(even if you aren't vegan)
RiffText/Wiki User Email Zoo977/events
The groty old sponge asks whats going on in america. Zoo gets confused.
REMOLAY: Remolay and Remadin get even more confused
CAST: Zoo977, Zorax, Dot, Yvonne, Albino, Nicholas, Barack Obama
SETTING: The pool room, A grocery store, A car compresser, Under water, Milk Machines, A mint, A presidential debate, A club
ZOO977: {singing to the tune of garden states truth or dare} I should've left the e-email. I should've left it at the subject bar. {opesn his emil}
REMOLAY: What are most of these songs?
Dear Zoo,
I need help on my history of America essay. Can you help me out?
It needs to have ALL the major events.REMOLAY: It was discovered, it became a country, there were wars. The end.
REMADIN: You forgot slavery and civil rights.C'mon, you gotta!
ZOO977: Listen, spongy, I would do it, but I live in oralina,
REMADIN: Continuity alert. Continuity alert! Zoo's house is in Zaland
if you haven't noticed. I do know a few events going on, though.
{cuts to a grocery store. zorax is changing the price of beans.}
ZOO977: {voice over} Because of fewer sources, gas prices are rising.
REMOLAY: This joke... no. Just no
Plenty on available beans are in Alaska, though.
{cuts to a car compactor. dot is in control. a bunch of yellow cars are being crushed.}
ZOO977: Because of hard to control prices, a credit crunch has started. People prefer Honda and Toyota.
REMADIN: I don't get it
{cuts to an under water view of a sinking submarine. Yvonne is in it. a trail of brown is by it}
ZOO977: A submarine carrying over 3 tons of coca cola was recently sank. It is believed that this was illegal atlantean coke.
REMOLAY: Okay, this one was almost funny. How do you sink a submarine?
REMADIN: Today in Atlantis...
{cuts to a view of some milk making machines. purple liquid is pouring into them}
REMADIN: Cows are not needed apparently
ZOO977: Because of lack of cost,
tainted milk is being sent out through Japan, Indiana.
{cuts to an empty store. albino's asleep on one shelf}
ZOO977: Related to the last incident, Chinese foods
REMOLAY: Alright, I have some choice words for you! *Remolay pulls out his swords*
REMADIN: Don't do it!
REMOLAY: Shut up. Now listen here... THIS is Japanese. Chinese food is not. Chinese food is Chinese!
are being taken out of grocery stores. I wish they weren't. Some were really good, and gave me a tingly feeling.
{cuts to a mint. Nicholas is next to a box, which he presses a button on. half of the mint explodes.}
ZOO977: Budget costs are getting harder and harder on people. Especially those who make the money. That must be a hell of a job. Imagine seeing so much money, and not getting any of it.
REMADIN: Don't rub it in
{cuts to barack obama next to a blob of ice cream.}
ZOO977: According to my role model, barrack obamas running mate went to baskin Robbins and bought vanilla. He sunk into the blob.
REMADIN: I think it's time we gave up.
{cuts to a weird club labeled fighting. weird noises are heard.}
ZOO977: A man who made a fight club also apparently is making people choke.
REMOLAY: First rule of Choke club... is don't talk about choke club.
{cuts back to the pool room.}
ZOO977: There ya go, groty. As you can tell, I pay lot of attention to the new. Well, time to have some tingly candy! {walks off screen}
REMOLAY: This was awful to a whole new level.
REMADIN: I hope it's not to a point where we have to use major profanity in portmanteaus to describe it.
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Easter Eggs
Click on tingly candy to show the "candy" - a vile with a labeled covered with a crudely written CANDY on it.
Fun Facts
- The following events are mocked:
- The gas crisis
- The credit crunch
- The sinking of a submarine smuggling cocaine
- Tainted milk in japan
- Stores taking Japanese products off the shelves
- Budget cuts
- Steven Colbert saying picking Joe Biden was like getting vanilla ice cream at Baskin Robins
- The upcoming movie Choke
REMOLAY: Where the hell was I during all of this?
The wierdo's revealed |