(even if you aren't vegan)
RiffText/Wiki User Email Zoo977/sacrifice
CAST: Zoo977, Albino, Yvonne, Dot, tribal men, Wendy
SETTING: Desert island, the suite main room, a jungle, zoo's computer room in the suite, the ocean
{cuts to zoo on the desert island. his laptops working}
REMADIN: Why would you bring that with you? You got a death wish, kid? {Remolay opens his mouth} You shut up.
ZOO977: Wow. 2 days until Dots birthday, and I'm stranded. {opens an email}
REMOLAY: Zoo is then eaten by Cannibals, the end.
Dear love,
I love you.
REMADIN: Another virus... Whatever you do, don't open the attachment
REMOLAY: Open it! Open it!Meet me 7:00 PM at Domino's.
Your love ;)REMADIN: Oh my god... A winking face? She must be serious!
ZOO977: Um... There are two flaws with your plan. one, I'M STRANDED ON A FREAKING DESERT ISLAND!
REMOLAY: {snores, and is jolted awake} GAH! DON'T FREAKING YELL LIKE THAT!
Two, I'm taken. And before you pretend you are Dot, I think I know her email adress.
REMOLAY: Now... let's see... It was...Awww, shit. that's two now.
{closes laptop} Well, I need to explore. {stands up, walks offscreen.}
{cuts to the suite.albino and yvonne are playing ping ponk with spiked paddles and a bag of nuts over a giant funnel.
REMADIN: They decapitated each other with watermelons for forty days and forty nights, only to discover that they were immortal.
dot walks in.}
DOT: Guys, I'm getting nervous about zoo. Where do you think he is?
YVONNE: He still isn't back?
DOT: No! where do you think he is?
ALBINO: Maybe in another room!
DOT: I checked he entire suite 4 imes. He isn't here.
{cuts back to the island. zoo is using the packy as a knife to cut through shrubs}
ZOO977: Its a good thing I left my swiss army knife at the suite!
REMOLAY: I give up. Wake me when it's over. {Hits head on desk to knock self out, Remadin dumps water on his head and he wakes up} Screw you man.
{the view changes. zoo is cutting into the clearing of a man covered in brightly colored feathers and tribal wear.} Um, hello?
THE MAN: Tola?
REMADIN: No thank you, I'm trying to give them up.
ZOO977: No, I dont like tortila's!
THE MAN: Tola.
ZOO977: A tone of what? gray?
THE MAN: {angry} Tona!
ZOO977: Tone up what?
{two men walk in}
THE MAN: Marshmellow man not respect Tona!
REMADIN: Well then, obviously Stay-puft was a very bad idea when they said "Pick your representative"
REMOLAY: You think they would have learned when he failed as a destroyer.
OTHER MAN: Sacrifice!
REMOLAY: Hooray! Human Sacrifice!
ZOO977: Woah, who the craps tona? The greek god or godess of skin care?
REMADIN: Obviously it's the island native god of fish.
{cuts back to the suite. dot is on the couch jittering.
REMADIN: Too much Caffeine, obviously.
wendy is trying to calm her down}
WENDY: Calm down, dot. Zoo's doing alright!
DOT: How do you know?
WENDY: Come here. I bet he checked the email he got today!
{both weendy and dot walk up to a computer. wendy opens zoo's email adress. an email pops up}
Dear love,
I love you.
Meet me 7:00 PM at Domino's.
Your love ;)
{dot just burst into tears. wendy gets a shocked expression.}
{cuts back to the island. it is now night time. zoo is there}
ZOO977: Great. Dots birthday's coming up, everyones probably worried sick about me, and I'm gonna die tomorrow. I might as well chock one last email.
REMOLAY: Giving up and checking your email is always a solid plan. I recommend you do that next time you run out of air while diving.
{opesn the packy, signes in. an email pops up}
Zoo! How could you? I hope your happy with your new girlfriend! Love never,
REMADIN: Harsh words for something you can not verify actually happened. And that's why I will never give my email password to a girlfriend.
REMOLAY: Have you even had a girlfriend?
REMADIN: I'd rather not talk about it.
ZOO977: {closes laptop} Why? Why do I deserve this?
REMOLAY: Easy, this series exists and decided to go into story arc mode.
I wish I never had gotten that email! {looks at the packy} I have an idea. {puts the packy on the ater, attaches something to the side. he begins to sail off.}
REMADIN: Assuming ater is supposed to be water, in what universe is this a good plan. At all
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Easter Eggs
Clcik on the packy to see the tribal men burning the old paper at the stake.
REMADIN: Alas, poor paper. I knew him, Remolay.
REMOLAY: No you didn't, Shakespeare sucks.
REMADIN: You suck.
Fun Facts
- The reason dot can see the email is because zoo closed the laptop instead of responding.
REMADIN: Or, you know, it could be that email clients don't automatically delete emails that you have responded to, so she could easily see the email if she logged into his email account, which she clearly knows the password to, and this is a run on sentence.
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