(even if you aren't vegan)
RiffText/Wiki User Email Zoo977/jungle
Zoo and most of his friends get lost in the amazon rain forest!
CAST: Zoo, Albino, Dot, Ethan, Larmey, Hammerhead Wannabe, Zachary, Andy, Mandy, Strong Bad
SETTING: The pool room, A hotels hallway, room 1 of a hotel, room 2 of a hotel, Inside the amazon, The hospital (easter egg)
REMOLAY: I think we should just watch for a second and see how this one goes {starts drinking a glass of water}
REMADIN: I've already got my desk ready for the inevitable fail.
ZOO977: I love the smell of a just-baked email pie!
ALBINO: Like this? {holds a pie with zoo's old computer baked in}
ZOO977: Erm... thanks? {eats a bit of the pie} Ew. Its full of broken J-pegs.
ZOO977: Pack your bags! Were going on a vacation to the amazon rain forest!
{Remolay does a spit take while Remadin hits his head on his desk}
REMOLAY: {yelling} How the hell did we get here!?
{all 9 stare at each other, and run off. they return with 3 stuffed bags each.}
{cuts to a hotel next to the amazon rain forest. TEveryone but hammerhead are walking down the hall way}
ZOO977: Every room will have two people, and a pet.
REMADIN: Isn't Albino the only pet?
The terrells will share a room.
REMOLAY: This is probably from my own lack of research, but what's a terrell?
ALBINO: What are the plans?
DOT: In room one, I sleep in one bed, Zoo sleeps in another,
REMOLAY: Wait, so Zoo, a guy, is going to be sleeping in the same room as Dot, a female?
REMADIN: You have a sick, sick mind.
REMOLAY: That just tells me you made the same conclusion
and you {points at albino} sleep on one of the two beds. In room two, Hammerhead takes one bed, Ethan takes another, and larmey sleeps on one bed. We got a special pet’s room for the terrells. Got it?
REMADIN: Yes, who are the terrells? I'm afraid I didn't research this either
HAMMERHEAD: {shows a close up of his face} Got it! {the screen turns 180 degrees, and zooms out, revealing him stuck in the snacks machine} Now can I get out of here?
REMOLAY: It takes a major amount of effort to get in there, you get yourself out.
LARMEY: {picks up a hammer, breaks the glass. Hammerhead falls out} Free snacks!
HAMMERHEAD: Thanks, Larmey!
LARMEY: For what?
REMOLAY: Tonight at the Amazon Hotel...
{cuts to a scene from that night. A mysterious black figure sneaks in, and tears up something from zoo’s wallet}
REMOLAY: The Amazon hotel appears to be a haven of crime tonight.
REMADIN: But how would anyone watching know this? Was it on screen?
{Zachary runs out of the broom closet in the second room}
ZACHARY: Next time, I’m getting my own room!
{a knock is heard on the door}
ETHAN: {still asleep} You’ll get it.
REMADIN: And we will never know why this happened
HAMMERHEAD: {opens the door. Dot, zoo, and albino are all there} Good morning!
ZOO977: Hey, Hammerhead! Have you seen my passport? Without it, We’ll be stuck here.
REMOLAY: Dun dun dun...
ETHAN: {gets up} I’ll get breakfast! {walks up to the busted snack machine}
REMOLAY: Dun dunn DUNNN...
What kinds of chips would you like?
REMADIN: No one would do chips for breakfast! You'd have to be an idiot to... ohhhh.
DOT: What about that camera in our room?
ZOO977: Good thinking! But how do we get it down?
REMADIN: It would be a great idea if security cameras worked that way.
ETHAN: {is heard biting something} Zoo, do you mind if I eat the screws attaching the camera to the wall?
REMOLAY: Dramatic STING! Waitaminute... What?
ZOO977: That takes a bit off our hands.
{cuts to room 1. Everyone is on the ground, except for zoo. He puts a VCR into the TV}
MANDY: Why are we watching a video of your room at night?
REMOLAY: Blackmail.
ZOO977: Someone stole my passport.
{the two turn back to the TV. they gasp, and a rip is heard}
ETHAN: They destroyed your passport?!?
ALBINO: Well, We should be able to lower the suspects to two:
REMOLAY: Kirbychu and Barney the Dinosaur.
Doamor and strong bad.
REMOLAY: Who and Strong Bad?
ZOO977: All I can tell is strong bad is here.
REMADIN: How do you know? He didn't come with you?
But where would he hide?
{cuts to inside the forest}
REMOLAY: Not bloody likely.
ALBINO: The terrells will go right. Me, zoo, and dot will go left. Ethan, Hammerhead, and larmey will go straight forward. Got it?
