(even if you aren't vegan)
RiffText/Wiki User Email Zoo977/Elephant
Tom asks Zoo if he thinks Strong Sad is related to elephants. An investigation follows.
REMADIN: Stop following me, Ms. Investigation!
REMOLAY: Please, call me An.
CAST: Zoo977, Albino, Hammerhead, Cows, Dee(bobblehead), Sickly Sam(easter egg), Strong Sad (easter egg)
ZOO977: Finally, I got Hammerhead some plane tickets back!
REMADIN: So where was he?
Now, to check the email. {this email pops up}
Dear Zoo,
Do you think Strong Sad is part elephant?
By the way, have you seen my 2nd Dreamcast, I think my brother fired it out of a cannon...
Thinking that he might be one,
ZOO977: Well, Tommyspudbythewayhaveyouseenmy2nddreamcastithinkmybrotherfir-
{Remolay pulls out one of his swords}
REMADIN: Don't do it, brother. Wait at least until the What's Christmas episode.
Can I just call you Tom? Well Tom, there's only one way to find out! THE HALL OF RECORDS!
ALBINO: Or a blood test!
REMOLAY: I'll help get a sample.
ZOO977: That too!
{cuts to Zoo and Hammerhead in a library}
REMADIN: You can not get a blood test at the Library.
ZOO977: So where should we look first? Strong family? Sad family? Ancestors from other countries?
HAMMERHEAD: Comic books!
REMOLAY: Is he a child or just stupid?
REMADIN: I don't know, I only skimmed his character page. Probably both
ZOO977: {drags Hammerhead to the ancestors section} So, you will look here, and I will look in Strong family, ok?
HAMMERHEAD: Fine! {waits for Zoo to leave} Its
REMADIN: It's. {Liberty Bell March starts playing}
my chance! {goes to the comic books}
ZOO977: Whats this? "Dee"? I need further investigation!
REMOLAY: Where did you come from?
{cuts to Zoo at the farm, with Albino}
ALBINO: What are we looking for?
ZOO977: A cow named Dee. Do you see one?
REMOLAY: I could have sworn there was supposed to be something about elephants in this email.
{cuts to a close up of Dee}
ALBINO: Yes I do! {a zoom out reveals its a bobble head} I never realized how much fun these were!
ZOO977: {angered} Albino...
{cuts to Zoo, Albino, and Hammerhead at a table}
REMADIN: Where's the table? Still at the farm?
ZOO977: We need to be studying!
HAMMERHEAD: But we want to play!
REMOLAY: Zoo977 then snapped completely and killed all of his friends. It is said that his weapon of choice was a Super Soaker Flamethrower. He first set Albino on...
REMADIN: I'm going to start making you write this down, change the names, and get it published.
Hey, where did you find that bobble head, anyways?
ALBINO: By a grave named Dee. It costed me 5 dollars.
REMADIN: Why would there be a Gift shop by a grave site?
ZOO977: Why didn't you tell me that?
ALBINO: The.. sky.. looked... purple?
HAMMERHEAD: My soup is boiling?
REMOLAY: The village has burned.
ZOO977: I need some outside time!
REMOLAY: That has got to be the worst Non-sequitur I've ever heard.
{cuts to the three outside, having lemonade}
ALBINO: Whats that? {points to something in the air}
ZOO977: I don't {BONK} OW! {a zoom in shows Tommyspud's second dreamcast.}
{Remolay laughs at Zoo's pain. Remadin laughs at the actual joke}
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Easter eggs
Click on the dreamcast to see a Strong Sad family tree. It shows elephants, Sickly Sam, and Dee.
REMADIN: The only thing that stops this from needing more Homsar.
Fun facts
None that I can think of.
REMADIN: Rifftext funfact here: Liberty Bell March is the theme song from Monty Python's flying circus, in which episodes would often start with an old raggedy man looking at the camera saying "It's" before being interrupted by the titles.
The wierdo's revealed |