(even if you aren't vegan)
RiffText/Wiki User Email Zoo977/Diet
Zoo is asked about his diet.
REMADIN: Remolay, I'm shutting you up before you make a sexist remark.
REMOLAY: That just tells me you thought of it too.
CAST: Zoo, Albino, Dot, The KOT {easter egg}
SETTING: Zoos room, zoos kitchen, culvers,
REMADIN: I suddenly crave Frozen Custard.
REMOLAY: I suddenly crave, like, ten butterburgers.
the king of towns castle {easter egg}
ZOO977: I'm gonna watch Steamboy after this email. {an email pops up}
Dear Zoo977,
What is in your basic diet?
Ice cream? Goats? Total crap?
Or you might not eat, and that's okay.
Dennis Dunjinman
ZOO977: WAIT! If you go dennis, you meet Dennis Dunjinman?
REMADIN: Yeah, pretty much.
Anyways, my diet? Well, lets start off with the basics.
{cuts to a big table}
ZOO977: First of all, theres omelette's.
{Remolay Facepalms. Remadin headdesks}
{albino then puts 5 omelette's on the table} Not that many. {picks up two, puts them aside}
REMOLAY: Pan left to find the King of Town eating said omelettes
ALBINO: And a few glasses of milk.
ZOO977: Right! {puts on 3 gallons of milk, and some huge glasses}
REMADIN: Is there a bone condition for when you get to much calcium?
ALBINO: For a side, you have the normal assortment of fruits. {a dish appears with cherries, watermelon bite-sized pieces, grapefruit, oranges, apple, and bananas}
ZOO977: WRONG! {the grape fruit gets replaces with lime slices} Thats better.
REMOLAY: Strangely enough, I agree here.
REMADIN: Beside the fact that "grapefruit" is only one word, yeah.
ALBINO: And my breakfast... {a peanut butter sandwich appears on the table with a glass of orange juice (normal sized)}
REMADIN: As far as I'm concerned, that's lunch.
ZOO977: Okay, thats not my real breakfast. It also has french fries.
{cuts back to the computer room}
ZOO977: So thats one weeks breakfast for me. For lunch...
{cuts to dot, Zoo, and albino at a culvers}
REMADIN: Zoo is fast on the way to an early death.
REMOLAY: Their burgers become sentient and...
REMADIN: Hush, you.
ZOOO977: I usually have a grilled cheese sandwich. {as he says cheese, a grilled cheese sandwich appears on the table} Then, I take advantage of the prize token by copying it, and printing 9 more copies. {10 prize tickets appear} Then I sell any prize I get.
REMADIN: I don't understand how this would work.
DOT: When we go here, I like to have a butter burger. {a burger appears on the table} But, We don't go here that often.
REMOLAY: Probably a good thing, small girl. Culvers is fattinin' you up so they can eat ya.
REMADIN: This, ladies and mentlegen, is the reason that Remolay is not allowed around children.
ALBINO: I just have the shrimp platter. {one appears on the table}
ZOO977: I usually bring some water to drink. {three small bottles appear on the table}
ALBINO: I like selzer
REMADIN: Seltzer.
water. {one label then changes, and says selzer water.}
DOT: And dinner...
{cuts to a table at zoos house}
ZOO977: We start dinner off with a good appetizer. {a small basket of bread appears on the table}
DOT: Then I serve everyone some penne pasta with tomato sauce.
ALBINO:I always put up some sliced fruits. {pasta appears on everyones plates, and a bowl with fruit appears in the middle of the table.}
DOT: This is our favorite dinner!
ALBINO: Although we forgot the dessert. {a bowl of fruit salad appears}
REMADIN This... is not a bad dinner at all.
REMOLAY: Yeah, they're obviously lying.
{cuts back to the computer room}
ZOO977: Well, dungeon man, we have a pretty strange diet. NO, I DON'T EAT GOATS.
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Easter eggs
Click on the fruit bowl to change between fruits.
Click on goats to see a bonus clip:
- THE KOT: {is sitting in front of a TV, with a goat in front of him.} My favorite! {cuts back}
Fun facts
- Culvers is a fast food chain famous for its custard.
REMADIN: Custard and Frozen Custard are not the same thing
The wierdo's revealed |