(even if you aren't vegan)
RiffText/Wiki User Email Zoo977/super
Zoo is asked what super power he would have if he were a super hero.
CAST: Zoo977, Albino, Wendy, Yvonne
SETTING: The pool room, a blue room, Zoo's room, a white void.
{cuts to Zoo at his computer.}
ZOO977: I wonder what that green thing is.
REMADIN: So do I. Why don't you go investigate instead of checking your email?
{opens his email}
Sup Zoo977!
What would it be like if you were a superhero?
What would your powers be?
Just wondering,
{Zoo bring Zoo977! to script, and erases sup
REMOLAY: What's yo problem with sup?
when reading}
ZOO977: A superhero? There are many possibilities. Lets scratch down to some of the main kinds. First up is the over rated powers!
REMOLAY: Everything but teleportation and Comics awareness.
{cuts to a shot of albino in a blue room}
ZOO977: {voice over} You could fly, {a red suit with wings appears on him} turn invisible, {a purple suit appears on Albino} or you could be the creepy self centered guy {a super man suit appears on Albino}
REMADIN: Maybe Bizzaro...
with cheesy powers!
REMOLAY: Maybe you're thinking of Aquaman? You know, the guy who's useless above sea level?
But, some of the neglected powers are better than that!
ALBINO: Can I do this one?
ZOO977: Fine.
{cuts to Zoo in his bed room.}
ALBINO: {voice over} Some of the best powers are teleportation and super smarts.
REMADIN: I prefer the term Enhanced Intelligence
{a second hardhat
REMOLAY: Incredibly confused. Hardhat and Zoo are entirely different characters, right?
appears wearing a green suit with a brain on it. The other hardhat is in a teal suit} And, teleportation is more practical.
REMADIN: Compared to...?
You would get somewhere faster than flying.
REMADIN: See, you really should have put that in your last sentence
WENDY: {walking into his imagination} Hey, Albino! Where is the soda machine? {a soda machine appears}
ALBINO: Get outta my imagination!
REMADIN: Stop leaving the door open.
ZOO977 IN TELEPORTATION SUIT: Don't yell at her!
ALBINO: How are you talking? You're an example in my imagination! RAGH! {his mind blanks.}
REMOLAY: I am just as confused
{cuts back to the pool room. Zoo and Wendy are staring blankly at Albino. He's on the pool table}
ZOO977: Hey. {takes Wendy's soda, dumps it on Albino, waking him up }
REMADIN: He was asleep?
Dumplestiltskin. Get out of here! You're ruining the email!
ALBINO: Sorry. {Walks out}
ZOO977: And then, there are the cruddy sidekick powers.
REMOLAY: Weasel is not cruddy, he is The Penetraitor!
{cuts to yet another white space. Yvonne is there.}
ZO0977: {voice over} There are some of the dumb powers, like blowing up
REMOLAY: That could be awesome
{a red suit with a bomb on it appears on Yvonne} and acid spit.
REMOLAY: Also pretty awesome
{a lime green suit appears on Yvonne} Of course, not all sidekicks even have powers! {a Robin suit appears on Yvonne}
REMOLAY: So awesome he became a super hero himself
YVONNE: {in the Robin suit} Jolly gee wilickers, Batman!
REMADIN: Please, for the love of Valkyre, never say that again.
The creepy guy started an unoriginal plot!
ZOO977: Exactly like like in the show.
REMADIN: You mean this one, right?
{cuts back to the pool room}
ZOO977: But if I had a super power, it would be teleportation. Man, I could to anywhere in the universe at once!
REMADIN: At Any time...
REMOLAY: Teleportation rules!
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Easter Eggs
- Click on Albino when zoo says dumplestiltskin to see wendy in the jolly dumple costume.
- Click on anywhere to view Zoo walking on the rings of Saturn.
REMOLAY: With his head about to explode.
Fun Facts
- Robin and Superman are both real super heroes. Robin has no super power.
REMADIN: There are four Robin's, one grew up to be Nightwing, one died, one got injured and is now Robin again, and the last was the third guys girlfriend, I think.
- Dumplestiltskin is a reference to Rumpelstiltskin.
- "Jolly gee wilickers Batman!" is a reference to robot chicken.
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