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Zoo and albino visit the grits factory.

CAST:Zoo977, Albino, Strong Man, The Sneak, Homcar

SETTING: Zoo's pool room, Zoo's living room, the grits factory, old timey the-feild, a past motel {easter egg}


{Cuts to the pool room. Zoo sits down at the fancy.}

ZOO977: {while typing zoo_mail.exe, singing to the tune of lacia cio pianga(weeping in sosrrow)} Weeping in sorrow, Email surrounds me.

Subject: Whip!

Dearest, 977,
I'm sorry I broke your compy. INFACT, I'll ivite you here to the past for

Strong man, 1938

ZOO977: {stops reading at grits} Wait, grits? Didn't those go out of production in 2007, when someone claimed they got salmonella from them, but later on remembered about a raw egg he ate? {reads the end} Wait! 1938 was when production began, and strong man lives near the factory! Back in a jiffy!

{cuts to strong bads basement. Zachary is working on a robot. Zoo walks in.}

ZOO977: Hi, Zach! Do you have any time travel devices?

ZACHARY: No, but kolamys circuiting can be changed to make one!

ZOO977: Thats all I need to know... {grabs the head, runs off. cuts back to zoo's living room. a box labled fancy and zoos backpack are on the couch. albino walks in.} Hey, albino!

ALBINO: Whats all this?

ZOO977: I'm going back in time!

ALBINO: Can I come?

ZOO977: Sure, but you can only bring a back packs worth of items!

ALBINO: Ok! {walks off}

{cuts to the computer room.}

ZOO977: I'll be right there! {clicks send, turns off the fancy. a zoom out shows the box, zoo's back pack, and a tote bag on the pool table. zoo puts the fancy in a box, and balances it on his back pack, after putting it on.} Ready?

ALBINO: {grabs the tote bag} Ready as ever!

ZOO977: Alright, LETTERIP!

{zoo holds a hammer above his head, as albino sits on the fancy. zoo hits kolamys head. a grey glow is seen.}

{cuts to inside an old timey factory. grits boxes are being loaded. a 1938 calender is on the wall. zoo and albino appear}

ZOO977: Welcome to the past!

ALBINO: Now wheres strong man?

{they both do a double take, and them walk out a door. cuts to the old timey field. strong man and the sneak are walking by.}

ZOO977: Hey strong man!

ALBINO: {in unison} Hey, the sneak!

STRONG MAN: (WAAH? Sorry sir I didn't steal Homc- Oh. It's Zoo. Hey 97- I mean 997.

ZOO977: Hi! Anyways, you didn't steal hom? Whats that supposed to mean?

STRONG MAN: (Homcar. Tell ya, you can have him for $4. Then sir will give me a treat!)

ZOO977: Ooh! A $4 dollar car! Would that be a deal, albi-Albino? {looks around. all thats seen is his tote bag} Good greens!

STRONG MAN: (He's all yours)

HOMCAR: OoooOOooOOOOO, I go at 6-

{Strong man kicks Homcar}

HOMCAR: hundred miles per hour, lol!

ZOO977: Thanks! {gives strong man 4 dollars} Now... {puts the sneak and strong mad in the back of homcar. zoo gets in the front} To find albino. ALBIN-

{homcar crashes through the doors for the grits factory}

ZOO977: -o. {gets out} Erm... What do we do here?

STRONG MAN: (You fell in my trap! Hit it!)

{Grits fall from the ceiling. Zoo and Strong Man slowly drown in the grits}

STRONG MAN: (Now I know how sir feels.)

ZOO977: I loved grits while they were around! {picks ones up. some white furs in it} Either albinos in trouble, or having fun.

STRONG MAN: (What? The grits a-)

{The screen is filled with grits. Cut inside Strong Man and Zoo have no air to breathe. Zoo is trying to eat the grits, but every time he bites one, he spits it out again}

HOMCAR: {eats a grit} NOOO! My flusters been jenga jammed! {drives out of the grits, leaving a huge gap, which zoo and strong man run out of.}

ZOO977: That was ridiculously lucky!

STRONG MAN: Yeah. Oh, but your pet died. I'll give you The Sneak for another f-

{Albino falls on Strong Man, knocking him out}

ZOO977: Albino! Where were you?

ALBINO: {writes down '"I was just lost!"}

ZOO977: Open your mouth.

{albino opens his mouth, revealing it to be full of grits mix}

ZOO977: Albino!

ALBINO: {muffled} I was lost and swimming!

STRONG MAN: {gets up} (Traps and tricks didn't work...) {looks at zoo and albino} (I wonder why you haven't thought of going back yet.)

ZOO977: Good idea! {pulls out kolamys head, and hits it. nothing happens.} Uh oh... RUN! {zoo grabs his backpack and the box. albino grabs his tote bag. they run off}

Click here to
Email Zoo

Easter eggs

Click on strong man to change the background to zoo and albino asleep in a past motel. the backpack, tote bag, and box are on the floor.

Fun facts

  • This email was written by Zoo977 and Strong Intelligent.