(even if you aren't vegan)
RiffText/Wiki User Email Zoo977/conondrum
Zoo gets an email with a puzzle, and turns to homestar for the answer.
REMADIN: This is not a smart move.
CAST: Zoo977, hammerhead, Strong Sad, Homestar
SETTING: Zoo's Pool Room, The Brothers Strongs house
ZOO977: Just keep knockin' on emails door...
REMADIN: {singing} Knock knock knockin' on emails door
Subject: Zombie!!11!Zoooooooooo,
Im a zombie that can't type.
REMOLAY: Then how did you write this email?Im coming to get yoo.
- -ZombIe
ZOO977: Before I freak out, what? If you cant type, how did you write this email?
REMOLAY: That's precisely what I was wondering
I know Zachary made a keyboard where all you need to do is speak, but he keeps it to himself!
REMADIN: People have programs for that, but they suck.
HAMMERHEAD: {erratically} Conundrum!?! Conundrum!?! RUN!!!
REMOLAY: Random!?! Random!?! RUN!!!
ZOOO977: {gets hammerhead on a leash} There. now you cant-
HAMMERHEAD: RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH! {crashes through the window, with zoo being dragged behind}
REMADIN: Okay, I'd probably pay to see this one.
ZOO977: -run. {cuts to in the middle of strong bads house. strong sad's practicing tai-chi.
REMADIN: What about his practicing tai-chi?
hammerhead pulls zoo in}
STRONG SAD: {stop} Hi, zoo. whats the matter?
ZOO977: Hi, lard burger. Listen, I got an email from a zombie who claims he cant type. How do you think he wrote the email?
STRONG SAD: I don't even get that one! Anyways, are you sure he didn't use zachar-
REMOLAY: Oh dear Valkyre, the entirety of Zoo's gang are Mary Sues
ZOO977: I'm sure, he didn't make two!
STRONG SAD: Why sent it?
REMOLAY: How do I shot web?
ZOO977: A zombie.
REMOLAY: I award you 10 points for freaking Strong Sad out.
{cuts back to zoo's pool room}
ZOO977: Well, some bee, I dunno how you wrote this. now, AAA-
REMADIN: Oh come on, I know that forgetting an emailers name is customary in these shows, but you said Zombie not 10 seconds ago
HOMESTAR: {walks in} Hi, aquarium! I see you got a non-typed email!
ZOO977: Wait, you know how this worked out?
HOMESTAR: Try selecting the text!
REMADIN: Is there a trope for a smart ball?
REMOLAY: I don't know, but Homestar definitely just caught it
ZOO977: {tries to select the text, showing the email was scanned in}
REMADIN: Now that is some really neat handwriting
Wow. now, AAAAAGH! {runs off.}
REMOLAY: Priority one is to find out how a zombie can write an email if it can't type, then we go to the freaking out stage, followed by the fetal position, followed by our untimely deaths
HOMESTAR: Ding! {walks away}
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Email Zoo |
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Easter eggs
Click the lamp on zoo's desk to make homestar walk in, smothered in green paint}
- HOMESTAR: I'm a scary zombie! Boo!
{Remadin runs off screaming, then comes back in calmly}
Fun Facts
- The email intro is a reference to main page 6.
REMOLAY: For the longest time I thought Strong Bad was talking about walking on heaven, This means I've actually learned something from Zoo. This scares me.
- Lard burger is a parody of fat burger, an American restaurant chain.
REMADIN: The fact that this exists is scary
The wierdo's revealed |