the inky blackness, click the second line on the paper to see Albino, with a uniform on, tossing items to people at the store, as his "job."


None that I can think of.