(even if you aren't vegan)
RiffText/Wiki User Email Zoo977/cereal
An olive calls zoo a cereal mascot, and zoo decides to make a cereal!
REMOLAY: lolwut.
CAST: Zoo977, Dot, Nicholas, Marzipan, Strong Bad, General Mill Manager (arm only)
SETTING: Zoos bedroom, marzipans kitchen, the general mills headquarters.
ZOO977: I'm gonna need to get some four leaf clovers soon!
REMADIN: Three seasons later:...
REMOLAY: {angrily} No spoilers, I'm doing this as we go along!
Dear honey bunches of oats man,
love, Olivia Cameron
This is not a virus email
ZOO977: Of course this isn't, olive calamari!
{Remolay facepalms}
Or else Edgar wouldn't have stopped him!
{edgar appears onscreen}
ZOO977: {resumes to typing} See? Anyways, "Honey bunches of oats man"?!? Do I look like the smacks frog
REMADIN: Mascot for SUGAR SMACKS, wrong cereal
to you?!? Although I do like cereal! I will have one by the end of the email!
REMADIN: Introduction paragraph: Thesis is horribly worded.
REMOLAY: Does he mean a bowl of cereal, or a Zoo977 cereal?
{cuts to maripans kitchen. Zoo, dot, nick, and marzipan are all sitting down.}
REMADIN: Capitalization, it's for more than just the beginning of sentences.
ZOO977: We are going to need a cereal! So if we want it to be successful, we need to combind our ideas! Any thoughts?
MARZIPAN: marshmallows!
REMADIN: Out of character. Guideline broken, as Marshmallows are not organic.
ZOO977: Into the pot! {holds a pot, filled with marzipans witches brew.
REMOLAY: In what world does this make sense?
zoo throws in some marshmallows}
NICHOLAS: Can I throw a suggestion in?
ZOO977: Sure!
REMOLAY: Dammit.
NICHOLAS: Thanks! {throws a spare viola in}
REMADIN: That's not a suggestion, You just put it in without consent
MARZIPAN: Before we continue, why are we using my witches brew?
DOT: Its the closest thing to magic! Now, we need to add happiness!
REMOLAY: At least they explained it
{throws in some toys}
REMOLAY: This may well be the worst cereal I will ever taste.
ZOO977: And you? {looks at marzipan}
MARZIPAN: If I get to add the body... we will need frosting
REMADIN: What's in the frosting? It can't be regular frosting. I REFUSE TO LET THIS BREAK CURRENT 1.6!
REMOLAY: Okay, when I'm telling you to calm down, you know you have a problem.
and wheat! {throws some wheat and frosting in the pot}
{the pot glows a bright orange}
DOT: Whats happening?
REMADIN: It's gonna blow! Get down!
REMOLAY: It's gonna blow! Stay up!
NICHOLAS: Its ready! {takes a bowl of cereal out of the box. the main bits are frosted wheat in thew shape of pianos, flat signs, and sharp signs. there are multiple marshmallows, all in different colors. they resemble things like smiley faces}
ZOO977: I know who to call for naming help! {opens the window} STRONG BAD!
REMOLAY: Probably wouldn't help.
STRONG BAD: {offscreen} I'm coming!
{a black screen is shown that says 5 minutes later.
REMOLAY: It really took that long?
it fades, to show strong bad has entered the kitchen}
ZOO977: What should we call this?
STRONG BAD: Smiles, classical instruments, whole wheat... Hippie-os!
REMADIN: I approve of this name.
STRONG BAD: Fine! "sugar-os". Happy?
REMADIN: Can't do that, the "Moral Gaurdians" will make you change it.
DOT: {picks up her laptop, and takes a picture of the cereal} I'll make an image for the box!
ZOO977: It needs a retro font.
DOT: I've got the image in... the nutrition facts... blue box... and the title in air stream. All set!
REMOLAY: I would honestly like to see this box
{cuts to dot, zoo, nicholas, and marzipan at the generel mills headquarters}
MARZIPAN: -and thats why you should produce these!
MANAGER: {only his arm is seen} That sounds reasonable!
REMADIN: Seriously, even knowing what's in it?
REMOLAY: They don't care, It's whole wheat and will make them money.
{everyone cheers. cuts back to zoos bedroom}
ZOO977: There, olive girl! We have a cereal in production! Now to get some four leaf clovers.
REMADIN: You know, I think he actually cleverly avoided the Virus email.
{Remolay points a katana at Remadin}
REMOLAY: Alright phoney, Back away slowly and tell me where my brother is.
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Click here to |
Email Zoo |
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Easter eggs
Click cereal at the end to see a box of sugar-os.
Fun Facts
- The smax frog is a cereal mascot.
REMADIN: His name is Dig'em, and it's Smacks.
- General mills is a cereal company.
- Airstream is a real font.
- This email would later be quoted in favorites.
The wierdo's revealed |