(even if you aren't vegan)
RiffText/Wiki User Email Zoo977/birthday
CAST: Zoo977, Albino, Yvonne
SETTING: The bochee
REMADIN: Okay, I can't let this slide anymore. It's not Bochee, there isn't a sport called Bochee, It's Bocce. Or Boccie, Or Bocci. Note the double C, single e, and no h!
court, a ship shop, under water
REMOLAY: We're under water. We're under water.
REMADIN: We're under water. We're under water
, the suite, an island
{cuts to the bochee court in the suite.}
ZOO977: {to the tune of you can let go} You can type them now, daddy! It is safe to send now. {opens his email}
REMADIN: This song feels... dirty...
Hey, Zoo!
I was checking my calender today. Did you know Dot's birthday is in three days?
REMOLAY: Pfft, Of course. I know. That. One of the most important things to remember... {mumbles} Oh shit...Gotta go,
ZOO977: Pablo! Whats up? How long have you been back in Connecticut? {shakes head} Woah. Got pulled off the email there! {begins typing again}
REMADIN: I never knew he started in the first place.
Of course I know her birthday is coming up! Haven't you seen us preparing?
REMOLAY: No, I'm pretty sure it was covered up by static.
{albino taps zoo's shoulder}
ZOO977: What is it, albino?
ALBINO: I'm having trouble getting the diving suits.
REMADIN: I'm having trouble seeing the relevance of this to an email about Dot's birthday
ZOO977: {sighs} I'll resume later. {closes the packy, puts it in his backpack.} Follow me.
{cuts to a shop on the ship. zoo is looking at some diving suits and air tanks. albino is looking at candy bars}
ZOO977: Albino, whats your clo-
REMADIN: His what?
{closes eyes, frowns} We can't eat candy underwater!
ZOO977: So, whats your clothing size?
REMADIN: You don't have one clothing size. Different articles of clothing have different sizes.
ZOO977: Lets see here...
ALBINO: Kiddie size.
ZOO977: {closes eyes again, frowns} This will be harder than I thought.
REMOLAY: Where will I ever find a child's size ten? Maybe where they have the children sizes!
{cuts to under water. zoo and albino are there, in diving suits. zoo is collecting pearls from clams. albino is attempting to dry off the water in his book with his breath}
ZOO977: {grabbing a pearl} Number seven! {turns around} Albino, bringing that underwater destroyed the book!
ALBINO: What are you talking about? Its fine!
{at that point, all the pages disintigrate, and float to the surface.}
ZOO977: If you want to read, go back onto the ship.
ALBINO: Fine. {begisn swimming up}
ZOO977: Too bad he won't be getting any credit.
{cuts back to the suite room. Yvonne is on the couch, watching scrubs. albino enters}
ALBINO: Hey, yvonne!
YVONNE: Hello, Albino! Have you seen Zoo?
ALBINO: Yep! Also, my book destinigrated.
YVONNE: ...you fail.
REMOLAY: My thoughts exactly
Anyways, I hope he's back soon.
{cuts to an island. zoo pops out of the water in front of it. he has a bag filled with pearls of many colors.}
ZOO977: Woah, where am I? Nothing a little wandering won't solve!
REMOLAY: How about finding a ship that's in the ocean? You won't find that by wandering on DRY LAND!
{walks offscreen}
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Easter eggs
Click on the book albinos reading too see the title, "Underwater Activities"
Fun Facts
- Pablo is Zoo's brother's character.
- No cruise ship would sell diving suits. Otherwise, passengers would be lost at sea.
- Dot's birthday celebration email will be in three emails.
The wierdo's revealed |