(even if you aren't vegan)
RiffText/Wiki User Email Zoo977/Anime
Zoo get an email from a secret admirer,
REMOLAY: In other words, Stalker.
and gets anime lessons.
REMADIN: Can someone even get lessons in grunting while holding a sword?
CAST: Zoo, Kirbychu HR'D {voice over}, Albino, Pom Pom, Coach, The H*R family (those that look somewhat like home star)
SCENE: The tree house, Pom Pom's mansion
{Zoo is panting in a tree house, and a light yell is heard.}
ZOO977: Sorry that I am checking me email up here, but Kirbychu is angry at me. {types in zoomail.exe, and an email pops up:}
Dear Nanny Zoo,
Hey nana!REMADIN: Zoo is not a grandmother.Do you like anime? I love anime
Your secret admirer
{at you, he pulls up the ladder.
REMOLAY: Why exactly do we care?
he stops at do you like}
ZOO977: Do you like... what's that? A mine? A mime? A mini?
REMOLAY: Please tell me you're kidding.
I can't read this. {pulls up a new screen.} How the hack can I read this email, if I can read that word,
REMOLAY: Just call it Japanimation. Nerds love that.REMADIN: Don't tempt him.
secret admirer?
ALBINO: (You can't pronounce anime?)
REMADIN: I'm sorry, I don't speak parenthesis.
ZOO977: What andimintium?
ALBINO: {sigh}(I'll show you.)
{cuts to Pom Pom's mansion. He is in a movie theater}
REMOLAY: Who is in a movie theatre?REMADIN: He is. Obviously.
ZOO977: Good thinking of throwing a wad of cash into the pricker bushes, Albino!
REMADIN: Oh, you did NOT just kill off Pom Pom.REMOLAY: Good job! {muttering} Smug yellow...
Now why are we in Pom Pom's mansion?
ALBINO: (I am showing you a movi-)
ZOO977: Alright, machine time! {puts a silver box on top of Albino.}
ALBINO: Thanks for the translator. Anyways, I'm showing you a video on anime.
REMOLAY: If you needed a translator, then why the HELL did you not do this earlier!?
POM POM: {bubbles. he plays a movie.}
REMADIN: Oh, they really didn't just kill Pom Pom
{"What is anime, you ask? Anime is an -" is heard from the screen, before being covered in chomping. Zoo looks to his left, at Coach Z eating pop corn.}'
ZOO977: What are you doing here?
COACH Z: Worthing the movie, Zoo!
REMOLAY: Don't. It's worthless.
ZOO977: Just concentrate on the movie...
MOVIE: And here is a lesson on how to draw in anime. You fir-
HOMESTAR: {voice only.} So I take some lettuce, and make this shape?
REMADIN: I know this is Homestar we're talking about, but what?
{a Zoo out show the entire home star
REMADIN: 1. Homestar is one word. 2. It would be the Runner family. 3. None of them seem to share a surname anyway
HOMESCHOOL WINNER: Wow, how long has it been since I've seen some of you?
RAFFEDRY: About 7 years!
ZOO977: I'm trying to watch this movie! Stop it!!!
MOVIE: Now that you've learned what anime is, you try drawing an anime picture yourself!
REMOLAY: That would be Manga. Anime is ANIMATED
ZOO977: What?!? I missed the movie?!? OUT!!! Except for you, Homeschool. I will need you to help me with my computer and the glitches it can get.
REMADIN: It can get no glitches, they are already there
HOMESCHOOL: Ok! {stays behind}
ZOO977: What happened to Kirbychu?
REMOLAY: He died a horrible painful death from two sword mysteriously in his back. The bl...
REMADIN: What is WRONG with you!?
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Email Zoo |
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Easter Eggs
Click on the screen at the end too see zoos anime drawing, basically a stick figure with huge eyes.
Click on Homeschools talk bubble emblem to see Kirbychu still chanting outside of the tree house.
REMADIN: When did the chanting start?
Fun facts
Andimintium is a fictional metal.
REMADIN: Adimantium is a fictional metal.
REMOLAY: Andimintium, the first of a line of Unlicensed X-men chewing gums.
The wierdo's revealed |