(even if you aren't vegan)
RiffText/Wiki User Email Zoo977/Dot
Jicem asks about Zoo's friend, Dot.
REMADIN: Princess Angelina Contessa Louisa Francesca Banana Fanna Bo Besca the Third
</blockquote> Three strange stories follow.
CAST: Zoo, Little Zoo, Little Dot, Multiple school kids, A teacher, Albino, Marzipan, The Cheat, Strong Bad, Dot, The announcer, Pom Pom (easter egg)
SETTING: The computer room, A preschool, A snowy hill, The local zoo, The Dojo (easter egg)
ZOO977: Ill
REMADIN: I don't feel so good...
continue the other email later...
REMOLAY: What other email? I demand to see this other email NOW!
{an email pops up}
Dear 977th Zoo,
Can you tell us about your friend Dot?
ZOO977: Well, JCM, {pronounces Jicem} We were friends since Preschool...
{cuts to a preschool, Little Zoo is sitting at a table, building a big duplo sculpture of a jackhammer}
REMOLAY: I'm startting to like this guy.
LITTLE ZOO977: Perfect! {puts on a table.} I doesn't work.
REMADIN: You doesn't grammar
{Little Dot walks up to the table, holding a box of cables and wires}
LITTLE DOT: Here! {pulls off the top, begins some work with the wires} Finished!
REMADIN: This little girl may be too clever.
LITTLE ZOO: Thanks! {uses the jackhammer to break the wall. the kids run outside, to the teachers dismay}
REMOLAY: Where was I during all of this? I would have loved this!
{cuts back to normal time}
ALBINO: Don't forget the time when you were skiing!
REMADIN: Where'd you come from?
{cuts to a snowy hill. Marzipan, The Cheat, and Strong Bad are running down the hill}
STRONG BAD: Runaway person!
{then, a huge snowball with Zoo in it is rolling down hill}
ZOO977: Could this get any worse?!?
REMOLAY: I can think of a few ways.
{a cutscene
REMADIN: Not a video game.
shows the snowball going straight for a stand, selling and sharpening ski poles}
ZOO977: I had to say that.
REMOLAY: Zoo is impal...
{Remadin punches Remolay}
REMOLAY: Ow! What did I do?
Oh no! {runs into the stand, and takes 3 toboggans. Reaches into her pocket} Glue... glue... GlUE! {takes out a bottle of instant dry glue, and glues the toboggans together.}
ALBINO: Zoo! Dot
has this under control!
ZOO977: How?!?
{Remadin punches Remolay}
REMOLAY: Okay! I'll stop!
runs into the path of the snowball, and holds the three toboggans in front of her. It acts as a shield to stop the snowball from going further.}
DOT: Are you OK?
ZOO977: Yes. Thanks for saving my life!
{cuts back to the computer room}
ZOO977: Also, she's done one task that made her very popular!
{cuts to the local zoo}
REMADIN: You really should have just done this and had a voiceover
THE ANNOUNCER: And we are here to celebrate one brave task that this child {points to Dot} has done for the animals. May one person particularly proud say something?
MARZIPAN: Yes. {goes onto the podium} Now, it is illegal to bring any seals into zoos, for Dot has made that a law.
{cuts to the computer room}
ZOO977: Well, we've been friends because shes always been there to help me, and has done some brave tasks. But now that I think about it, I wonder what happened to the three toboggans...
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REMADIN: Okay, this is getting to bug me a bit... What printer paper anywhere looks like Peanut Butter and Jelly?
Easter eggs
Click on JCM after Zoo incorrectly pronounces it
REMADIN: No, you pronounced it right.
to see a orange stone, labled Jicem.
Click on what happened at the end to see what happened to the toboggans.
POM POM: {is doing karate in the dojo, and breaks the toboggans.}
REMOLAY: Can someone tell me if I can train with this guy?
Fun Facts
None that I can think of.
The wierdo's revealed |