(even if you aren't vegan)
RiffText/Wiki User Email Zoo977/some fame
Starting next email, I won't use this bar anymore!
REMOLAY: Hear that sound? That's the sound of no one caring
CAST: Zoo977, Vinera, Albino, Yvonne,Wendy, two unknown people
SETTING: Zoo's cruise ship room, the pool room, an art fair
{cuts to zoos room on the ship. he has a cast on his head.}
ZOO977: {to the tune of for the beauty of the earth} Lord of all, to the we se-e-e-end, this our e-e-amil of praise.
REMOLAY: Please... PLEASE! Do a song I've heard of!
{opens his email}
subject: fameREMADIN: Makes a man take things over.Hey, Zoo!
You're pretty popular now, huh?
REMADIN: No.Don't let the fame get to you, though... ;D
ZOO977: Um, don't you mean somewhat popular?
Therefore, some fame?
REMADIN: Makes him loose, hard to swallow?
REMOLAY: Enough with the Bowie.
And whats with this? {highlights ;D}
REMOLAY: Ah yes... It's a winking emoticon, it's used freaking everywhere!
Couldn't you just do this? {presses ctrl-alt-d, and types in w. a winking emoticon appears in its place}
REMOLAY: No. No they can't.
Thats better. {resumes to typing} Fame rushing to my head? Thats happened with me, before.
REMOLAY: That was an unnecesary, comma.
REMADIN:Eats, Shoots and leaves.
Along with a few of my friends.
{cuts to an image like this.}
REMOLAY: Nothing like a broken link.
ZOO977: I have posted this on some yellow space before. If I were you, I would focus your attemtion
REMADIN: Tell me this was intentional, please.
to the right.
{the screen pans to the right. vinera is there}
REMOLAY: Who the crap are you again?
VINERA: I dunno. Your imagination is random. I need an escape from here. Ruling is hard.
ZOO977: You rule somewhere?
VINERA: Yep! Trouble is, I can't escape!
ZOO977: Whatever. please exit through this door. {a door appears. vinera and the zoo walk out of it. albino drops from the ceiling} WAAAAGH!
{cut back to zoo's suite room. hes flailing his arms around on his bed. aalbino and yvonne are there, with a tray of tan cookie. they stare at zoo}
ZOO977: WAAAAAGH! {snifs the air. his eyes open} Lace cookies! {jumps up}
REMOLAY: Would anyone would like to tell me what the hell just happened?
ALBINO: Um... why were you going insane?
ZOO977: Bacause you broke into my brain.
YVONNE: Whatever. Hey, didn't you learn your lesson yesterday.
ZOO977: About what?
YVONNE: This is my room.
REMOLAY: That was only yesterday? Wut?
ZOO977: No, when xaviar was asigning rooms,
REMADIN: This is just bad. Seriously.
he assigned us to the same room. otherwise, there wouldn't be a bunk bed.
YVONNE: Oh. {turns red, leaves}
REMADIN: Well that wen't quite well.
REMOLAY: You'd think they got him and Dot together
ZOO977: I can recall a time when wendy got too big for her britches.
{cuts to a school art fair. wendy is on a bench. two people are looking at a sculpture.}
ONE PERSON: This is one nice piece!
WENDY: I made that!
OTHER PERSON: Well then, yo are a very good artist.
{wendy smiles. cuts to an art room. wendy is working with clay}
ZOO977: {voice over} she then began making plaster sculptures. They were good, until one fateful day.
{cuts to a close up of a well made coffee mug}
ZOO977: This was supposed to be a plate}
REMOLAY: I don't get it.
REMADIN: Is it dialogue or action? I can't tell!
{cuts back the the suite room.}
ZOO977: There you go, Zeeple! Wendy turned from a good artist to a crappy below any grade level artist.
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Easter Eggs
If yo wait 5 seconds, you see a bonus clip.
- ZOO977: {opens up a website} I just hope I didn't forget it!
REMADIN: Epic fail.
- Yvonne references the last email twice.
- The easter egg would lead on to revealing {static} is coming up.
REMOLAY: Don't do that. That's not trivia or anything
- Lace cookies are a kind of cookie candy real life zoo loves.
- The cup joke references the book "I am America! (and so can you)"
- Ctrl-alt-D and W are the key combinations zoo uses most often in fireworks.
REMOLAY: The more expensive version of paint. {five seconds later} Fireworks sucks.
The wierdo's revealed |