(even if you aren't vegan)
RiffText/Wiki User Email Zoo977/larry
Sailoshy asks zoo about enemies, and nearly gets arrested!
REMOLAY: Sailoshy or Zoo?
Cast: Zoo, Albino, Homestar, Strong sad, Homsar, Strong bad, Strong mad, Marzipan, Dot, Larry, Police, Douxregaurd(?), Ethan, child 1-up
Setting: Zoos bedroom, the library, the baseball feild, larry's house, zoos living room, court, jail (easter egg)
ZOO977: I need to check my email more often.
REMOLAY: No you don't
Dear Zoo977,
Have you ever had a very close friend, then you kicked them and they weren't your friend anymore? It happens to me every week.
ZOO977: Only one: Larry.
{Remolay cringes, nothing happens}
REMADIN: I have no complaints right now.
ALBINO: {walks up} Is this going to be another story?
ZOO977: Follow me.
{cuts to albino and zoo at the library}
ZOO977: {pulls a folder off a shelf} I keep all of my folders here.
REMADIN: Why? REMOLAY: It must be pretty well hidden
{opens it. there is a picture of a homeschool wearing a yellow shirt in it, and there is a biography} This is a bio on larry.
REMOLAY: Then why the hell is Homeschool there.
He was my best friend, but a game of baseball ruined it all.
REMADIN: Baseball is serious business.
{cuts to the baseball field. zoo is running to home, homestar, strong sad, and homsar are in outfeild. strong bad, strong mad, and marzipan are on first, second and first. dot is pitcher, and larry is catcher. zoo trips}
REFFEREE: And your out!
ZOO977: Darn it! {kicks some dust, but accidentally kicks larry}
LARRY: What was that for?!?
ZOO977: What was what for?
REMOLAY: What the...
LARRY:' {kicks zoo in the legs} There!
ZOO977: Why you... {the two get into a fight. every one but dot run up to help.
REMOLAY: I'm getting into this. {Remolay pulls out his swords.}
instead, she throws a base ball at larry, but hits strong bad. strong mad attempts to get revenge on dot, and hits homestar, marzipan, and homsar out of the way. they run up, turning out to hit strong sad, larry, and the referee. a big fight starts. police men arrive, and drag everyone away. eventually, a big fight starts between the fans, players, and police}
REMADIN: This, ladies and gentlemen, was forevermore known as the Little League Massacre.
ALBINO: Where was I when that happened?
ZOO977: You were not adopted yet.
STRONG SAD: How old were you then?
REMOLAY: Where'd you come from?
ZOO977: 8.
ALBINO: Why don't you get revenge on him?
ZOO977: Hm...
REMADIN: Begin the elaborate scheme that will ultimately backfire!
{cuts to a silhouette of a house at night. zoo runs in}
ZOO977: Now to be very careful. {walks in. he trips, and turns the lights and TV on} Oops. {attempts to turn off the TV, but trips and pushes the max volume button. he also pushes an arm chair, and everything falls sown in a big crash.} Oh great. {runs into the bedroom. larry's in his bed, sound asleep.} Thats lucky. {pulls out some shaving cream, covers larry in it. douxregaurd rizes from a box} Good thing no ones watching this! {runs out. cuts to his house}
REMOLAY: What the...
REMADIN: So much bad formatting. It hurts my brain.
ETHAN: Where were you?
ZOO977: Never mind that.
{cuts to the next day.}
ZOO977: {comes into the living room} Good morning. {picks up the news paper. gets an uh-oh expression.} Who would do this?
REMADIN: If "this" is what I think it is, you did.
ETHAN: Do what?
{zoo flips the paper around. it shows a picture of larry in his house, which is all messed up. the headline is citizens house sabataged}
REMADIN: Sabotaged.
REMOLAY: I don't think that's right anyway.
ALBINO: Thats awful!
HOMESTAR: {runs in} Everyone needs to meet at the court immediately!
{cuts to everyone at the court}
LARRY: I don't have a suspect, but I do keep a camera hidden at my house! Unluckily for me, it only shows black and white film in it. {he holds up douxregaurd, and removes a camera. everyone gasps} And here is the film! {a screem comes down. it shows zoo wearing a black homestar shirt, and a bag over his head.} So, I have lowered the number of suspects to three. {the lights dim.} Homestar, {a light appears over homestar}, Zoo {a light shines on him}, and homestar and marzipans child, 1-up! {you know the drill.} And I hear that the cheat saw the entire scene! {he stands up}
REMOLAY: Where do we start with this mess?
REMADIN: You can start by handing me one of your swords.
THE CHEAT: (thanks. now, I can reacognise one thing. Only homestar is stupid enough to wear his own clothes, and a bag over his head while sabbatoging something.) {everyone leaves, and come back after 4 seaconds}
REMADIN: Where does he come in? Albino is a lawyer, is The Cheat one too?
HOMESTAR: Thank you, the cheat. We have come to beleive Im guilty. I know, such a rat would do such a thing! {everyone chuckles, the police take him away. cuts back to zoo's bedroom}
REMOLAY: Worst part is, this is completely in character for Homestar.
ZOO977: So there you have it, lynda. And thanks for helping get homestar framed for my own crime!
REMADIN: I can't tell if this is being modest or what.
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Easter eggs
Click on homestar when he says such a rat, to see homestar as a rat.
Click on framed to see homestar in jail.
Easter egg transcrpt
- {homestar is in a jail cell, with a depressed expression}
- HOMESTAR: {sighs} I miss that freakin' robot.
REMOLAY: Even knowing what he's talking about, this makes no sense
Fun facts
A freakin' robot is a reference to the fluffy puff marshmallow commercial.
Thirty to fourty emails after this email was written, zoo reused larry.
REMADIN: {singing} Oh what a joker/ what a funny funny guy/ I'll never forget about Larry/ No matter how I try.
After zoo moved, he realized his view of larrys house was actually a view of his future house.
REMADIN: This probably hasn't happened yet.
The wierdo's revealed |