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RiffText/Wiki User Email Zoo977/Challange

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Zoo gets an email talking about a battle, and battles two strange ninjas.

REMOLAY: Finally some action.

CHARACTERS: Zoo, Albino, Marzipan, Homestar, Bubs, The Modo Brothers

SETTING: Zoo's room, The Grocery store, Bub's Concession Stand


ZOO977: {is walking by, playing his flute}

REMOLAY: {is drowning it out by attempting to play Electric Guitar}

I should answer my email now. {types in zoomail.exe}

Dear Zoo977,

We will challenge you! Meet us at Bub's

REMADIN: Bu... You know what, never mind. That one's probably intentional.

At 4:00.

The Modo Brothers

ZOO977: Who are you, moody brothers? are you from a video game? I need to get some supplies for the battle!

{cuts to Zoo at Price Style, with a cart filled with a shield,

REMADIN: Well, Zoo might have a fighting chance here.

a wooden pole, a lighter, light fluid, a blank banner, and a super soaker}

REMOLAY: Nope. He's bobbad. Wait, Is he trying to make a Flamethrower?

ZOO977: Albino, can you help me reach the top shelf?

ALBINO: Sure! {climbs up the shelves}

ZOO977: Can you toss me some chips, salsa, and a grill?

REMADIN: How will any of this help in a fight?


MARZIPAN: Can you toss me a guitar amplifier? The one for cool tapes broke.

REMOLAY & REMADIN: {singing} Obligatory Homestar character!

ALBINO: Okay? {tosses those things into the carts. There is a top view, and the things are from tetris.

REMADIN: I don't think that would be top view

They fit in perfetly, then flips back to reality}

ZOO977: Why aren't you coming back down?

ALBINO: I'm afraid of heights!

REMOLAY: Then why did you even CONSIDER going up there!?

{Homestar pops out of the cart Marzipans pushing}

REMADIN: Okay, yeah. That one is slightly funny

ZOO977: Ill be back in a while! {leaves. in the background, you can see Homestar throwing marshmelows at Albino, trying to get him down}

{cuts to zoo at bubs consession stand}

ZOO977: Bubs, I need some snow cones to get ready for a fight. I would like three lime flavored, two magazines from 1935,

REMOLAY: The purpose of said magazines? Well, that is classified information.

47 CD's of different artists singing the sames songs,

REMAIDN: Every christmas album ever.

a box of bubble gum, and need to pay with a hundred dollar bill, and want my change in yen.

{Bubs faints}

ZOO977: That was too easy! {goes in, and steals 6 purple snow cones}

REMOLAY: Zoo, I'm proud of you. I mean that.

BUBS: That'll be 10 dollars.

ZOO977: What the-

REMADIN: Classic case of Dennis Bludnock syndrome. Comes to at the smell of money.

{that cowboy dramatic scene music begins to play}

BUBS: Oh no! That song! RUN! {goes to the basement, after taking 10 dollars from zoo}

ZOO977: This is strange...

{a few shadowy figures appear}

REMOLAY: Stinkoman falls from the sky.

ZOO977: The Modo Brothers? Its only 2 pm!

SHADOW: Who are the Modo Brothers? now... {steps out of the shadows, revealing its Homestar} Gimme all your marshmellows!

{Remolay facepalms. Remadin Headdesks}

ZOO977: You are a dolt, Homestar.

HOMESTAR: You don't like my person impression?

ZOO977: I'm leaving. {leaves}

{Zoo sits back down on his bed}

REMADIN: Zoo checks his email from his bed? Does he have a laptop?

ZOO977: So, as you can see, You were too chicken to show up.

VOICE: What?!?

ZOO977: Modo Brothers, aren't you supposed to fight me by Bubs Concession Stand?

LORENZO/NINJA 1: Oh, right.

REMADIN: The Ninjas are just as stupid as everyone else... Great.

{cuts to Zoo standing at Bubs Concession Stand, the Modo Brothers on the opposite sides.}

JANGO/NINJA 2: Are you prepared to be embarrassed?

REMOLAY: No killing?

ZOO977: {making omelette's} What?

REMOLAY: Ow... Just ow.

{turns around. He lets go of the frying pan, hitting the red belt} Great self defense!

REMOLAY: As a master elven warrior, I'm pretty sure that counts a offense. With a weapon too.

LORENZO: You call that an attack?

ZOO977: No, I call that a mistake! This Is an attack! HOMESTAR!

{Homestar walks in, in the jolly dumple costume}

REMADIN: Mascot attack GO!!! It misses.

ZOO977: Lets go camping right here!

HOMESTAR: I've got the wood!

Click here to
Email Zoo

Easter eggs

You can click on Jango at the end to see the twos belts change colors. they can be:

blue with yellow dots/orange with purple dots

If you wait 10 seconds, the jolly dumple explodes. the screen fades, and the paper reprints, saying "I told you!"

REMADIN: Wouldn't that kill Zoo and Homestar too?
REMOLAY: I sure hope so.

During the inky blackness, click the second line on the paper to see Albino, with a uniform on, tossing items to people at the store, as his "job."

REMOLAY: Worst job ever.


None that I can think of.

REMOLAY: The ominous Western "Bad Guy are Coming" music.
REMADIN: And Tetris. In otherwords, you fail.