REMADIN: I agree with violent one.
EVERYONE: Got it. {they all split up}
REMADIN: Albino and Zoo go to the kitchen for a giant sammich
{cuts to the terrells}
ZACHARY: Children, we need to stick together.
ANDY: May I go swimming?
REMADIN: So is Zachary the father of Andy and Mandy, Older brother? I don't understand.
ZACHARY: Just make a boat. I need to think.
{zach sits down as andy and mandy make a boat}
ANDY: Can we go downstream?
ZACHARY: {turns around} You two are geniuses!
REMADIN: I'll say! They managed to make a not bad boat in seconds.
{the three hop in, as the boat goes down stream. cuts to zoo, dot, and albino}
DOT: {looking at a map} We've ventured too far. I don't know how to get back! {calms down} One thing we should do is set up camp. I'll make a tent. Albino, I need you to collect fire wood. Zoo, I need you to collect food.
ALBINO AND ZOO977: Yes, Ma'am! {walk off}
REMOLAY: They fear the power of the...
REMADIN: Don't say it.
REMOLAY: {angrily} ... the one named Dot! I swear, you have a dirtier mind than I do sometimes.
DOT: Lets see... {makes a large ring of rocks, puts some thin yet long logs in a cone insdie it} Base, check. {covers the sides with leaves} Walls, check. {puts tons of leaves over the tent, the supports being four trees around the tent} Rain protection, check.
REMOLAY: What about protection against jungle beasts?
{albino walks back with some thick, dry stumps. zoo is holding fruits and fish}
ALBINO: I got fire wood!
REMOLAY: Too much information.
REMADIN: What was that you said about me having a dirtier mind than you?
ZOO977: {in unison} I got food!
DOT: This is where we will stay.
{cuts over to ethan, larmey, and hammerhead}
HAMMERHEAD: How do we know strong bads here?
REMADIN: This is precisely what I was asking earlier.
ETHAN: I have a sense for that sort of thing.
LARMEY: Is that amine-ly possible?
REMOLAY: {dejected} Oy vey...
ETHAN: Quiet. {puts his hand on the ground} He's to the west.
REMADIN: It must be a superpower
{him, larmey and hammerhead sprint off}
REMADIN: Eastward bound.
{cuts back to dot, zoo, and albino. The tent is standing strong under the rain. under the rain protection, albino is cooking some fish over some burning wood. zoo is chopping some fruit, and dot is working on making the tent sturdier}
DOT: Would you say the tent is sturdy enough?
REMADIN: I don't think it would be a good idea to believe them.
{a few rustles are heard}
REMOLAY: Does that mean you listened to me about the jungle beast protection?
{zoo runs in with the fruit, albino runs in with the firewood and fish, and dot just runs in. ethan pops out of the bushes}
ETHAN: Strong bad might be here. come on, you two!{hammerhead and larmey come out of the bushes}
ZOO977: {pokes his head out} False alarm. {dot and albino bring everything out} Why did you turn east?
REMADIN: Holy crap, I was right!
ETHAN: I have an acute sense of feeling. I thought your footsteps were strong bads.
ZOO977: Anyways, we need a few more tents.
{cuts back to zach, andy and mandy}
ZACHARY: Children, I can smell smoke. We must be getting near civilization.
REMADIN: I though you were looking for Strong Bad
{cuts back to zoo, ethan, dot, larmey, albino, and hammerhead}
ZOO977: It isn't way too bad here!
{suddenly, strong bads silhouette is scene.
ethan see's it}
ETHAN: CATCH HIM!!! {the six run off, and the terrells arrive}
ZACH: A non-populated civilization?
MANDY; Look at this! {points to dots footprints}
ZACH: Good eye, Mandy! {the terrells run off}
REMOLAY: I'm just getting more and more confused
{a bunch of yells and whacks are heard, cuts back to the pool room}
ZOO977: That was not a fun vacation! Although I do feel ashamed for how bad we hurt strong bad.
REMOLAY: It's a good thing no one will ever mention it again. Ever.
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Easter eggs
Cliick on the three tents before Zach yells catch him for then to change colors.
- Red
- yellow
- Orange
- Blue
- Purple
- White and Red plaid
- Green (default)
Click badly to see strong bad in the hospital.
REMOLAY: I bet he has no scratches on him.
Fun Facts
- At exactly 100 lines, This is the longest zoo977 email so far.
REMOLAY: I wish it was shorter
- A J-peg is a kind of image.
REMADIN: If you didn't know this you need to get off the internet
The wierdo's revealed |