(even if you aren't vegan)
RiffText/Wiki User Email Zoo977/zaland
Zippy asks zoo is he has his own country. He shows the crowd zaland.
REMOLAY: I bet you 5 bucks that it looks like Strong Badia.
REMADIN: As stupid as it might be, you have yourself a deal.
CAST: Zoo977, Albino, Dot, Zorax, Nicholas, Yvonne, Marissa
SETTING: The kitchen, The pool room, Zaland
{cuts to the kitchen. Zoo is there in robot design pajamas, and eating some toast. Dot's cooking some eggs. Albino's toasting some freezer waffles. Zorax
REMADIN: Why haven't I done a "he speaks for the trees" joke yet?
comes in.}
ZORAX: Hey, guys! {takes some french toast out of the fridge.}
DOT: Good morning! Watcha making?
ZORAX: French toast!
REMADIN: Except it's already made?
ZOO977: DON'T! Or else the-
REMOLAY: Universe will explode in a fiery mess of egg and bread!
{Zorax puts the french toast in the microwave. He turns it on. The room darkens}
ZOO977: -power will go out.
REMADIN: I would like to know how this works
ALBINO: How will you check your emails?
ZOO977: I already got another?
REMOLAY: How the hell would you know?
ZOO977: Hm...
{cuts to the pool room. smoke if floating above the screen}
REMADIN: Let's have a moment of silence for the fallen Fancy.
ZOO977: {singing} This is the story of a girl. Who wrote an email that circled the world. {opens the email.}
REMADIN: Ahem, I said FALLEN Fancy!
Do you have a country? If so, what's it like?
Zippy P. Platypus, Foreign Dignitary for the Republic of Ziplandia
ZOO977: What? Have you not visited Zaland?
REMOLAY: Never heard of it, end of email.
{a cut out reveals Nicholas next to him. The microwave is crushed on the table,
REMADIN: Remember kids, Power outages will destroy any microwave oven ever
and is producing the smoke}
REMOLAY: Thank you. Thank you so much
ZOO977: Never mind. I'll show you guy around it!
{cuts to Zaland. the sun is slowly setting, dying the sky
REMADIN: Help, someone help! The sky is dying!
an orange pink shade. Zoo is on the swing with Dot. Zorax and Yvonne are having a water balloon fight. Albino is seen in the houses door way}
REMADIN: Let me get this straight, you made a nation, out of a house?
REMOLAY: Welcome to Molossia
ZOO977: This is Zaland. There are multiple things to do here, so let us show you them.
{music begins to play. A closeup is on the mat. Wendy is there. She crosses all four legs.
REMOLAY: Okay, hands up everyone who knew she had more than two legs.
She's floating}
ZOO977: {voice over} This is the meditation mat.
REMADIN: Cartoons!
Its a good way to relax here. The strong jicem and cyrium deposits cause you to actually float!
REMOLAY: The pholbotinum deposits give you cancer
{cuts to the swing. Zoo and Dot are in it.}
ALBINO: {voice over} There is a nice swing set. It swings for you. I like to make people swing out of control.
REMOLAY: Only fun if they get hurt.
The jicem causes the wood not to rot.
REMADIN: Jicem is pretty much our major anything here, eh?
{cuts to the outside of the house let. Albino is there.}
DOT: {voice over} There is also a little house here. We like to hand out in it
REMADIN: In it is our major export!
most of the time. Kabbachim is like a natural thermostat in here.
{cuts to the water balloon holes. Zorax and Yvonne are still in the water balloon fight.}
MARISSA: {voice over.} There are also water balloon mounds. A machine under the soil keeps refilling the boxes.
REMOLAY: Because war has no conclusion
REMOLAY: Please stop coming up with new names for Phlobotinum and Unobtanium
stops the mounds from toppling over.
{cuts to a night time view of the soil}
ZOO977: And of course, there's the soil. At night, kabbachium rises from the ground to show the stars in the sky.
REMOLAY: Just, no.
Look! Its the great {the stick connects a few stones with lines in the soil, appearing to form an elongated pair of shoes} oboe shoes!
{a zoom out shows Zoo, Dot, Albino, and Marissa on the soil}
MARISSA: There's our land. Please feel free to visit.
REMADIN: What do you say?
REMOLAY: When hell freezes over
{the kids walk offscreen. a second green hole opens in the dirt.
REMOLAY: Oh crap, uh, dammit... How do I connect this to the story arch I had. Oh I know! Passing reference that none of the characters will notice!
cuts back to the pool room}
ZOO977: There's Zaland for you! Now, I have to go eat some pudding. Yum yum! {walks offscreen}
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Easter Eggs
Click on pudding when the paper comes down to see an extra clip.
- {Marissa and Albino in the kitchen. Albino is toasting toast, Marissa is using the microwave. Zoo walks in with a brown batter.}
- ZOO977: Hey guys! {puts the pudding in the oven. The power turns off}
Fun Facts
- In real life, the power normally turns off if the microwave, oven, and toaster are on at the same time.
REMOLAY: I have honestly never seen this happen
- "I already got another?" Is a refference from a time when zoo got no emails for over a month.
- The green hole is a refference to the email Beach
The wierdo's revealed |